Italy: The housing struggle and even beyond

casa_reddito_dignitWe translated our editorial from almost two months ago, which was written soon after a first, successful “March of the  Peripheries”, a day in which people from working-class and suburban neighbourhoods rose along housing rights militants  and activists to tackle the gruesome Lupi housing plan, preventing people living in housing occupations and squats from  accessing basic services and citizenship rights.

As the Lupi minister himself was forced to resign after his associate Ettore Incalza – a longtime state manager which did supervise great unnecessary works’ projects such as the TAV high-speed railway – was prosecuted for corruption, a second march of dignity approaches in Bologna and other initiatives are developing in other cities, to reaffirm the people dignity against the neoliberal austerity and the individualist dogma of the Renzi government.

The struggle for housing rights gave an important message on January 31. A real mobilization that featured thousands of people taking the streets all over the country. It was able to address the social composition that lives in the housing occupations as well as those many characters – both involved in the politics of housing and in the more general and inclusive debate on the city and its criticism – that ended up at its side in the streets and in the squares. [Read More]

Dublin: International Callout for eviction resistance

International Callout: Help us resist eviction of SquatCity

SquatCity (GrangeGorman), Dublin, currently resisting eviction.
We are putting out an international callout for support, to help us resist the eviction of our homes, and to defend squatting in Dublin. We have been subject to a large scale eviction attempt over the last couple of days, and we are currently resisting, and appealing for help and support.
Many of you would have stayed there during the International Squatters Convergence, and saw the space for yourselves.

Here is a brief timeline of what happened, as well as a short description of the space. [Read More]

Amsterdam: Snake resquatted

The Snakehouse/de Slang in Amsterdam, squatted for over 30 years, voluntarily handed over the keys yesterday. The building was then resquatted and an eviction is currently in progress. Updates on indymedia

Dublin: Grangegorman stays

The Grangegorman squats in Dublin, occupied since 2013, experienced an illegal eviction attack yesterday but managed to repel the thugs (see for updates and fotos). It appears the next attack will be a legal eviction attempt.

The squatters released this message today: [Read More]

Dublin: Interviews and footage from the attempted eviction of Grangegorman occupied complex

“Our photographer was woken this morning by a text message telling him friends were getting evicted. So he grabbed his cameras, got down to the eviction and recorded this shocking footage and interviews that show a complete disregard for the people whose homes were under attack by both the Garda and private security.
The people living here mostly have low paid insecure jobs. They don’t have friends in high places. Contrast what you are about to see and hear with the very different treatment of the ‘bog standard house’ at Gorse Hill. And what you will see was recorded with the Garda and security knowing they were being recorded, imagine their behaviour if the cameras were not there. [Read More]

The Hague (NL): De Vloek resists

From saturday 28th til tuesday the 31st of March 2015 there will be four days of solidarity actions for De Vloek. During these four days of ‘Carnival of the Undercurrent’, De Vloek will take over the city with a Streetrave and a Critical Mass Bike Ride, among other fun things. We haven’t forgotten waterbased activities either, there will be enough room for that at #DeVloekDrijft.
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Dublin: Grangegorman’s eviction

A massive eviction is underway in Dublin. It is at the complex of occupied houses and former factory spaces in Grangegorman. Reports indicate that at 7am in the morning a very large number of private security angle grinder their way through one of the metal gates, invaded the area en massed and are erecting barriers (pictured) inside and trying to evict the occupants.
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London: Anarchists occupy former Directors’ Institute near Buckingham Palace

Horror arrives at London Evening Standard by the pen of Matt Watts, supposedly a journalist, a posh and naive pawn, for whose neoliberal minds for whom it is difficult to understand the meaning of gentrification and class struggle.
<< A group of “five stars squatters” has taken over a historic office block just yards from Buckingham Palace. Activists who have entered the former HQ of the Institute of  Directors at 123 Pall Mall today vowed to stay “as long as they can”. The six-storey, multimillion-pound office block is 700 yards from Buckingham Palace. The squatters moved in last week and have renamed it as the Instutute of Dissidents. [Read More]

London: Sweets Way occupation

[Posted March 19] A beautiful house has been occupied on the Sweets Way estate in Barnet. Come down to check out the estate, chat to some local residents, and help create a community space! [Read More]

Dublin: The Barricade Inn, a new squatted anarchist social center

Dublin_The_Barricade_Inn_bannersquatchoiceIn the heart of Dublin, a new collective has occupied an old building, previously known as Neary’s hotel, to create a new radical, autonomous social centre and infoshop for our city. A few hundred metres down the road from the Garden of Remembrance — a place many of us know as the starting point for marches and demos protesting the injustices and manifestations of oppression and repression perpetuated by the state and the capitalist, white supremacist, patriarchal system that rules over us — we are reclaiming our city and reclaiming power and control over our own lives.

With this space, we hope to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas, radical debate and an introduction to anarchist critique of our society. We will strive to provide a safe(r) space free from sexism, racism, classism, hetero-normativity and other systems of oppression. We want to create and foster our own culture, one that values and encompasses a diversity of cultures while rejecting the imposed dominant one, and that is based on freedom, mutual aid, voluntary association and respect. [Read More]

Bristol: Rising Up evicted

Today (March 15) marked six weeks of Rising Up protecting, supporting and loving the land, trees, wildlife and community at Stapleton allotments and Avon & Frome Valley Conservation Area.

After 4 days of a complex and drawn out eviction, due to the persistence and ingenuity of the activists, all of the tree protectors have now been brought down. The eviction has been a generally peaceful but at times challenging experience, with some instances of aggression and assault on protectors, which have been logged and will be reported.
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Finland: Mummola evicted

Squat Mummola was evicted a few days ago and there was a demo afterwards.

There doesn’t seem to be any English news about it but there are some fotos (anarchist news in Finnish 3/3/15 and 10/3/15).

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