Forest of Dean (UK): Solidarity still needed at Yorkley Court Community Farm

Residents of Yorkley Court Community Farm would like to say a huge THANK YOU for the support & solidarity received so far…
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Kenya: Six people hacked to death during failed attempt to evict Mengo farm in Trans-Nzoia County

(See video from the settlement here)

Tension ran high on Saturday after six people were killed following an attempt to evict squatters from Mengo Farm in Trans-Nzoia County.

The six were among a group of 40 who had been hired to evict the squatters from the parcel of land which has been marred in ownership wrangles.

Trans-Nzoia County Commissioner Stephen Ikua confirmed that four youths were in police custody in connection with the incident which also left seven homesteads razed to the ground. [Read More]

Russell Sq, London: (A)nti-Social Centre successfully resists eviction, then evicted following morning

Update 28/11, 8am: After an urgent call for support, bailiffs gained access and evicted the space.

Update 27/11: Thanks everyone for making today possible. It was a great success if not a bit of a spectacle 🙂 The new place is incredible and we want to have it up and running and filled with events as soon as possible. Watch this space!! Decent homes for all!!!

Callout 26/11: The Anti-Social Centre is re-occupied territory. A radical space that is home to community organizing, such as the Radical Housing Network counter-conference to MIPIM, Anti-Fascism, squat-network dinners, fundraisers for Zapatistas, No Borders, and more. [Read More]

Milan, Italy: Corvetto eviction of the Corvaccio Squat and clashes against eviction and police

Riots are back in the town! Violent clashes erupted in 2 different popular suburbs ‪”Giambellino”‬ and “Corvetto”‬ against eviction and police militarization (and by Carabinieri too).

On Monday [17th November], in Giambellino eviction of 2 families from flats. Many people has joined the barricades from the popular houses of the area: barricades, clashes, teargas (head height), cops and people injured, cops run to beat people too!

2 people of the neighbourhood were imprisoned (now free!). After this, demonstration of all people started then (in heavy rain) in the suburb of Giambellino. [Read More]

Cardiff: Gower Pub squatters resist eviction

Squatters and supporters at the Gower Pub in Cathays today [November 21st] successfully resisted an eviction attempt. The squatters were told that they were about to commit a criminal offence by staying in the building as an Interim Position Order had been granted by the County Court. The squatters pointed out that the IPO was invalid as there were at least 4 mistakes. This was after the court case the day before in which mistakes in the paperwork were admitted by the judge and the solicitor was asked to take the stand to give evidence under oath to support their claim to the building. [Read More]

Cape Town (South Africa): Running battles rage across Cape’s Marikana

From mainstream media:

Cape Town – Rioters ran through the smoke carrying cases of Coca-Cola after looting a wholesaler in Marikana, Philippi, on Friday morning as the area once again flared into violence while evictions were under way.

At the time of publication, running battles raged across several square kilometres as police clashed with angry residents.
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London: Grow Heathrow eviction Resisted Successfully

Eviction Resisted successfully on Friday 16th August.

From the tower I couldn’t see what went on at the main gate, but the whole site was secured by a good number of folk (50 – 100 odd?) and a local 15 year old d-locked herself to the front of the barricaded gate.

Lots of music and fun was had by all!!
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London: Grow Heathrow, We’re Still Here! But more to come…

Support_Grow_Heathrow_eviction_resistanceWE DID IT, TOGETHER WE RESISTED AN EVICTION TODAY!
everyone who helped resist the eviction at Grow Heathrow, the chefs, live band, bike powered smoothie makers, seed sowers, climbers, people locked on, Jonathan Goldberg for photos, organisers and more…
Unfortunately this is not the end…
The Bailiffs may return any day without warning… to try and evict Grow Heathrow once more… we will need to come together again for this…Email us your phone number if you want to be part of the phone tree or join the mailing list on the website:… info [at] transitionheathrow [dot] com Come down and visit, stay and help the site run… [Read More]

Vienna: Pizzeria Anarchia evicted by tank

Pizzeria Anarchia was evicted today [July 28th, 2014] in Vienna. A tank was used to break in. Fotos below.

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Amsterdam: 16 squatted apartments evicted on Vechtstraat

EDIT story here

Vienna: Resist the eviction of the Pizzeria Anarchia

Pizzeria Anarchia is a Squat in Vienna. Our house. For over 2 years we give our hopes and dreams to the Pizzeria Anarchia. [Previously on feb14 and april14 and may13 and feb13] We lived here together, sharing in our troubles and love. We’ve had discussions, workshops, community kitchen, actions and resistance against the unbearable status-quo of present day mainstream society and state. For 2 years now we have lived without a contract; we are still against entering into one. This condition is of course not accepted by Austrian law, hence an attempt to evict us will be made on 28.07.2014.

We will not leave, we will fight for our house, and we ask you to support us.
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Berlin: Updated 3/7: Fight against eviction of squatted refugee school

Note: This page will be continually updated as events unfold.

The school is now in its 10th day of resistance! Scroll down to the bottom for latest news.

Latest updates on twitter and ticker

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