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Athens: 400 refugees, 7 floors, 1 home – Solidarity space City Plaza Hotel

Since 2015 and the emergence of the refugee movement to Europe, Greece has become a major stopover on the journey of people seeking a better and safer life. Thousands of immigrants from Syria, Kurdistan, Iraq, Afghanistan and other war zones have abandoned their homeland in search of a new home, where their life and freedom […]

Athens: Trial against activists who re-occupied Villa Amalias begins

On January 9, 2013, 93 anarchists fight their way in against riot cops in and re-occupied Villa Amalias, after it was evicted on December 20th, 2012. After more than 4 years, the trial against the 93 anarchists will start on March 28th. On December 2012 as part of a far-right delirium, the State targets Squats […]

Athens: Repression against Villa Zografou. It concerns you

Statement by the assembly of Villa Zografou and supporters after the eviction on March 13th in Athens, Greece. 1. Because you have been and you are still paying for it. 50% of the Villa Zografou estate was bought with an illegal loan in 2006 amounting to €19.000.000 (excluding interest). A loan which was legalized in […]

Athens (Greece): List of needs of Themistokleous 58 squat

After more than a year of existence, Themistokleous 58 anarchist squat and housing project for people with and without papers in Exarchia, downtown Athens, still needs some very practical solidarity to stay functional. Here goes our current list of needs. Food supplies: Oil (olive oil/corn oil), rice, pasta, tomato sauce, beans, lentils, chick peas, eggs, […]

Athens: Eviction report

Following the raids on squats and the evictions (previously on s!n), some 60 people have been moved to other squats, after spending hours in police station and rejecting the offer to be transferred to one of the camps nearby Athens. Many experienced life in camps before, and they choose no to go back but rather […]

Athens: Two social centres under attack

The repression of social liberation movement and the destruction of the occupied spaces of refugees and immigrants will not be left unanswered. The Greek Left government chose at the dawn of 13/03/2017 to listen to the commands of the conservative right and the neo-liberal Media of Mass Manipulation and attack against two occupations of the […]

Athens: Exarchia, one Year Themistokleous 58 Squat

On January 10th 2017, Themistokleous 58 Squat in Exarchia completed one year of activity. During this year our squat took a series of initiatives towards intensifying social war, and participated in numerous actions in support of projects and individuals targeted by repression of all authority. We have put forward internationalist anarchic solidarity between rebels, believing […]

Athens: Announcement of Squat Notara 26 about the attack of August 24th

On Wednesday August 24th at 3:45 a.m. the Housing Squat for Refugees and Migrants Notara 26 received an incendiary attack. The acting method of the arsonists we consider to be a clear murderous act, organised with the goal to cause – apart from the serious material damage – also loss of human lives. The timing […]

Athens: Responsibility claim for the execution of mafioso Habibi in June

We take the responsibility for the execution of mafioso Habibi, who for years now was in the forefront of violent incidents towards residents and regulars in the area of Exarhia, culminating in the murderous attack on three comrades of the occupied social centre VOX, last month. The paranoid character of this specific individual and the […]

Exarchia, Athens: Statement by Kleous 96

On June 8th 2016, we occupied a building on 96 Themistokleous Street in Exarchia with the aim of building a community based political space. As a diverse group with a variety of backgrounds we were aware that although we had many common goals and the same political strategy, we disagreed on tactics and levels of […]

Greece: Refugee-Squats in Athens

The recent developments in Athens are marked by a retreating state, overwhelmed by the task of implementing the EU-Turkey deal as well as the obligatory provision of accommodation and nutrition to ~57,000 ‘persons of care’. In the city of Athens, the everyday subsistence of people, who planned to merely pass through Greece on their way […]

Athens: Kleous 96 squat in Exarchia raided by cops; 3 arrested; house re-squatted

A privately-owned building located on 96, Themistokleous Street in the neighbourhood of Exarchia was squatted just a few days ago. On June 14th 2016, the new Kleous 96 squat was raided by cops. Three squatters were arrested and taken to Athens police headquarters. Later the same day, the building was re-squatted. Statement by KLEOUS 96 […]