The Berlin cops, today, 06.10.2021 at 7am, wearing their dirty trash-bag uniforms and carrying shields full of color from the resistance on 17th of June and armed, raided our political structure and living space, Rigaer94. Once again, as everyday, the servants of the state fulfill their commands and obey to the capital. The state guarantees the order of the capitalist system, so to squeeze even more profit from people and their living spaces, gain power over every life, destroy any political idea that fights against them and oppress any individual who does not fit to their plans in this capitalistic, patriarchal and racist society. It is clear that the Berlin cops still work with Lafone Investments Ltd. and are their mercenaries, who execute orders of the plan to get rid of Rigaer94 and so to force the gentrification process of Nordkiez, Friedrichshain – after they lost their last attack on us in June this year. [Read More]
Berlin: Rigaer94 – First statement on the raid of 6th of October, 2021
Florence: house arrests, check-in at the cops, following the events of October 30
At dawn on Wednesday, February 3, the Florence police deployed a vast repressive operation against anarchist comrades, in connection with the demonstrations of October 30, when hundreds of people took to the streets of the Tuscan capital against the lack of economic and social responses to the crisis generated by the Covid19 pandemic.
37 suspects in total, 20 searches carried out, some of them inside the squat of Viale Corsica, 81. 7 people are under house arrest, 7 others are obliged to stay with a ban on moving away from their home from 8pm to 7am, and 5 have an obligation to check-in at the cops. The alleged crimes, for various reasons, include damage to public and private property, resistance, violence and injury to public officials, manufacture and launching of incendiary devices. As a first response of solidarity, in the morning there was a demonstration in Piazza Indipendenza, and at 6 p.m. there will be a rally at the squat of Viale Corsica. [Read More]
Toulouse: police operation in a squat
This Tuesday, December 8th at 6 am, a large police force breaks down the door of a squat in Toulouse, to pick up 2 people and their trucks. We see outside a dozen CRS vans, several OPJ cars, and other hardly identifiable units. They are masked and armed, and about fifty of them are walking around the building. In their words, the objective is “a police operation targeting two people”.
The cops go directly to the trucks of the targeted people who will be picked up as well as their vehicles which leave on two tow trucks.
In addition to filming the entire operation, the cops take pictures of the buildings, the faces of the people around, the license plates, the vehicles and the dogs. Apart from the vehicles and these two, nothing else is taken, they do not search more. In 1 hour the operation is finished and the cops leave.
We’ve heard that the same type of operations took place precisely at the same time in other cities. [Read More]
Berlin: International Call for Action and Discussion Days
International Call for Action and Discussion Days in Berlin 30.10.-01.11.2020
International Demo in Berlin 31.10.2020
Connect Urban Struggles – Defend Autonomous Spaces
Over the last years we experience a global resurgence of reactionary politics. State and capital, in a constant process of intensifying exploitation and expanding repression, used the global capitalist crisis, which started a decade ago, as a chance to further restructure relations of power in their advantage. Their political answer is materialized in a shift to the right, with a political alliance of neoliberal economic policies coupled with strong nationalistic narratives and repressive policies against resistance and progressive movements. The new face of authoritarianism has unleashed an all out attack against individuals it considers unnecessary or those that choose to resist and collectivize against the ruin of their lives. In our current period, states the world over used measures against Covid-19 to extend repression, policing and surveillance against societies. At the same time, the failings of neoliberal healthcare systems have led to masses of deaths and increasing inequality due to access to healthcare. [Read More]
Berlin: Rigaer94 raided. Another eviction attempt
Today at 07:00 in the morning, a hundred riot cops walked over the bicycle rack in the yard of Riga 93 to climb over the fence into our yard one by one. At the same time they occupied the roofs of our block. The cops, along with LKA 5 and 6, then gained access to apartments on the 3rd floor of the front building under the pretext of a search for forgery of documents and others. According to the press, they also searched an apartment on Karl-Marx-Allee.
Contrary to their usual procedure, they refrained from using a helicopter and made no attempt to penetrate the rear building so far. In the meantime, they led the worst traffic lawyer in town, Markus Bernau, around the front building, presumably with the intention of supporting him in legal actions against the apartments occupied there. Torsten Luschnat, who thinks he is our new property manager, also gained access to these apartments. The so-called owner company has already proved several times in court that they can’t really prove anything, not even their legality to take legal action against us. The previous court rulings have dismissed all claims. [Read More]
Rome: About operation Bialystok
Communiqué from Bencivenga Occupato:
And again.
The umpteenth anti-anarchist repressive operation began at dawn on 12 June 2020, in the territories of the Italian, French and Spanish states. In grand style, wearing balaclavas and carrying weapons, the cops searched several houses, seized the usual equipment and arrested seven people, five of them are in jail and two under house arrest.
Nothing new under the starry sky.
The charges that the state moves against them are various, including the usual subversive conspiracy to commit terrorism as well as arson, incitement to commit crimes, etc…
Now, it is not important to stay behind their judicial loopholes, but it is necessary to reiterate that direct action, mutual support, rejection of all hierarchy and all authorities and that the practice of solidarity are an expression of our anarchic tension. [Read More]
Rome: Anarchist comrades arrested. Operation Bialystok, part of a strategy
A new repressive chapter of the Carabinieri from the Ros (political police) in Italy against anarchists, leads to the arrest of seven anarchists who are linked to various insurrectionary attacks… and in solidarity with the imprisoned in the operation “Pánico”.
On this occasion, the version of the anarchist “triangle” going from Greece, Italy to Spain, is transformed into a pentagon, adding Chile and Germany.
The arrested comrades are Claudio Zaccone, 33 years old from Messina, Roberto Cropo, 34 years old from Turin (arrested in France with a European arrest warrant issued by the Rome prosecutor), Flavia Di Giannantonio, 39 years old from Rome, Nico Aurigemma, 30 years from Rome and Francesca Cerrone, 31 years from Trentino (arrested in Spain with a European arrest warrant issued by the Rome prosecutor), on suspicion of forming an anarchic “cell” of the FAI-FRI, based in the “Bencivenga Occupato” social centre in Rome. They are accused of association for terrorist purposes, subversion of the democratic order, attacks against the state and a whole repertoire of acts of sabotage with the alleged aim of reorganising the insurrectionary anarchist movement. The arrests were made with the collaboration of the French central police and the Spanish national police.
The investigation was initiated following the attack with explosives on the carabinieri station of San Giovanni in Rome in 2017, an act claimed by the IAF-FRI, and in which one of the arrested comrades is suspected of having participated.
Five of them are already in prison. When the addresses are made public, we will disseminate them.
We recall that in Bologna seven more anarchists were arrested in the operation Ritrovo. [Read More]
London: Police exploit anti-racist BLM rally to arrest green activists
Three people, including green activists, were arrested by a City of London snatch squad at today’s Black Lives Matter march.
Two who were sitting in Hyde Park in the early part of the day were swarmed by around 20 police who arrested them under a City of London warrant, allegedly over an incident on February 28th.
Freedom has since heard that a squatted social centre in Islington was also raided under a Section 18 search.
The arrests are just the latest of many which have taken place over the course of the last week, as police attempt to keep a handle on a militant mood which has driven large rallies against racism and in support of black lives matter.
The march itself, which was moved at short notice to today following threats from the far-right, was otherwise a success, with thousands of people marching from Hyde Park to Trafalgar square as part of the peaceful protest. [Read More]
Thessaloniki: Two anarchist comrades arrested
In the early hours of wednesday May 27th 2020, in Thessaloniki, Greece, two anarchist comrades were arrested on an attempt of incendiary/explosive attack on the house of Dimitris Stamatis, the ex member of New Democracy (the Greek governmental party) and now president of the Deposit and Loans Fund.
As Greek media report, the one comrade was seen by civil cops passing by and checking the house in Kalamaria district; then the other comrade was caught at the moment he was going to plant the incendiary/explosive devices. The first comrade was caught a few hours later in Thessaloniki, riding his bike.
There was a big police research operation in the comrade’s house, and also in other comrades’ houses. More specifically, 4 squatted houses in Ano Poli district were thoroughly searched and, furthermore, there were totally 10 comrades prosecuted, who were left free some hours later, as nothing was found against them. [Read More]
Berlin: Police raid on Liebig34
This morning 6:30, the police broke into Liebig34 to search evidence and DNA in one room. The reason is an attack with stones against repression forces on Friday night. Soon after many riot police vans and a helicopter arrived, a barricade was burning in Rigaer Street. After some hours police left, no one was arrested. There is a call for resistance tonight and solidarity actions.
Cops destroyed doors and took some stuff. You are welcome to pass by but cops are still around in the area.
Statement from Liebig34:
Raided. Radical. Motivated
Saturday 20.07.2019 Friedrichshainer Nordkiez:
This morning, the cops of the LKA 5.21 unit under the command of Kranich raided Liebig34. Unusual was the saturday, unusual the mix of units from different departments. New were a few civil cop faces, not new: the repression. [Read More]
Madrid: Statement of the anarchist compañeras arrested on May 13
In the early morning of May 13, an anti-riot unit was breaking into our homes and the anarchist space La Emboscada (The Ambush) – three weeks after its inauguration – together with the 21st group of the Provincial Information Brigade of Madrid, dedicated exclusively to spy and hunt anarchists. We were informed that they were bringing a search and arrest warrant for two of us on terrorism charges. During the search, which lasted approximately 6 hours, comrades from all over Madrid came to show their support.
Meanwhile, the police seemed especially interested in taking clothes with them: coloured and black coats, concrete coloured scarves, scarves, flower scarves, specific footwear; they were also interested in agendas, calendars, some notebooks, some annotations, notes between the pages of books, computers, hard disks, memory cards, usb, mobile phones, photographic and video cameras, CDs and DVDs, construction tools and, especially, hammers; as well as stickers, patches and T-shirts of the brand M.A.L.P.; posters and propaganda in relation to the G20 counter-summit in 2017. [Read More]