Montpellier: The Bat du Peuple does not mind being helped

The squat in the Beaux-Arts district is consolidating. It is useful to bring materials to it. Occupied since the beginning of the school year at 1 rue Substantion, near the Corum, a former garage has become the Bat du Peuple, which is run by people from the former Casa del Sol. Its philosophy remains close to that of the former Casa del Sol, with a clear anchorage in the social movement, for example the movement against the laws of separatism or global security. The references of the Bat du Peuple are rooted in the Yellow Vests movement, and the actions of sharing and food solidarity are at the heart of its practices, with waste recycling, free groceries, people’s kitchen.

A month ago, the passage to court was rather satisfactory, where we noticed a not very vindictive owner. In any case, as for any occupation, this deadline meant a form of stabilization, since it opened the period of judicial instruction, and the delays of treatment which automatically go with it. For the Bat du Peuple, it is therefore the moment to call for any kind of material contribution. Are welcome essentially furniture, tools allowing in particular the manufacture of furniture, which takes place on the spot. Also small electronic equipment that can be repaired.

About the Bat du Peuple… It was initially a project of poorly housed people, precarious, working poor, students, many women, people struggling to survive, etc… who knew each other throughout the Yellow Vests movement. After occupying an abandoned building in September 2020, it has been worked on and made usable to host activities: meetings and assemblies about various struggles, actions of autonomy and food solidarity, administrative support, well-being workshops but also a freeshop and a free library.
All those (“organized” or not) who struggle, cultivate alternatives or weave popular solidarity are invited to appropriate this place. Together, let’s build a place at the disposal of social movements, an inclusive place to serve and support emancipatory struggles, as well as the people and groups that lead them, let’s organize on a large scale solidarity for more autonomy in terms of housing, food, well-being, with all the good wills. Whether we are offering a workshop or bringing a project to life, we want to build together a place that is open, inclusive, and organized without hierarchy.

Bat du Peuple
1 rue de la Substantion
34000 Montpellier, France

Some squats in Montpellier
Some evicted squats in Montpellier
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