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Greece: City Plaza Hotel Athens

A refugee-housing squat as an example of how to fight social struggles together on a daily level and for another tomorrow. „The City Plaza squat at 78 Acharnon celebrates its first month. The hotel now houses refugee families totalling 385 people, including 180 children. These include 22 single parent families, as well as people with […]

Athens: Refugee Accommodation Centre City Plaza

Since the morning of 22/4/2016, the abandoned Hotel “City Plaza” in Athens has been turned into an Accommodation Centre for Refugees. Currently refugee families from different nationalities, together with hundreds of people of solidarityare working collectively for the cleaning, repairing and organization of space, so that it can open soon as a project of self-organization […]

Athens: Gesture of solidarity with the squatters in Vancouver Apartman

Late in the evening of March 13th 2016, the Vancouver Apartman building which is squatted for a little over a decade came under attempted arson attack, when a Molotov cocktail landed in front of a door on Mavromataion Street. At a time when the anarchist squat in Vancouver Apartman building is threatened with eviction, because […]

Athens: Fascist Molotov Attack at Vancouver Apartment Squat

On Sunday, 13/03, at Vancouver Apartment Squat we got attacked with a Molotov cocktail by the local fascist group A.M.E. The group published a text on their blog, taking the responsibility and treating that they will come back. They didn’t reach their goal because no damages were done as the bottle failed to set the […]

Athens: Announcement of the occupation at Gini Building in Athens Polytechnic

On Monday afternoon 29/02/2016, after an initiative of Themistocleous 58 squat and with collaboration with solidaritarians, we occupied the Gini building at Athens Polytechnic, in order to provide shelter to refugee families that at this moment are being tossed at Victoria Square. We invite groups, collectives and individuals to support effectively the occupation for the […]

Athens: Molotov attack against Zaimi 11 squat in Exarchia

In the early hours of Tuesday, February 16th 2016, at around 04:40am, the squatted Polymorphous Action Space of Anarchists Zaimi 11 was attacked by unknown persons with two Molotov cocktails, one of which burst against the front door and the other in the front part of the yard. No material damages were caused, because the […]

Exarchia (Athens): Update regarding the first month of operation of Themistokleous 58 Squat

During the previous month, Themistokleous 58 Squat participated in a series of actions/demonstrations: On January 16th 2016, we took to the streets for the first time with a distinct bloc of nearly 30 individuals at the rear of the demonstration in memory of Shahzad Luqman in the Athens neighbourhood of Petralona. Slogans in various languages […]

Athens: New squat in Themistokleous St. 58 in Exarchia

In the evening of Sunday, January 10th 2016, we occupied the empty building on Themistokleous St. 58, in Exarchia, Athens. The intention is to open up a place where migrants who are blocked here in Greece, because of the European migration policies, can live and self-organize free from state control. We are a group of […]

Greece: The occupied refugee center Notara26 in Athens

We had the opportunity of making an interview with two activists of the occupied and self-organized refugee center Notara26 in Athens, Greece. The comrades tell us about the origins and ideas of their center as well as of the anarchist influence and importance of the Exarchia neighborhood. They also comment on the topic of governmental […]

Athens: Solidarity with the C.O.S.A squat in Portugal, threatened with eviction

The C.O.S.A squat in the city of Setúbal, which had its 15th anniversary this month, has received an eviction threat.* During the night of October 20th 2015, and as a first response to this bad news, we hung a solidarity banner at the Athens Polytechnic School, on Patission Street in the centre of Athens, reading: […]

Athens: Housing Squat for Refugees, Notara 26

Produced by Elena Askløf and Peter Laugesen / Our Europe.

Athens: Announcement by Kouvelou squat

Today, August 1st, one hundred Golden Dawn members attacked our squat, the Epavli Kouvelou, with the tolerance of the Greek police. This was not a random incident, but rather happened during their planned motorized demo which started from their now-closed offices in Neo Irakleio, and headed to their new offices in Maroussi. Thirty comrades were […]