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Athens: Shots Fired at K*VOX Squat

In the early hours of Tuesday, June 3rd, at about 02:30, unknown people fired at least 5 shots at the main entrance of the squatted social centre K*VOX. Two of the bullets pierced the outer metal blinds, shattering the glass front entrance door. [see photo] Luckily, at the time, no comrade was inside the squat. […]

Athens: Self-presentation video of the Exarchia Self-organized Health Structure, inside the squatted social centre VOX

Exarchia Self-organized Health Structure (ADYE) —psychologist, general practitioner/radiologist, special tutor–child psychologist, gynecologist, speech therapist The Exarchia Self-organized Health Structure is an undertaking created through a general assembly of residents, social projects and collectives that live and act in the district of Exarchia. It’s addressed to the local community of Exarchia, doctors, psychologists, nurses, pharmacists, but […]

Athens: Banner-action at Villa Amalias

The banner reads: “Our dreams will become your nightmares. Empty homes belong to us. Villa Amalias” Below is a text by the Villa Amalias collective.

Greece: Athens Indymedia and 98FM are back online

Since the morning of April 22nd Athens Indymedia and the self-organised radio station 98FM are back again. The Refectory of Athens Polytechnic (NTUA) is occupied by people who set up again the Athens Indymedia server.  There is a call for solidarity demonstrations on April 25, 2013 in Monastriaki square at 18:00. The following statement was […]

Athens: Attempted reoccupation of Skaramaga squat ended up with mass detentions in the area of Exarchia and one comrade faced with misdemeanor charges

A two-day event in solidarity with all squats, self-organized projects and self-managed structures of counter-information (targeted by repression ever since the first police raid on Villa Amalias squat on the 20th of December 2012) was called for the 15th and the 16th of February 2013 in the Athens Polytechnic School, in Exarchia.

Athens: ‘Thirty years of squats: The social and political projectuality of squatting, yesterday, today, tomorrow’

On Thursday evening, February 7th, an event-discussion took place in the occupied social centre VOX in Exarchia with participants in squatting projects of the past and the present in Athens, such as Valtetsiou (1981), Charilaou Trikoupi (1985), Lelas Karagianni 37 (since 1988), Villa Amalias (1990), Fylis and Ferron (1991), Alkamenous (1993), Ano-Kato Patission (since 1996), […]

Berlin (Germany): Spontaneous demonstration in solidarity with squats in Athens

We forward a communiqué related to a spontaneous demonstration in the streets of Kreuzberg, Berlin, and send comradely regards: On the January 17th a spontaneous demonstration in solidarity with the squats in Athens took place in the streets of Berlin-Kreuzberg. At 8 pm around 50 people gathered to show their solidarity with Villa  Amalias, Skaramanga […]

Athens (Greece): K-Vox solidarity demo, February 2nd

Part of the constant flow of solidarity demonstrations with squats that happen on a near-daily basis across the entire country. Demonstration in solidarity with K-Vox [the occupied anarchist social centre by Exarcheia square]. Hands off occupations. Saturday Feb 2, noon, Exarcheia square. Signed by the K-Vox solidarity innitiative [Occupied London]

Athens: Police raid Greece’s oldest anarchist squat. Lelas Karagianni re-occupied

On January 15th, at about 12.00pm, cops raided Greece’s oldest anarchist squat, Lelas Karagianni 37. Solidarians and neighbours gathered at Amerikis square and then outside the squat, trying to prevent the eviction. There were several comrades on the rooftop of the building chanting slogans, who were caught by the police. Also, two solidarians were beaten […]

Athens (Greece): Updates on the 92 arrestees of the re-occupation of Villa Amalias squat

Timeline from Contra Info, see Athens Indymedia for pictures from solidarity demo that reached the area of Evelpidon courts. [15.36pm] Since the morning of January 12th, few hours before a large solidarity demo took place in downtown Athens, the 92 arrestees from the re-occupation of Villa Amalias were brought before an interrogating judge in the […]

Athens (Greece): 10,000 people march in solidarity to Villa Amalias and against state fascism

Today takes place a 10,000 people demonstration in solidarity to the 92 people arrested on Wednesday after the re-eviction of Villa Amalias and against the state-run fascism. The demonstration started from Propylaea of Athens University and marched via Patision avenue to the courthouse of Evelpidon where they remain waiting for the decision of the attorney […]

Athens (Greece): Villa Amalias, Statement by the 93 arrested from inside the police HQ

“We will do it again, as many times as it takes”  Nothing less than our non-negotiable position for social spaces that we support and they support us in return. Nothing other than what we say and what we do all these years in squats, in self-organised spaces, in demonstrations, at strikes and in the streets. […]