London: Solidarity gathering for the anarchists accused in the “caso bombas” in Chile


from: http//

28/04/2011 – A few individuals gathered yesterday at the Chilean Embassy in central London as a small token of solidarity to the Anarchist comrades in Chile (on their 65th day of hunger strike).

A banner was opened that read FREEDOM TO THE ANARCHIST COMRADES IN CHILE, ACCUSED IN THE “CASO BOMBAS” ON HUNGER STRIKE SINCE 21/2/11-. Some went into the embassy and threw flyers into most offices and entrance area while screaming IMMEDIATE FREEDOM TO THE CHILEAN ANARCHISTS ACCUSED IN THE CASO BOMBAS CASE!. Fliers were also given to passersby and workers in hard hats on the scaffolding of a building opposite, who broke into a shout of FREEDOM! with fists raised (for them it was a bit of a joke) along with the comrades.

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Anti-anarchist raids in London

UK – Anti-anarchist raids in London


April 28th, 2011

Breaking news, more updates as we receive them:

Metropolitan police have raided several squatted autonomous centres in London, in a media-spectacle in which the pigs promise more raids. The raids are apparently in connection with the 26 March demo and the pathetic Royal wedding this weekend.

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Bristol (UK) – Stokes Croft Riot after massive police raid against Telepathic Heights squat

Stokes Croft Riot after massive police raid against Telepathic Heights squat

April 21, 2011. 10pm. A riot starts after a 160 strong multi-regional police force coordinated assault shuts down a district and breaks down the door of a squat named ‘Telepathic Heights’ in Bristol.

The cops then violently harass local people and get attacked in return. Telepathic Heights is in the busy cultural area of Stokes Croft, Bristol, where there are many bars, cafes, squats, community projects, etc. 300 people fight the police for hours and hours in response to the police occupation of the neighbourhood. A corporate supermarket is looted and destroyed, whilst none of the other (independently-owned) shops on the streets are touched in the disturbance.

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Nantes (France): Call-Out to Reclaim the Fields against an airport project, on 7th of may 2011

7th MAY 2011,


Contact: reclaimthezad[AT]riseup[DOT]net [Read More]

Bristol: Update on Classics and Emporium

We’re still going!

Possession has been granted to Jerwood Trading Ltd from the 5th of May 2011. This means that bailiffs can arrive with the lawyers of Jerwood at any time from that date. They plan to auction off the buildings through the auctioneers Maggs and Allen.

Meanwhile we are in negotiations with the lawyers of Jerwood with a view to buying the property off them. We have formed a legal co-op that will administrate it all. The last valuation of the buildings was negative£100,000, which puts us in quite a good position. People seem to want the freeshop and emporium to keep going so this is an avenue we are hoping will succeed. [Read More]

Bordeaux: La B.A.S.E., opportunities beyond the establishment


A city that made its fortune by exploiting those who could not defend their rights back in the 18th century, a city where homeless people sleep on the streets, surrounded by costly restored monuments and facades – one of this kind, Bordeaux is renowned for its delicious wine, chic boutiques, elegant esplanades and bourgeois lifestyle.
An estimated number of 3500 homeless, a whole district where less wealthy people had to leave their homes after refurbishments that resulted in a boost of residential rents, plans for further gentrification of the city center, investments in façade cleanings and the construction of a touristy boardwalk instead of in the amelioration of social services, for instance in lacking nurseries – this is Bordeaux, too. Here, in December 2009 a homeless froze to death.
Under these conditions squatting an abandoned building in the north of Bordeaux is defined as a political act by the tenants of “La B.A.S.E.”. It was in summer 2010 when a group of young people entered a residential house that was left to decay for more than ten years. They decided to turn it into a place where those who seek a roof over their head can have it for free, since lodging is a human necessity, to create a place for free information and cultural events, open discussions and people’s kitchen. [Read More]

Hamburg (Germany): No Wave Squatter Punk (Anti)Art Ausstellung at the Rote Flora

Rote Flora solidarity show, Hamburg, Germany

“Nicht das Neue, nicht das Alte, sondern das Notwendige”
No Wave Squatter Punk (Anti)Art Ausstellung
March 21-April 3, 2011

This is an exhibition at the Rote Flora (Red Flower), an occupied theater in Hamburg, Germany on the occasion of their negotiation for renewal of permission to use…

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London: Saif Gaddafi’s London mansion occupied

Taken from

French version:

March 9th 2011

This morning a group calling themselves “Topple The Tyrants” have occupied the 10m pounds Hampsted Mansion of Saif Al Islam Gaddafi, in solidarity with the Libyan people and their struggle to overthrow the murderous Gaddafi regime.

A spokesman for the group said “We didn’t trust the British government to properly seize the Gaddafi regime’s corrupt assets, so we took matters into our own hands.”

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Manchester (UK): RBS occupied and banner dropped

March 5th, 2011

They took our money to pay for their mistakes,
and now they take our home…

Despite being empty for 4 years and having no plans to use the property above RBS, we are faced with being uprooted from our temporary security and shelter which we cleaned and worked on from a state of disrepair to make our home.

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Bristol: occupied homeless centre faces eviction

February 14th 2011

Homeless people in Bristol have occupied a former homeless advice centre recently closed down by the council. They are now facing eviction by notorious bailiffs Constant & Co.

After weeks of legal battles, it looks like the occupied former homeless centre “The Hub” in Cumberland Street, St Pauls, is finally facing eviction. A court date is set for Friday the 18th, 12:00 noon and the occupants are expecting immediate action on behalf of notorious bailiffs Constant & Co if their case is lost.

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Paris: Week of solidarity and struggles against repression (20-27 february 2011)

[February 2011 – Translation from]

To control population movements is one of the States priorities. It is, in particular, to select with care the labour force needed for the economy, and this in a general context of deterioration in the standard of living. This selection requires the reinforcement of imprisonment of people called “undesirable”, border controls and raids, dropping visas and an intensification of the struggle against the ones who in one way or another go against keeping under control population movements. For few years, people who fight against detention centres, raids and generally speaking against the deportation machine are more and more filed by the police. Interior ministers of the European Union increase measures to intensify the struggle against what would be according to them a same threat : “illegal immigration and terrorism” [Read More]

Bristol: Emporium and Classics still alive and well

Update on legal threat to 35/37 Stokes Croft

People that know and use the spaces have been asking for an update on the legal situation with 35/37 Stokes Croft so we’d thought we’d get a little summary out.
We are still going! There are exhibitions and events coming up at the emporium and the free shop continues its regular opening times of Thursday to Saturady 2pm-5pm.

Our next court appearance will be Thursday 7th of April.

We haven’t actually spoken to any ‘owner’, even their lawyers laugh at the fact that he/she might not exist. The claim in court is that the owners are Hong Kong businessmen, and company records have been produced to attempt to confirm this. We have attempted to speak to them but there has been no reply. Only through an estate agents (Maggs and Allen) and a law firm (Awdry, Douglas and Bailey) have we ascertained more information, which is not wholely reliable as they are trying to make money out of an abandoned building and have been trying every trick in the book to make a quick buck. Here’s updates on what’s happened so far. [Read More]