Oslo: New collective eko-house


Oslo, freday 5 february 2010,

Dear neighbours, Nordmarka – and Maridal – friends,

Today, we started to live in several of the old houses at Skar in Maridalen, Oslo.

Before there lived 60 people, but now it is empty longer than 5 years and not in use by the owner. Left without control over the environment and deserted.

For the moment, there are no realistic plans and concrete results that can change this situation in the near future.

The owner is Oslo Kommune, By – og Fornyelseetaten.

We are a group of young environmentally active people, who has followed this development with big concerns.

Now, we have taken these houses in use as our home, to find a solution for our housing-crisis and to stop the current process of anbandonment and destruction. Folk trenger hus, hus trenger folk.

We have the opinion that our living in the houses is good for the interests of the owner, Oslo Kommune.

By living in an ecological way, we take care for the terrain, its monumental houses, the environment and safety of the drinkingwater. To be able to live here responsably, we have installed firealarms and fireextinguishers, an ecotoilet and waterfilters, use ecologicalsoap, totalrecycling garbage and we will not accept cars on the terrain. This to secure zero-emission.

We start to live here as a small bokollektif with 20 persons, only in the 6 homes on a small part of the terrain.

With our Bokollektif, we try to make a positive contribution to the community. We have opened an ecological infocafe where people can meet, organise cultural-, art-, nature-exhibitions and other activities. And in summer we will start an ecological garden and solarpanelproject.

We want to support and work together with the neighbourhood and interest-organisations for the further development of the rest of the terrain.

If you have ideas or questions, want to help or support; we want to invite you for dialogue on the information-meeting Sunday 7 February 2010, kl 17.00.

We want to welcome you to come and have a cup of coffee at our infocafe, meet people and have a talk.

We hope to have given enough information.


skarkollektiv at gmail.com

Eko Bokollektif Skar


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