Hendon, London: Community centre occupied

Squatters have set up camp in an abandoned community centre as part of a mission to prove that “everyone deserves a place to call home”. [Click here and scroll down for video from the corporate press]

The 30-strong group made a name for themselves when they took over Friern Barnet Library and the Bohemia Pub – but now they are back to provide support to those living on the West Hendon Estate.

Tenants living on the estate are being evicted from their homes over the next six months to six years before they are torn down to make way for 2,000 new flats. [Read More]

Redcar, nr Middlesborough: Legal fight continues as Husky claims squatters’ rights after eviction

Campaigners who tried to help a pensioner who was dragged out of his property in an early morning eviction have lodged a legal complaint with council bosses.

John Petch – known as Husky – lived in council-owned outbuildings in Dormanstown, Redcar, for 15 years until he was evicted on Tuesday morning.

Now campaigners supporting the pensioner have visited Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council to hand deliver a letter demanding that the 66-year-old is the legal owner as a result of squatters’ rights – after they allowed him to live there rent free throughout the period. [Read More]

Madrid: Police academy & gear shop attacked in solidarity with La Gatonera

Translation of communique from Contra Info:

Early on Thursday, November 6th, a police and Guardia Civil academy was attacked with stones in the area of Legazpi (Madrid). A message was written: “No eviction unanswered. La Gato resists.”

Death to the State and long live anarchy! [Read More]

Den Haag: December 26-27-28, Action Days for De Vloek and autonomous spaces

Because more and more autonomous social centres are being threatened and evicted, an Action Weekend will take place on December 26-28 in The Hague. The city of The Hague wants to evict De Vloek social centre in January 2015. Sometimes you have to fight for what you love, and now is the time! Stop the eviction of De Vloek, defend autonomous spaces and social centres.

Time and again, autonomous social centres have to step aside for yuppie projects. This year, De Valreep in Amsterdam was evicted to make room for a luxury Grand Café, and now the city of The Hague wants to evict and demolish De Vloek social centre to build a sailing centre. Everywhere you go, beautiful initiatives that have been built from the bottom up have to disappear for yuppies. The world should not revolve around the interests of real estate developers, but around people. That is why we are organising three days full of demonstrations and actions on December 26-28. [Read More]

Dublin: Practical Squatting Nights in Seomra Spraoi!

Seomra Spraoi / Thursday 20th November (3rd Thursday of every Month) / 6pm–8pm

Are you interested in squatting in Dublin? Do you want to meet and network with other squatters? Are you looking for other people to squat with? Do you have questions about the law, or other practical aspects of squatting? Do you need help finding an empty building? Then you should come to Practical Squatting Nights in Seomra Spraoi this Thursday!
[Read More]

Emmen (NL): Squat!net benefit

Huize Spoorloos in the Netherlands is doing a benefit with four bands for Squat!net on November 22nd, 2014.

Huize Spoorloos
wilhelminnastraat 33
Emmen (NL)

Amsterdam: Rent Rebels, screenings and discussion with activists from Berlin

On the weekend of the 21th and 22nd of November we are welcoming people from Berlin to screen with us the very recent film about the Renter Rebels in the Berlin, a quite popular and diverse movement that emerged in the last couple of years and that struggles against massive gentrification and forced evictions of renters that take place at high pace. That weekend shall serve as space for discussion and exchange with the people from Berlin, about experiences being made in struggle, the urban restructuring that goes on in Berlin, and the self-organisation of all kinds of people to fight against it. Besides of being inspirational the events shall also be a space to come together and exchange ideas and experiences related to the unacceptable housing situation in Amsterdam and necessary housing struggles. Descent housing in its various forms and shapes and the city itself is not for profit but for us, the people, and a basic need of everybody independent of social status. [Read More]

About SSL

Dear Squat!net users,

We would like to inform you about our decision to buy a recognized SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate. Most users will be unaware about SSL certificate problems, until they are visiting a website hosted on Squat.net or elsewhere which uses httpS, not http. For example, if you go to https://mail.squat.net you will face a certificate error message in your browser. It took a long time before we finally could make a decision due to the politics behind SSL, which are worth looking into. [Read More]

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Greifswald, Germany: Week of action against eviction

Dear activists, those fighting for housing, Lumpenproletariat,

in Greifswald (Mecklenburg Vorpommern) for an unbelievable 5 weeks a house has been squatted. The fact that this house has been held for so long is due to the far reaching support which we have received from the people and the almost totally positive feedback from the media (Headline “Anarchy for a better future”).
Now the owner wants to evict us even though until now he implied he wanted to avoid and escalation and all the legal steps have not yet been taken. According to the bailiff an eviction is probable in the next
week. After an eviction the owner could immediately tear down the building without permission (as it is a two story building) and dump a new condo complex there instead. Our occupation is the only thing that
stands in the way of a demolition. The house must be defended.
[Read More]

Den Haag: December 6th, demonstration. The City Belongs To Us! De Vloek Will Not Go!

On Saturday December 6, a demonstration will take place against the approved plans of the city of The Hague to evict social centre De Vloek, and for the preservation of squatted social centres in general.

The city of The Hague wants to evict and demolish De Vloek in January 2015 to make room for a sailing center. There is already enough space for sport sailing in the harbor, but De Vloek must nevertheless step aside for the latest prestigious real estate project which nobody is looking forward to.

Even though the plan to build a sailing center for the rich
was not defeated in the city council, our campaign is still not over. The city promised to look for a replacement space for us, but the question remains whether this will happen or whether this space will be affordable. A unique quality of social centres is that financial pressure on projects and initiatives is low, allowing for more freedom for development; freedom that is difficult to find anywhere else. But our struggle extends beyond the preservation of De Vloek. [Read More]

Peterborough: Police say squatters of residential will not be charged as thought they were tenants…

Intruders smashed their way into the home of 101-year-old Peterborough woman – just hours after police had evicted a group of migrant squatters. A rear door had been kicked in and the intruders had switched on the heating, food had been cooked and a window opened at the detached house in Granville Street. [Read More]

Hampstead, London: Squatters kicked out after two-day Bartrams Convent siege

Squatters were forced to leave a vacant former convent next to the Royal Free Hospital following a two-day siege by a private security company hired by the building’s owner.A crew of guards from VPS security firm accompanied by two vans, purportedly containing dogs, swooped on Bartrams Convent Hostel, in Rowland Hill Street, Belsize Park, last Thursday. [Read More]