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Thessaloniki: 34 years are not enough. Hands off our squat! Solidarity week with Biologica squat

Dear comrades We are reaching out to fellow squats, collectives, autonomous groups and comrades, to inform and raise awareness about the current situation concerning the recent squat eviction wave in Greece, as well as the new “anti-education” laws that allow policing in public education institutions. As you may already know the “occupied space at Biology […]

Montreuil: Support Le Marbré – Let’s Defend our spaces – Attack the city of the rich

Le Marbré opened its doors in september 2020, since then the marble dust and rockwool has made room for a living space and a space of radical autonomous* and self-organized political organisation. Diverse ideas carrying a discourse against market logic, against capitalism and all oppression , on the search of a rupture with the state […]

Berlin: Demonstration – 6 Months Undead – Liebig 34 is Everywhere

Friday 9 April 2021 – 16:00, rally at Dorfplatz (Friedrichshain), Rigaerstr. Ecke Liebigstr Saturday 10 April 2021 – 12:00, demonstration from Dorfplatz. Six months since Liebig 34, as the constellation of the haus on the corner of Liebigstrasse and Rigaerstrasse, ceased to exist. Six months since years of struggle culminated in an eviction in the […]

Greece: New Year’s Notes under Lockdown

At this time, we are reminded of our comrades through banners and graffiti, through brief encounters under the guise of getting exercise between curfews, and through the courageous actions of those who turn to the night to act as the day becomes too dangerous. The anarchist movement in Greece is among the largest in the […]

Leipzig: Who sows wind, will reap storm

We look back on a long weekend full of determined action against the increasing evictions, against the gentrification and the unbearable cop siege of our neighbourhoods. After two occupied houses had been evicted within a very short time, the anger about social grievances in Leipzig came to a climax once again. After the squatted house […]

Crete: Rosa Nera evicted

Following the police raid and evacuation of Terra Incognita, a 16 years old squat in Thessaloniki, Greece, on 17 August 2020, another squat was raided today, (5 September 2020), this time in Chania, Crete where Rosa Nera squat stood ground since 2004. Following the police raid, hundreds of people marched in solidarity through the small […]

Thessaloniki: Terra Incognita evicted

This morning (17 August), around 5 am, the uniformed scum of the greek police invaded Terra Incognita in Thessaloniki, which is a building that has been occupied since 2004 and constitutes a landmark of struggle and the anarchist movement in the city. The cops proceeded to evacuate the building, while technical and material equipment was […]

Greece: Repression and Resistance during the Pandemic

In coordination with the anarchist media collective Radio Fragmata, we present the following report from Greece about the ongoing efforts of the Greek government, along with business owners, police, and fascists, to take advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic to intensify repression—and the efforts of anarchists, migrants, prisoners, rebel workers, and others to fight back and […]

San Francisco: On rent strike against gentrification and the pandemic

An Interview with Residents of Station 40 in San Francisco In the Mission District of San Francisco, Station 40 has served the Bay Area community as an anti-authoritarian collective living and organizing space for nearly two decades. Five years ago, their landlord attempted to evict them, only to be forced to back down by a […]

Greece: Repression, eviction and dispossession in New Democracy’s Greece

The latest attack on the squatting movement in Greece is the preamble for a massive operation of housing dispossession by the right-wing government. Dimitris Indares was still in his pyjamas when the police knocked on his door in the neighborhood of Koukaki, in Athens, in the early hours of Wednesday, December 18. Not long after […]

Greece: Merry Crisis and a Happy New Fear

Repression and resistance in Greece, december 2019. Continuing our coverage of the struggle in Greece between the new repressive New Democracy government and the longstanding anarchist movement, we present the following report, drawing on eyewitness accounts from street mobilizations and the defense of several squats. The Greek state continues to throw its full weight behind […]

Berlin: Greek consulate occupied – Solidarity with the squats in Greece

Since the July 15, 2019 a wave of repression against the squatted spaces in Greece has been in full force.. Therefore today on December 23, 2019, the symbolic action or rather the occupation of the Greek consulate in Berlin-Mitte (city centre of Berlin, Enough 14), took place as a direct solidarity action. On November 20, […]