Amsterdam: Achter Oosteinde 16 squatted. Opening of the Shadia Abu Ghazaleh campus

Pro-Palestinian protesters open Shadia Abu Ghazaleh Campus of the People’s Free University. Around 14:45, pro-Palestinian demonstrators marched from the Spui to Achter Oosteinde 14 and opened the Shadia Abu Ghazaleh Campus of the people’s Free university in a squatted building.
Today, on May 25, pro-Palestinian demonstrators began their protest on the Spui at 14:00. This demonstration moved through the streets of Amsterdam to Achter Oosteinde 16, where the protesters revealed that a squatted building is being opened to the public as the first campus of the People’s Free University. The Shadia Abu Ghazaleh Campus will be a space of resistance where people can learn from each other and teach each other. The campus is named after one of the first Palestinian women to participate in armed resistance in 1967: “She knew the importance of knowledge and education in the struggle for liberation. […] We will create this space in her legacy,” the protesters say.

Full speech:

On this day, day 231 of the genocide happening in gaza right now
On this day, in Amsterdam, we open this building as the Shadia Abu Ghazaleh Campus of the Peoples Free University.

here we want to learn from each other
we want to learn from other encampments around the world,
here we want to learn from people fighting against oppression through time and space
but specifically from those in gaza right now

Our encampments did not last a day, and so we decided to explore other ways. Experiment with different ways of building Resistance.
We are opening this building as a space for us to be with each other. We understand that our barricades will only ever be as strong as our solidarity, as large as our community, and as fierce as our militancy.
And this is what we will be building here.

By opening the first campus of the people’s university we attempt to answer a call coming straight from Gaza:
stop this by any means necessary!
stop the genocide! Stop the occupation!

We understand that in order to free palestine, we must liberate every zone from our hearts and souls to the borders of empire! On this Campus we shall practice the work of liberation.

Shadia Abu Ghazaleh was one of the first women participating in armed military resistance in 1967. She knew the importance of knowledge and education in the fight for liberation. She knew it takes all of us fighting on all fronts. And she embodied that knowledge. We will create this space in her lineage.

But this campus is not the first educational space named after her.
Remember Shadia Abu Ghazaleh school in Jabalia, where last december bodies were piled up instead of books in the classroom. We must never forget them.
We open this campus in honor of those martyred and those still fighting. In everything we do, be that reading a book or fighting a cop, we must carry them in our hearts.
Not only are we fighting for, no we are fighting with them for nothing less than Liberation.

All Universities in Gaza have been bombed, but from their rubble, universities of Palestinian liberation rise everywhere! In the last weeks we have learned more about decolonial practice on the streets than any course could have ever taught us.
Embodying resistance is infinitely more valuable than any study at the Uva. From now on Shadia Abu Ghazaleh Campus is where we learn and where we teach each other. Where we get together.
Where we become even more dangerous together!

Welcome to Shadia Abu Ghazaleh campus!

Free Palestine!

People’s University- Shadia Abu Ghazaleh Campus
Achter Oosteinde 14
1017XP Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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