Budapest: Thirty housing rights activists arrested

On the 19th January 2013, homeless activists and their allies squatted an empty building in the 7th district of Budapest. The squatters demanded the institutionalization of a right to housing and an extensive system of social housing instead of punitive measures and overcrowded shelters. The activists were arrested and now face misdemeanor charges because of disobeying police instructions.
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Zagreb (Croatia): Squat solidarity action on The square of victims of fascism

Zagreb_AntiFa_Solidarnost_Atena-77 Saturday January 19th 2013, Solidarity action took place in Zagreb in support of these spaces: Villa Amalias, Skaramanga, Radio 98FM (Greece), SJZ, LIZ (Germany), the ZAD (France) and the Assentamento Milton Santos (Brazil). Wagenburg Atlantide.
Stop threats, fascist attacks and evictions!

ReciKLAONICA squat, Zagreb, Croatia,

London: 491 Gallery Closes

On January 14th, 2013, the 491 Gallery closed its doors for the final time.

It is now in the possession of its new owners, who intend to demolish it and build a generic block of flats. Its sister building, Vertigo, will remain. The contents of the community garden are currently subject to a preservation order, and are being transferred to a new community garden on the other side of the railway bridge.

Our home may be gone, but the family we created will live forever. Thank you everyone for twelve incredible years. You made it what it was. [Read More]

Brighton (UK): Solidarity action with the recent wave of attacks on squats in Greece

Communique originally sent to Act For Freedom Now:

In the early hours of January 16th 2013 we found a suitable canvas to express our rage and solidarity with the recent wave of attacks on anarchist/autonomous spaces in Greece.

On the pristine white wall of the Halifax bank on London Road (central Brighton) we painted “Solidarity with squats in greece” in large green letters, accompanied by A.C.A.B, a large squatter symbol and circled A in black paint. This is only a small expression of our desire to strike back in what are difficult and oppressive times for all of us. Unfortunately we do not have any pictures of our art. [Read More]

Köln (Germany): Solidarity with Villa Amalias, Skaramaga, radio 98FM (Greece), SJZ, LIZ (Germany), the ZAD (France) and the Assentamento Milton Santos (Brazil)

dear beloved friends of all squats and self-organised spaces,

we are absolutely impressed by the 10000+ people that have been on the streets last saturday in athens and other cities[1], showing their solidarity with all squats and self-organised spaces, with the 92 prisoners of the evicted and re-squatted Villa Amalias[2], the evicted Skaramanga squat[3] and the evicted pirate radio 98FM.. massive! [Read More]

Athens: Police raid Greece’s oldest anarchist squat. Lelas Karagianni re-occupied

On January 15th, at about 12.00pm, cops raided Greece’s oldest anarchist squat, Lelas Karagianni 37. Solidarians and neighbours gathered at Amerikis square and then outside the squat, trying to prevent the eviction. There were several comrades on the rooftop of the building chanting slogans, who were caught by the police. Also, two solidarians were beaten by cops on the street and detained as well. Heavy repressive forces were deployed downtown, plus a police helicopter.

Soon thereafter, more people were assembled near the evicted squat. A gathering was called for 15.00pm outside the police headquarters on Alexandras Avenue, in solidarity with the 14 squatters who were arrested from inside Lelas Karagianni, and a discussion was announced for 19.00pm in the Athens Polytechnic (entrance from Stournari street).

All of the arrested comrades were released at about 17.00pm, cops left the vicinity of the squat, and Lelas Karagianni 37 was reoccupied! [Read More]

Athens (Greece): Updates on the 92 arrestees of the re-occupation of Villa Amalias squat

Timeline from Contra Info, see Athens Indymedia for pictures from solidarity demo that reached the area of Evelpidon courts.

[15.36pm] Since the morning of January 12th, few hours before a large solidarity demo took place in downtown Athens, the 92 arrestees from the re-occupation of Villa Amalias were brought before an interrogating judge in the Evelpidon courthouse. Approximately 25 comrades have been released so far, without monetary bail but under the restrictive term to sign up at a police station once a month. The court proceeding will be long.

Meanwhile, solidarity actions for squats and liberated spaces took place in various Greek cities, e.g. in Thessaloniki, Patras, Chania, Rethymnon and Heraklion (on Crete), Mytilini (on Lesvos), as well as on Naxos. [Read More]

Athens (Greece): 10,000 people march in solidarity to Villa Amalias and against state fascism

Athens_greece_demonstration_in_solidarity_with_squatsToday takes place a 10,000 people demonstration in solidarity to the 92 people arrested on Wednesday after the re-eviction of Villa Amalias and against the state-run fascism. The demonstration started from Propylaea of Athens University and marched via Patision avenue to the courthouse of Evelpidon where they remain waiting for the decision of the attorney general about the 92 arrested who still are detained. The first 10 were released a couple of hours ago until their trial.

More demonstrations in solidarity to the squats took place in Thessaloniki, Chania, Mitilini, Patra, Heracleon and to other cities. [Read More]

Patras (Greece): “Parartima was and will remain liberated land”

Statement released on January 11th 2013
A few words on the targeting of the “Parartima”* occupation in Patras

Since yesterday, those miserable provincial journalists of our little town have kept reproducing a ready-made story, of the kind that the police distribute – and that refers to the two occupations of the city of Patras: Parartima and Maragkopouleio.

It appears that they are unable to abstain from the crescendo of authoritarianism and narking by which you can tell every loyal servant of the memorandum-led authority. But then, from that point to the erasure of 40 years’ history of social struggles, there is much of a distance to cover…
We’ll repeat the story, in the off-chance that they remember it.

It is already 40 years now that Parartima serves as a point of reference for the local community of Patras. It belongs to no-one. [Read More]

Greece : Communique by the squat Lelas Karagianni 37 about the reoccupation of Villa Amalias

Repression can’t bend the militants

We are experiencing historical moments. Let’s act accordingly. A swarm of political lackeys of the local and international capital, consisted of fascists, thieves and impostors of all sorts, from the extreme right to the so-called democratic left – assisted by the controlled mass media and the parastate gangs -, has been shamelessly looting, oppressing and terrorizing the people. In order for their plans to succeed without a hitch they have imposed a state of emergency which is nothing but a political dictatorship camouflaged with a parliamentary cloak. The bankrupt political-economic system, in order to perpetuate its miserable existence or at least to buy itself time before its upcoming decomposition, wants to force the silence and submission of the plebian social layers by means of either manipulation and compulsion by the media propaganda or brute force and terrorism used on resisting people by state repression and parastate gangs.

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Solidarity with Villa Amalias Squat / Αλληλεγγύη στην Κατάληψη Βίλα Αμαλίας

Solidarity with Villa Amalias Squat – Let us Resist the Social Cannibalism

All of us signing this declaration of solidarity with Villa Amalias Squat are aware of the fierce attack unleashed by the Greek state on free spaces and every other expression of social/political resistance.

Villa Amalias is one of the oldest and most historical squats in Athens/Greece, well known for its multilevel presence within the radical movement, a place of creative fermentations, anti-commercial cultural activities and reference point for the building of relationships based on equality, solidarity and anti-authority.

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Greece: Police leak plan “to evict 40 squats across the country”

Mainstream media report:

The police are putting into action a plan to evict about 40 buildings that have been occupied by various groups across the country. After the intervention in the squats of Villa Amalias and Skaramanga, the ministry of public order is planning to take more action in the following days.

According to the newspaper The News, the intervention in the squat Skaramanga took place only a few hours after the attempted re-occupation of Villa Amalias on Wednesday, whilst – according to information [meaning: by the police — trans ] – it was planned to take place after a few days. However, it was decided that it should take place immediately instead, in order to send a direct message that “situations of lawlessness will no longer be tolerated”. [Read More]