Bath (UK): New address for the Black Cat social centre

20 feb. 2010

Hi All !

Just to let you know that Bath’s premiere occupied community social centre, the Black Cat Centre is now happily settled in to its new home, and the address is:

Unit 3A
Riverside Business Park
Lower Bristol Road

The best way to spot the place is looking for a red door opposite Pickfords on Lower Bristol Road, although we’ll have a Black Cat sign up soon.

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Oslo: New collective eko-house


Oslo, freday 5 february 2010,

Dear neighbours, Nordmarka – and Maridal – friends,

Today, we started to live in several of the old houses at Skar in Maridalen, Oslo.

Before there lived 60 people, but now it is empty longer than 5 years and not in use by the owner. Left without control over the environment and deserted.

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Madrid: El Patio Maravillas has been evicted

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Police in the spanish capital have moved against El Patio Maravillas, a building which has been occupied by squatters since 2007, “Typically Spanish” reports:

A similar action last year failed because of public resistance. What accounts for the difference this year, I don’t know.

The squat apparently was a popular and busy cultural center, but people who lived nearby on Calle del Acuerdo in the university neighborhood called Malasa? routinely complained about noise.

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On December 31st 2009, a judge of the Brugge court ruled that the eviction notice passed against the occupiers of 2002 may still be used to evict the present occupiers of the Lappersfort forest in Brugge, Belgium. On Tuesday last week, a representative robot from Fabricom GTI was quoted in the media saying that they would follow the judicial path, and were planning to sit down and discuss the eviction with the Brugge police. This claim that they will follow the “legal” path isnt something we’re relying on, and we are expecting an eviction any day now. This morning (Thursday 7th January, 2010), the police snipped open part of our fence and broke their way in to the forest. Four of them had a little piggy tour, taking photos and being generally mysterious and stupid. One of us heard them sneaking around in the night, which means they must have cut the fence at night then snuck in during the morning. As the police start doing such things here, and the fact that Fabricom Suez already has an eviction notice, can only make us think that the eviction is just around the corner…..

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Accra (Ghana): Fire in Sodom & Gomorrah

December 24th, 2009

The Accra squatter community known as Sodom & Gomorrah has had its fourth fire of the year [on december 22nd, 2009]. This one claimed 2,000 structures, but no lives, Joy Online reports:


The squatters “had difficulty accessing water to bring the fire under control, because some of the [water] pipelines had been disconnected because they had been illegally connected”, the article reports.

This, of course, is a form of official discrimination against these communities. Don’t provide water and don’t allow illegal connections to function either. This policy marks a war of attrition against squatters.



St. Petersburg (Russia): Black Hole squat evicted

“Black hole” was a living squat, five rooms in a big 4 store building. It was squatted in April and evicted in end of November [2009]. 6-7 anarchists were living in the squat together with Kostya, a migrant worker from Belarus who originally lived there on his own but then together with anarchists.

There were constant problems with electricity, which was taken from neighbours but constantly cut off. Eventually most of the people had to leave squat in November because of this. Eventually police came with city workers in end of November, they broked door to the street and blocked it with bricks. There was only one person in the squat, who had to escape in order not to get arrested. Cops and workers stole some of the property.

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Keratsini (Greece): March for Resalto

More than a thousand march in Keratsini in solidarity to the 21 comrades arrested during the police raid on Resalto, the anarchist social centre of the proletarian suburb of Peiraeus.

More than a thousand protesters marched on Saturday afternoon [December 19th, 2009] in the industrial proletarian suburb of Peiraeus, Keratsini, against state terror and the police invasion of Resalto, the local anarchist social centre two weeks ago which resulted in the arrest of 21 people who are being accused of preparing explosives for… some empty beer bottles and a few litters of heating kerosene found in the remises. Initially the state accused the arrested for terrorism but the state interrogator subsequently dropped the charges. The invasion of the 4th of december had resulted to a sponteneous local attack against the police forces guarding the centre a few hours later and to the occupation of the Keratsini city hall which was too invaded by the police with 42 people arrested despite the opposition of the mayor, the local council and the lawyer association of the town who have subsequently published official decisions condemning the repression.

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Netherlands: Kraakverbod, the new anti-squatting law

Kraakverbod the new law forbidding squatting in the Netherlands.

In 2008 three political parties (CDA, ChristenUnie and VVD) began working on the new law “Kraken en Leegstand Wet”. It aims to completely criminalizing any and every form of squatting in the whole country. On the 15th of October 2009 the Dutch parliament (Tweede Kamer) voted in favour of the new law. The parties that supported this squatting ban were VVD, ChristenUnie, SGP, CDA, PVV and the independent member of the parliament Rita Verdonk.

For the new law to be passed the senate (Eerste Kamer) still has to vote on it. This voting is going to take place on the 1st of December this year. After that the new law only needs the Queen’s signature to become reality. This would most likely happen before the 1st of January 2010.

What exactly does this law say?

In general you can split it into two parts.

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London (UK): Rampart has moved to the Lift n’ Hoist in Walworth

Following the eviction of Rampart, the collective has now moved to the Lift n’ Hoist at 1 Queens Row in Walworth SE17

Our website is now at

Priests and Chainsaws Revisited

At 5am on Thursday, 15th October, 2009, the rampART Creative Centre and Social Space was evicted by 45 police with chainsaws and, remarkably, a Church of England vicar. Three people and a dog were inside.

The eviction marks the end of nearly five and a half years of occupation, during which rampART has served as a landmark for the social centres movement in London and a venue for a diverse range of events including political meetings, workshops, info cafes, fundraising parties and the London Freeschool.

The eviction, significantly, happened on the same day that Non Commercial House, a freeshop operating out of a building in nearby Commercial Street, lost their case against eviction and a week after the collective occupying 2a Belgrade Road in Stoke Newington successfully defended the space from eviction by council bailiffs.

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Torino (Italy): Evictions = Riots

Evictions means riots: Update on recent events in Turin.
Translated from

Thursday 10 december 2009 – today’s events: The forces of repression (the same police, carabinieri, and civvies as always) evicted Ca’neira at 6:25am; at 6:45am these forces of disorder had arrived at L’ostile too. The “ostiles” got up on the roof and a rally (around 100 people) took to the streets in solidarity, and blocked Corso Vercelli, stopping the cherry-pickers from getting in, and leading to the first police charge. Out shopping, a woman from the neighbourhood went to buy cigarettes and got beaten across the back and legs for her trouble. (People from the solidarity demonstration took her to hospital).

19.00 A new Ca’neira is born and evicted again before 20:00 with excessive force, following resistance on the roof by some of the squatters and others chaining themselves to the windows; four people are taken to the police station in Via Grattoni and released around 23:00.

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Missing friend since October 2009


My good friend Emil is lost since october 2009… hitchiking from Warzava to Berlin.

Maybe it is possible to post the link to the blog created to help us find him. There is some info and some contacts in some languages: English, Polish, German, Spanish and so on… [Read More]

Berlin (Germany): Call for Action! Whether Erfurt, Hamburg, Vienna, Magdeburg, Münster, Wilhelmshaven, Oldenburg, Prague, Lodz, Berlin or Dresden – it is the same shit, the same repression everywhere…

December 2009! Our Utopias versus your Profits! Action month for autonomous free spaces and against repression! Time has come for an uncontrollable movement…

This is an appeal/invocation to all of you who have been affected by repression and foreclosure(exclusion) or who feel solidarity for those who have, to all small groups and left communities/, artists and activists. It goes out now because the last weeks have been very tumoultously, so many things were happening, not just in Berlin, but also in many other cities and countries. It’s almost the same procedure over and over again: The minute people allow themselves room for a free space to work collectively on new ways of living and fighting together, State is fighting back with Its repression organs. Evictions, arrests and law cases turn up on the pale. No matter if it’s Erfurt, Magdeburg, Berlin, Hamburg, Dresden or Oldenburg: in the capitalist reclamation logic there is no space for free space. We have had enough of it – so now it’s time to fight back together!

The situation in Berlin…
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