Lund, Sweden: Report from Squatting festival “165”

Report from squatting festival in Lund, Sweden 16-17, May 2009



For many years in Sweden, squatting houses has been something not attempted very often, a lot because of the no-tolerance laws and practice by the Swedish state. The attempts during the last 15-20 years met heavy sentences and the interest in squatting sank to a low level. After the eviction of Ungdomshuset in Copenhagen many were inspired by the resistance and the movement that arose around the fight for a youth house, and the idea started to seem more real again. During the international squat days of action in April 2008 several houses were squatted in many Swedish cities, purposely during a limited time to make public activities. [Read More]

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Poznan, Poland: Rozbrat demo and a wide support from abroad

On Saturday, 9th May, at around 3 p.m. a demonstration organized by Rozbrat Collective took place, it started in front of the Opera House. Around 1,000-1,500 took part in it. The participants of the demonstration were also people from different organizations and groups such as Anarchist Federation, members of different groups of protests from Poznan neighborhoods, including those protesting against the F-16 airport, anti-eviction organizations, alternative theaters’ members, trade unionists from different unions, representatives of the Berlin autonomous communities, squatters from different cities in Poland and abroad and loads of other supporters of Rozbrat from Poznan, Poland and abroad…..MORE INFO ABOUT THE DEMONSTRATION AND ACTIONS ABROAD, PHOTOS:

Rozbrat stays!

The Hague (NL): Soli rally with polish squats

Soli rally with Polish squats (wednesday, 3pm)


The Hague, in front of Polish Embassy (Alexanderstraat 25)
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Kingston/upon/Thames (UK): Ravens Ait evicted!

01.05.2009 10:12

around 4.15am this morning around 100 commandos stormed Ravens Ait island

they arrived in 27 black zodiac inflatables

they were wearing helmets, balaclavas, and flackjackets, and carried sidearms

overhead a low flying helicopter used thermal imaging to locate the approximately 20 residents who were sleeping at the time

the commandos kicked down doors and took people outside and off the island

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Erfurt (Germany): Squat evicted on 16th April. Factory demolished.

The squat in Erfurt/Germany was located at the area of the former company Topf & Söhne. During the period of National-socialism in Germany this company produced crematories as well as parts of the gas chambers for concentration- and extermination camps like Buchenwald and Auschwitz. In the early hours of 16th April 2009 the squat in Erfurt was evicted. The eviction started around 6 am with cops rappeling from helicopters to some roofs of the squatted area. At the same time they broke into the backside of the area with a special tank and demolishing gear. The eviction was lead by the SEK (a special force of the german police), with the use of teargas. In the upper floor of the squat some persons who were chained to a concrete block could delay the eviction for some time. Around 9.30 am all people had been removed from the squatted area. All the people from the area and the people from a sitting blockade in front of the squatted area were arrested. All of them were released in the next day, but there will surely be charges against them. Immediately after the eviction all buildings on the squatted area were destroyed – so now what’s left of our squat is a heap of ruins. All other historical buildings on the non-squatted part of the area had been destroyed in the last months before the eviction. Now the former administration building is the only building which is left and should become a historical place.

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Poznan: Rozbrat solidarity day

As Collective Rozbrat we’ve agreed to anounce that *6th of May* will be the day of solidarity with Rozbrat squat. We want to have to before the demo on the 9th so that those of you who are coming can do actions locally and also we want to present them on Saturday demo.

Spread the word please.

Invitation to the 9th May demo in Poznan:


Copenhagen: Dortheavej-61 and history of Ungdomshuset

14/3-09 – New website finally up and running!

In the english section of the website, we will post information about the house, pictures and news!

The banner:

How does it work?

In order to maintain a true alternative, it is evident to confront those who violates others freedom. Therefore we have 5 simple guidelines that we expect everyone in the house to respect at all times. These are as follows:
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Reykjavík: This is what we call solidarity!

Anarchists Squat in the Center of Reykjavík …

Last Thursday, 9th of April, an empty house in the center of Reykjavík was squatted by Icelandic anarchists. The house has been empty for over a year and is only one of many houses that are owned by a construction company that plans to tear down all it’s old houses and replace with big shopping and office center.

When inside the house, the squatters cleaned a part of the house and opened it up for an opening party. Food was served, music played and talks given on the ideas behind squatting. The party was well attended and met with positive reactions by the guests, including the neighbours.
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Poznan (Poland): Rozbrat stays! demo on 9th May

When the dark clouds over Rozbrat squat have become a real threat we decided to organize a first (but probably not the last) demonstration in defence of our space. As some of you may already know, things around Rozbrat’s future started happening – the bank, the court, the auction. We will not wait passively, it’s high time we showed our presence in the city, in its streets.

The city authorities, against their own declarations, don’t want to let Rozbrat stay, they don’t support the place nor the cause. The words said by the vice president of Poznan when he met with us don’t allow us to think in an optimistic way: there’s no space for us where we are now, there’s no space for us in the city centre, maybe there would be something in the outskirts, but this comes with no concrete proposal… so basically it comes with nothing. The city politics are clear – throw out everything what is different, unprofitable, what is not fitting in the commercial image of Poznan, they want to clear the centre so that it becomes an unlimited shopping mall.

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London: The G20 Convergence Space Has Been Occupied!!

The convergence (and crash) space for all anti-G20 action has been reclaimed and is almost ready for the summer of Rage!

The occupiers haven’t got the lecky on yet, but they’re safely barricaded deep inside.


The large ex-pub on the corner of Paul St and Blackall St, EC2A, nearest tube old street.

“Every empire has its end. The age of international capitalism, the age of warfare, ecological devastation and wage slavery is drawing to a close. Change is in the air. It has begun!”

love and rage,


Source and photos:


Convergence Crew for Indy UK

London: Callout to take out in the ‘housing and autonomous spaces’ bloc on 1 April


On April the 2nd the world’s leaders are meeting in London for the G20 summit. In the wake of the banking crisis, they are meeting to try to salvage a tottering system, which is aimed at growth for its own sake, at the expense of our living standards and the environment. However, this strategy seems to be failing and the system cannot achieve the rates of growth necessary for its very functioning and continued survival, relying on credit to stave off its collapse.

Do the leaders of the world remember that the credit crunch originated in the “housing bubble” and the mortgage crisis?!!

Despite Gordon Brown’s claim that the economic crisis is all the fault of US sub prime mortgages, the same trends were apparent in the UK credit boom as commercial banks turned themselves into investment banks and triggered speculation on the housing market. The credit boom was increasingly underwritten by mortgage finance, leading to an unlimited amount of money chasing a finite housing stock. Housing prices rose by 150% between 1996 and 2008, when they finally peaked: in 2004 staggering 63,000 mortgages were granted here at a price 10 times greater than the applicant’s income.

In 2008, there have been 40,000 home repossessions across the UK and current estimates for 2009 are in the order of 70,000-75,000!

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Amsterdam: Info & discussion about Gentrification on 28th March

What is gentrification? And why does it occur? Is gentrification just an academic concept or is the notion also of use to activists?

In this session we present some activist and academic understandings of gentrification. We investigate how gentrification evolved in the last couple of decades around the world and in Amsterdam. More specifically we want to show how the policies of the government of Amsterdam contribute to gentrification and how these policies undermine the idea of a just city. What is the role of housing corporations and private developers?

How does “splitsen” affect gentrification? The immediate goal is to arrive at a better understanding of the process of gentrification but ultimately our goal is to stop the process.

Date: Saturday 28 of March 2009 at 16:00

Location: the new squatted Socail Center in Amsterdam Center (close to central station) / De Ruyterkade 153-157

Vegan Voku will be served at 7pm

Indy NL