Oakland, CA: Squatted Social Center Catches Fire

Squatted social center known as the RCA, part of the RCA/Hot Mess compound, caught fire early Wednesday morning in Oakland, California. It appears that no one was inside at the time, as Sheriffs were scheduled to evict the property the day earlier, although it is unknown if they did. In lieu of a communique from the squatters, the following is from mainstream media outlet CBS San Francisco:

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Dublin: International Squatters Convergence, September 25-28, 2014

Who ever said you can’t squat in Ireland?!
Over the last few years, a blossoming community of squats has been popping up all over Ireland, and we’re learning a lot through our experiences. We want to invite you to Dublin this September to come share your stories, knowledge and experiences with squatting in your communities.

So get ready for a whole feckin’ extended week-end of workshops, skillshares, gigs, film screenings, networking, vegan food, scheming, and perhaps some overthrowing of the state… to celebrate SQUATTING in a world overflowing with tragically beautiful empties! [Read More]

Kharkiv (Ukraine): Opening of a political squat

Statement of the Kharkiv Avtonomous Workers Union members, ukrainian anarchists and anti-fascists about creation of social and cultural center which would help to ukrainian workers who got suffered in interethnic war and other forms of oppressions.

[First published: July 5th, 2014, ru.squat.net.]

Rio de Janeiro (Brazil): Police arrest activists just before the final game of the World Cup

On Saturday, July 12, 2014, the eve of the World Cup final, around 20 activists were arrested in Rio de Janeiro. 60 search warrants and orders for temporary detention were issued against people listed as participants in social movements. So far 20 of them have been fulfilled. Those arrested will spend 5 days in jail. The activists were taken to the Cidade da Policia (Police city) of Rio de Janeiro, a large complex of precincts created to centralize police intelligence and activity. Later, those arrested will be sent to the penitentiary complex of Bangu.
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Amsterdam: The refugee group ‘We Are Here’ opened a new building

2014-07-10 03_Amsterdam_Wij_Zijn_Hier_VlUCHTOPVANG_GEOPEND

Wednesday night (July 9th), after the eviction of the VluchtMarkt, of the VluchtHaven, and the short tent-camp in the Oosterpark, the ‘We Are Here’ group opened a new building on the Linnaeushof 4, Amsterdam: the VluchtOpvang.

The building is owned by the speculator W.M. Honselaar Onroerend Goed BV. The same company facilitated the eviction of the social space of the VluchtMarkt (Ten Katestraat 49) by signing a contract agreement with the owner, ‘Peters and Van der Vloodt’, to develop an hotel. [Read More]

Gent: Closing event for gym – Fight Training Weekend

The Van Monck Autonomous Gym is the first autonomous gym in Ghent. It is a place where anarchists / activists can work to form, both physically and mentally, a strong group who’s able to defend itself.

The gym is a small room with boxing equipment and gym mats. It is an autonomous place, no membership fee, but voluntary contribution. Without leaders, but with shared responsibility. This shared responsibility means that the gym is ran by volunteers, and that everyone has his or her part to contribute to this. Everyone training regularly, has a say on how the club is being runned.
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Vienna: Resist the eviction of the Pizzeria Anarchia

Pizzeria Anarchia is a Squat in Vienna. Our house. For over 2 years we give our hopes and dreams to the Pizzeria Anarchia. [Previously on squat.net feb14 and april14 and may13 and feb13] We lived here together, sharing in our troubles and love. We’ve had discussions, workshops, community kitchen, actions and resistance against the unbearable status-quo of present day mainstream society and state. For 2 years now we have lived without a contract; we are still against entering into one. This condition is of course not accepted by Austrian law, hence an attempt to evict us will be made on 28.07.2014.

We will not leave, we will fight for our house, and we ask you to support us.
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Amsterdam: Undeportables on the streets again…


Half of Amsterdam’s 200 + rejected asylum seekers, will likely be evicted from two buildings this week. In their 2 year long political struggle they exposed Dutch deportation polices as the worst of northern Europe, and stopped even worse policies, generating support from many unexpected corners. But with crucial parliamentarians silenced by social democratic leaders, soon they will sleep rough again, in fear for deportation.

Untill now, unified under the banner We Are Here, they occupy three buildings:

First a former prison, end 2013 turned into a temporary mayer’s-shelter for undeportables, evicted from a squat. During spring the mayor started to arm twist the undeportables into ‘voluntary deportation’. But then the facts about their undeportability started to shine in his face: Deportation destinations were indeed much more dangerous then thought, foreighn embassies obstructed deportation routes, new wars broke out, and many refugees could prove that crucial parts of their rejected stories were indeed true. [Read More]

Demonstration in Calais 12th July

Never again ?!

We thought that we had witnessed the worst in 2009 with the destruction of the Afghan jungle; the mass arrest of 278 of its inhabitants and their coordinated detention across the whole of France. However, this Wednesday 2 July 2014 the state showed how much further it can go. At 6am the CRS, PAF, Gendarme, and the Police Nationale undertook massive coordinated evictions and raids against the migrant population of Calais.
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Amsterdam: VluchtHaven update


Van der Laan have announced that the eviction will take place on Thursday, July 10. He also said that anyone who will be found still inside will be arrested by the ‘foreign police’.

Lawyer Pim Fischer appealed (urgent appeal) against the verdict of the court on the eviction about the Vluchthaven. The verdict and the next steps were discussed on Friday together with the group of refugees living in the building. The lawyer also asked for suspension of the sentence (and thus delaying the eviction) until the appeal will take place. [Read More]

Den Haag: City wants to evict De Vloek on January 5th, 2015


Today, July 2 2014, a process-server delivered a letter from the municipality to De Vloek free space. The letter states that we have to vacate the premises before January 5th, 2015. If the city gets its way, then one of the last squatted free spaces in The Hague will disappear.

The city already let us know in a letter that De Vloek has to move aside for a Top Sailing Center. Currently, this sailing center is located in the Nautical Center across from De Vloek. The Nautical Center, which has been built especially for sport sailing, was completed in 2006 but has been mostly vacant for years. Many other building in the area are also vacant. There is certainly enough room for sport sailing. More new construction is simply unnecessary, and our free space will most likely have to disappear to make room for more vacant buildings. [Read More]

London: Autonomous Sports Clubs

Forced evictions and brutal street murders in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, committed by a militarised police, have typified the ‘preparations’ for this year’s World Cup in Brazil, showing once again that sport cannot be detached from politics. The institution of international sport is an important vehicle for the violent neoliberal project.
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