Chile: About the bombas case and information technology safety

Comments from Chile

To the security community focused on helping social strugglers all over the world.

First, thanks for all your efforts on building tools for human and social liberation, this is a feedback from Chile written as suggestion from some of you and we hope you enjoy. Several parts from this material wasn’t taken in a legal way, I’m not going to offer any proofs about this as that can means tracking the people who helped to get this information, making them face jail charges and torture on interrogations. If you want to check if this statements are true, check the provided links and ask about this to people in Chile.
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Calais: Another African squat threatened with eviction

The latest ‘Africa House’ is now at constant risk of eviction. About 40 people from Northern Africa, mainly Sudan, stay here. If evicted they will be made homeless and forced to live on the streets again.

A formal notice of eviction was fixed to the door of the squat on 13th August 2012 without any translation, stating the building will be evicted for reasons of hygiene and structural dangers. The Court of Appeal has already granted the owners, the Commune of Calais, ‘uncontested’ eviction procedure claiming none of the occupants could be identified therefore cannot contest the decision. [Read More]

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France: Rumors of upcoming eviction in the ZAD

UPDATE (Sept 9. 2012): Calm end of the week. It was a false alert.

Journalists sources claim that CRS (anti-riot police) are gahering around Nantes. They claim that might be linked to evictions for the airoprt project.

Since monday the 3rd of septembre, people taking part of the struggle recieved journalists calls stating that 3 CRS compagnies arrived in Nantes. This information would come from the Préfecture (local state representative). They concluded that it might be related to evictions on the ZAD. Another journalist said that before the end of the week, all people that are not included in the aggrement that have been got after the hunger strike would be kicked out of the area. However, this journalist didn’t want to cite her sources, so it might be only a rumor. [Read More]

Brighton: First arrests under squatban

The first known arrests over the new squatting law happened today.
Three squatters occupying a commercial property in Brighton, who were using the upstairs residential area as an un-lived in social centre, were arrested after a seven hour standoff. The two rooftop occupiers vanished into thin air!

There are also unconfirmed reports of arrests in Somerset.
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Collado Villalba, Madrid (Spain): Communiqué by “CSO La Fábrika” about the recent fascist attacks in Sierra de Guadarrama

During the last two months (July and August), at least five fascist attacks have been carried out against the CSO La Fábrika (Squatted Social Center “The Factory”), at dawn as always. The first one  consisted of threatening slogans signed with Nazi symbols and the slogan “Alpedrete resists” (a nearby village, where many fascists meet). Only two weeks later, a group of strangers tried to set fire to the social centre, but did it in such a clumsy way that the fire itself melted a water pipe which finished with both the arson and the hopes of the wannabe terrorists.

After this failed attack, that could have been felt not only by the social centre but also by the lives of our neighbors and the surrounding forest, measures were taken by the Assembly. [Read More]

Amsterdam (The Netherlands): September 2012 Joe’s Garage program

Will Joe’s Garage open 6 days a week in September? Are you ready to give some of your time, put some creativity and subversion into Joe’s? We are waiting for your active participation, there is plenty to do, cooking and helping every monday and thursday with the Volkseten Vegazulu people’s kitchen, running every tuesday the Kraakspreekuur Oost (Squatting Assistance), (de)socializing every wednesday afternoon during the the Lonely Collective Day Cafe, helping out every saturday afternoon at the Give Away Shop, programming, organizing film/info nights every sunday. Come along with your ideas. Click here and get involved at Joe’s Garage. Keep an eye on our program and on Radar, more events will be announced. You also can get involved a bit further in the neighbourhood, at the Valreep, at the Bajesdorp, at the Roomtuintje Oostbos, the recently squatted gardens in the Dapperbuurt, on the Pieter Vlamingstraat 86.

The coming benefits this month: Leonard Peltier,  Screen Print Studio, Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Campaign, Volkskeuken Zeeburgerpad 22, Anarcho Queer Punk Festival. Films to be screened: Incident at Oglala, Diamonds of the Night, The Miners’ Hymns. [Read More]

Birmingham: Homeless campaigners squat council house

Birmingham Tenants & Homeless Action Group have occupied an abandoned council house with the intention of handing it over to a homeless person. They’ve contacted the council and demanded that they put the property back into use as low cost social housing and then do the same with the other nearly 12,000 empty properties around the city. Otherwise they have said that despite changes to the law on squatting they will continue with occupations of the other empty properties with the intention of handing them over to the homeless. With 11,924 empty properties, the highest rate of homelessness in the country and an estimate by city planners that Birmingham is currently short of 11,000 affordable homes, putting the abandoned houses back into use is the only logical step

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London: Yet another unlawful eviction

With hours left before squatting in a residential property became illegal; a Territorial support group backing up enforcement officers smashed their way into a residential property in Dalston yesterday and unlawfully evicted the building of its many residents.
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UK: Legal challenge to new squatting law

This post is by Leigh Day & Co legal firm who are coordinating the legal challenge and was originally posted on their blog here

A mother of four from Wales is taking legal action challenging the new anti-squatting legislation, coming into force today (1 September 2012), in a bid to stay in the house she has lived in for 11 years with her children.
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Zaragoza (Spain): Calls in solidarity with “The roof 11”

Next September 12th, the trial against the comrades known as “The roof 11” will take place in Zaragoza. These 11 people, on the day of the eviction of the CSO (Squatted Social Center) Kike Mur, went up to the roof and resisted there until police came up there to take them down; whilst in the streets, police violence was delighting in tormenting defenceless neighbours who were demanding the permanence of the space. Only three days after the eviction took place, the neighborhood of Torrero had given a joint impressive answer, in which every hit the streets to show their rejection to the eviction of the space, located in the old building of the Torrero prison, and named after the famous prisoner who passed away there. After the demonstration finished, the comrades, feeling strong, went back and re-squatted the space (despite the metal plates put there by the municipality), and police, overwhelmed by the supporting and resisting neighbours, did not have any other choice but to leave the place in humiliation, while the CSO Kike Mur was re-opened for more political activism (further info, in Spanish, on vozcomoarma).

Now, those 11 people arrested on the roof are facing a trial under charges of misappropriation of property corresponding to the Torrero prison, but we affirm the opposite saying that the council have been bribed to take us to court and they now claim to each of them a fine of 20,000 bucks. [Read More]

Poznan (Poland): eviction of the Workshop squat

The Workshop” squat-in-making has been forcibly evicted yesterday (8/29/2012) in Poznań, western Poland by the police, followed by property owner. The announced opening party was planned on Friday, 8/31.
There were ridiculously substantial police forces present (heavily armed SWAT-like squad, which is unprecedented in .pl), local police commanders came to the scene, police brutality occurred.
Eviction legality is disputed, based on fact, that no warrants whatsoever were issued to the squatters before bringing in the police, and that the owner, who remained unknown to-date, didn’t warn the squatters beforehand. That said, squatting is illegal in Poland and further legal prosecution is possible. [Read More]

Thessaloniki (Greece): Texts about the Public Power Corporation’s attempts to cut off Delta squat’s electricity supply

Since late July, Delta squat is being actively repressed by DEI (Public Power Corporation, PPC) that attempts to cut off the space’s electricity supply. The electric power company got the green light from the Alexandreio Technological Education Institute (ATEI) of Thessaloniki, which is the legal owner of the building (squatted for 5 years already).

This squat hosts an array of autonomous political projects that act aggressively towards the existing system of exploitation and try to contribute to individual and social liberation. [Read More]