Lyon: urgent call for solidarity against the eviction of the Feyzin squat

We have just learned that the cops are planning to evict the Feyzin squat on Thursday 16th at 7am. We are calling for a rally to support the hundreds of residents who have found a home there for a year and a half now.
Since February 2020, the former Georges Brassens school in Feyzin has been home to over 200 residents. The owner of the land and the adjacent refinery, Total, has dragged the squat from trial to trial. After appealing the delay granted in the first instance, Total obtained what it wanted from the Court of Appeal: immediate eviction from the site and cancellation of the delays granted.
However, to date, a large number of residents have no alternative housing. Due to the lack of the necessary accommodation places -there is a shortage of 1000 emergency accommodation places in Lyon- and because of the State’s policy of non-accommodation, many people will end up on the street. [Read More]

Montreuil: Le Marbré under threat from September 23 to October 5, let’s get ready!

From September 23, Le Marbré will be under eviction threat by the cops, at least until October 5. Many public events will be proposed in the space on this occasion, to make known its activities and to prepare to resist collectively to the eviction.

Le Marbré, a squatted building in Montreuil for a year, is a space for meetings and self-organization, which hosts daily moments of struggle against all forms of domination.

From September 23, 2021 he will risk eviction by the cops, at least until October 5, when a hearing is scheduled before the enforcement judge (JEX) who could decide to give a delay until the winter truce that was granted in the initial judgment. This would ensure that it would continue until April 1, 2022.

During these 12 days of uncertainty we do not want to be left waiting. Many public events will be proposed in the place on this occasion, to make known its activities and to prepare to resist collectively to the eviction. [Read More]

Saint-Étienne: le Steal, new squatted space

Since Sunday 18 April 2021, we have been occupying le Steal, a former music school in Saint-Etienne, which has been empty for several months and which belongs to the city. We wish to make it a place of struggle, life and discussions open to all.
We occupy this building because we refuse to choose between a growing precariousness and a world of profit more and more dehumanizing, to always more toiling while others amass billions and to rent slums while the city hall leaves buildings to the abandonment. This place is meant to host various cultural and political events and to support anti-capitalist, anti-racist, LGBTI+, ecologist struggles, etc… and therefore open to all people and groups wishing to organize, meet and discuss around them.
We will keep you informed about the next events and we want to keep the communication around this place.
Do not hesitate to come and meet us! [Read More]

Dijon: Ransacking at l’Engrenage

Very early this Tuesday morning, a police force accompanied by an armada of construction machines was deployed to devastate the land on Avenue de Langres that had been occupied for almost a year.
Several bulldozers, excavators, trucks and the DESERTOT company’s manitou were mobilized to try to put an end to the gardens, as well as loggers who were in charge of cutting down the trees.
The municipality deploys the great means. Flowers, blades of grass, everything goes. The will is clear: nothing must remain of what can look like greenery.
This ransacking operation comes at the beginning of spring, whereas for weeks the gardeners had been working to make this place an open and shared place of passage between the residents.

The house located in the middle of the gardens remains protected by a court decision, and will not be evicted today (unless the cops decide to illegally force their way in). It is thanks to the presence of the inhabitants in this house that the alert was given early in the morning. The call relayed by friendly neighbors allowed people to converge in solidarity from the first minutes. They tried to block the construction machines by overtaking the police force that had just been set up. Some people were thus able to reach the house to defend it, while several others climbed on the roof of the house. [Read More]

Dijon: opening of a house for exiled women and gender minorities

A house for exiled people in Dijon

Since Wednesday, April 7, a house located at 23 avenue Roland Carraz in Chenôve has been occupied, with the objective of making it a place of residence for exiled women and gender minorities. Women represent nearly 30% of asylum seekers, but they are still invisible in the media and public discourse.
However, being an exiled woman, and even more so being LGBTQIA+, means being exposed to more difficulties, on the one hand on the migratory routes but also once you arrive in France: precariousness, sexual violence… and administrative violence, inflicted by the whole asylum application process. In the OFPRA offices, among other absurd and painful justifications, LGBTQIA+ people are obliged to prove their sexual orientation or gender, undergoing the heavy (and often impossible) task of telling their intimate story, while possibly not being believed if they do not fit the stereotypes. [Read More]

Lyon: Maria’s trial, call for a rally

Friday April 9, 2021, rally at 8:30 at the courthouse, 67 rue Servient in Lyon.

Through its public landlord Grand Lyon Habitat, the Metropolis of Lyon, held by “the left” and “the ecologists” is preparing to put back on the street the Maria Carré, one of the most populated squats in Lyon. In the writ of summons, they demand an immediate eviction and the abolition of the winter truce, provided for by law to protect the most destitute.

In the midst of this catastrophic sanitary and social situation, while inequalities are increasing and precariousness is on the rise, the inhabitants are threatened, with no solution in sight for rehousing.

The authorities recently forbid any gathering against evictions, rallies against fascism, shamelessly and illegally evicting squats! We must not leave the residents alone in the face of the threats of the Metropolis. [Read More]

Montpellier: The Bat du Peuple does not mind being helped

The squat in the Beaux-Arts district is consolidating. It is useful to bring materials to it. Occupied since the beginning of the school year at 1 rue Substantion, near the Corum, a former garage has become the Bat du Peuple, which is run by people from the former Casa del Sol. Its philosophy remains close to that of the former Casa del Sol, with a clear anchorage in the social movement, for example the movement against the laws of separatism or global security. The references of the Bat du Peuple are rooted in the Yellow Vests movement, and the actions of sharing and food solidarity are at the heart of its practices, with waste recycling, free groceries, people’s kitchen. [Read More]

Briançon: 3+4+2 trial – Call for support, call for mobilisation

Spring 2021 will be marked by two political trials, criminalising solidarity with exiles and people without documents.
On 22 April at the court of Gap, two solidarity activists will be tried in the first instance for “aiding the entry and circulation on national territory of people in an irregular situation”. They were arrested on 19 November while helping an Afghan family on French territory.
On 27 May, the “7 of Briançon” were appealed following their conviction on 13 December 2018. They were sentenced in the first instance to up to four months in prison and eight months suspended for participating in an anti-fascist/no border demonstration on 22 April 2018. This spontaneous demonstration aimed to denounce (with the practice) the action of the fascist group Génération Identitaire present the day before at the Echelle pass (Hautes Alpes) and the big militarisation of these days of the border which puts lives in danger. [Read More]

Dijon: Justice orders the eviction of the Engrenage Gardens in 6 months!

Press release from the Engrenage Gardens

Since June 17, 2020, we occupy a wasteland renamed “Les Jardins de l’Engrenage“, avenue de Langres in Dijon, to prevent the real estate development of 307 housing units “Garden State”, which plans the destruction of this precious natural space.
Without ever having visited the land to appreciate its soil qualities and the dynamic life created in the neighborhood, the Mayor of Dijon launched in August 2020 a legal procedure to evict the gardeners and occupants of the house located on the plot. After having pronounced in November 2020 the eviction of the gardens only (still suspended), the Dijon Court of Justice has just rules its judgment this Friday, March 19, 2021 concerning the occupied house: the judge pronounces an eviction order but grants the occupants a 6-month delay to leave the premises.
We take note of this decision: for us, each day, each week, each month gained in this fight against the destruction of nature, is a victory against adversity. Gardeners at the Engrenage, Dijon residents protecting this space, we will take advantage of the next 6 months to root ourselves even more solidly in this land that we take care of, just like the vegetables that will grow there for a new season in the collective vegetable garden and the allotment gardens. [Read More]

Lyon: Maria Carré trial. Call for a rally. No eviction in the middle of winter!

In spite of the promises of the Metropolis of “no one kicked out to the street”, Grand Lyon Habitat (the social housing provider of the city) asks for an eviction without delay and without respect of the winter truce for the inhabitants of the Maria Carré squat. Several dozen people, including many families with children, are at risk of being made homeless. Call for support in front of the court of Lyon (67 rue Servient, 69003) on Friday 12 March from 8.30 am for the trial.

Through Grand Lyon Habitat, the Metropolis of Lyon, held by “the left” and “the greens” is preparing to put back on the street one of the most populated squat of Lyon. In the summons to the trial, they demand an eviction without delay and an end to the winter break.

This new attack follows a year of harassment by the public authorities against this place and its inhabitants:
broken doors, intrusion and ID checks… the disgusting methods of Grand Lyon Habitat
– in the middle of winter and illegally, Grand Lyon Habitat drills the wall of a squat!
– the cops ransacking garbage containers in front of a building in the Guillotière district and making racist controls. [Read More]

Saint-Julien-des-Points (France): Opening of the Hotel des Ratels!

We are the occupants of the Hotel des Cévennes in Saint-Julien-des-Points (Lozère), a hotel that has been emptied and abandoned for 15 years (bring your tools, there’s work to be done!) that we want to make livable and alive.
In this context of “health emergency” where the government is tightening the authoritarian and security screw more and more, let’s open breaches, possibilities and places to improve our lives.
The building is a big hotel, it could be a multifaceted project, participatory and in connection with the inhabitants of the surrounding area. Come to meet us, exchange, plan together … Any human and material help is welcome, to your ideas and commitment!
We would like a place where the difference and the choices of each person are respected. Thus, no form of oppression of gender, class, race (non-exhaustive list !!) will be tolerated within the building, take care of us ! [Read More]

Lyon: call for a rally to support the inhabitants of the Duracuire squat threatened with eviction

Le Vinatier, owner of the Duracuire squat, building occupied by migrants, is threatening to evict them. Let’s come and support them. Call for a rally on March 3 at 2pm in front of Le Vinatier to support the inhabitants of the Duracuire threatened with eviction.

Do you know the Duracuire? Who are we?

Le Duracuire is the new name of the former Medico-Psychological Center of Caluire, attached to Le Vinatier, renamed by its new occupants. Since December 2019 more than 60 exiled people, most of them asylum seekers, young adults or families with children have settled in the building, which has been unoccupied for several years.
They found shelter here after having endured a daily wandering for several months following the eviction of the Amphi Z squat in Villeurbanne in September 2019, which put more than 200 people back on the street. After such events, the squat of Caluire decided to call itself the Duracuire, not without some humor,
On December 18, 2019, the place was inaugurated with the neighbors. As the building was not intended for accommodation, a lot of energy was needed to make it habitable. [Read More]