London: Cuts Cafe

This is an open letter to everyone, who has been excited, disappointed, confused, concerned, etc about what is happening with the physical space that will become the Cuts Cafe. My name is Peter, I am a member of the space team who have been working day and night for the past two weeks in order to try and find a building that meets the criteria of size, accessibility, location, and security. In the last fourteen days we have scouted around forty buildings in areas such as Elephant and Castle, The City of London, Holborn, and Mayfair; opened and internally expected around 10, and fully squatted and prepared 2; most of us have slept less than 4 hours in every 24.
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Cardiff: Video Communique from the Gremlins

Gremlin Alley Social Centre, Cardiff (Wales):

Catalonia: Can Piella threaten, demonstration October 13th

Can Piella is a rural-urban squat, in Montcada i Reixac, near Barcelona, that laid ignored for ten years or more. The ruinous land and dilapidated farmhouse of Can Piella was replenished and renovated by local people, in solidarity, who grew their own food sustainably and autonomously. Can Piella might be evicted on October 14. I claim, this eviction should stop because people have ‘right to their spaces’, ‘right to grow their own food’ and ‘right to nature’, at the interface of faulty neoliberal knowledge and policies and forced inclusion of capital-intensive farming.

Stop the eviction of autonomous spaces

This article asks Mr. Claudio Fernández Alejandro Montero (Judge of the Court of First Instance No. 3 Cerdanyola) for the withdrawal of the interim eviction order issued against Can Piella and its associated members who were connected with the conservation, preservation and effective use of the rural-urban spaces of Can Piella. [Read More]

Cardiff: Social Centre update from the Gremlins

We the Gremlins (currently squatters of Gremlin Alley) will be re-opening our social centre to the community later this week. After a thorough clean up, re-organising our space and lots of hard work, we are pleased to announce that we will be going back to ‘business as usual’. There will additionally be a video communique to be released tomorrow regarding the on going resistance to keep the space.

We also now have a social centre phone – 07967 249310 – for anyone to directly communicate with us. To be included in our phone tree for eviction alert, upcoming events and gremlin news, please text us with ‘Add me up’.

We’d like to thank everyone for their incredible support so far, included but not limited to; anarchists, activists, travellers, artists, neighbours, local businesses, visitors and of course our close friends. The response from those in and around the City Road area has been truly remarkable; as police continue to ignore us and bailiffs plan their future attempt to evict us. [Read More]

Montcada i Reixac: Eviction threat for Can Piella

On Thursday, October 4, Can Piella get a precaution eviction order to be executed in the period of 9 days (Sunday 14th). But Can Piella alive, Can Piella is scheming … For us it’s an opportunity to show that Can Piella is all the people who came, participated, enjoyed, followed, enriched and believes in this project anf his ideas. We are planning of make a open meeting around during 13-15 of October. So if you want to come you will be welcome for sure. In the next days we will concret more.

If you have not the time or don’t want to come we need also a special help of the international people that can be made localy. Unlikely, spanish press looks with very good eyes when local news has an international echo. That’s because we suggest you, as you wish, that the Can Piellas eviction threat exceed the spanish borders. [Read More]

Cardiff: Red and Black Umbrella Social Center, 1 Year Anniversary Halloween Bash!

On the 30th of October 2011, a group of people entered the tredegar hotel in adamsdown with the intention of creating a social centre, from this action and a chance trip by a bin the red and black umbrella was found.

Nearly one year on, and to the group’s amazement, the red and black umbrella remains a part of the radical community in cardiff. There have been ups and downs, highs and lows, periods of unrelenting action and crippling stagnation, but it is what it is and we want to celebrate that with you.

So @ 7.00pm Friday 2nd November we’ll be throwing a one year halloween birthday bash. It’ll be a dark night, it’ll be a spooky night, you better not go in the basement! There’ll be some acoustic music (acts TBC) and much more! [Read More]

Denver: Update on squatter arrest

Anarchist prisoner Amelia Nicol had her sentencing hearing today, October 1st, in Denver County Court. She had been found guilty on August 21, 2012 of Criminal Trespass, Assault on an officer, and Resisting Arrest. All charges stemmed from a raid on an alleged squat in the Jefferson Park Neighborhood of Denver in October of 2011.
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Cardiff: Gremlin Alley resists eviction

This morning activists and anarchists have rallied round to defend Gremlin Alley, the squatted bowling alley and cinema on City Road, in Roath, Cardiff.

The eviction resistance is also in solidarity with Alex Haig, the 21 year old squatter who was the first squatter sentenced to prison under the new anti-squatting law, which began on September 1st this year.
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Zagreb (Croatia): ReciKLAONICA squat threatened with eviction

reciklaonicaReciKLAONICA squat, located on 66, Heinzelova Street in Zagreb, is threatened with eviction. The informal collective of artists and social activists that develops its activities in the spaces of the old abandoned Zagrepčanka factory, owned by Zagrebački Holding, is addressing a call-out for solidarity against the eviction of the squat by the city’s authorities, who have already cut off the power supply.

The building is one of around 300 abandoned and neglected spaces in the city of Zagreb, and for the last 19 months has served both as a housing project and a space that hosts various cultural and resistance activities. Free workshops, sharing food, free flea market, live concerts, free library, a music studio and rehearsal space, a free store ‘take it or leave it’, all available to anyone who shows interest in acquiring or sharing skills, cooperation and mutual assistance, and non-institutional organizing. [Read More]

Amsterdam (The Netherlands): October 2012 Joe’s Garage program

If you are ever standing under the rain, in front of a closed door at Joe’s it is because nobody has volunteered to open the space, cook some food, make coffee. We do everything D(o)I(t)Y(ourself) and your active participation is really needed in this squatted social center. We are swinging back into action after the summer and your energy is needed now more than ever! Contact Joe’s now! Email to joe [at] squat [dot] net

Another serie of benefits is announced in October: DJP Defend Job Philippine, Kurdish Dutch Cultural Centre Amsterdam (KNCCA), Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Campaign, Red Nose Delicious Arab Spring, Zapatista Autonomous Community. And Jeffrey will of course be back with a film from Olivier Assayas, Cold Water.  Keep an eye on-line for updates. [Read More]

London: Hobo Hilton

Around 50 activists have occupied a disused BT building in High Holborn in Central London, and renamed it the HOBO HILTON. It is billed as a free space open platform for education, creativity, revolutionary work groups and activities.

Lots of fotos at

Netherlands: Police threatens websitehost without court order

[PRESS RELEASE] – Thursday evening, september 27th, the Utrecht police called PUSCII, the hoster facilitating the Bikefest 2012 website. In this call the hoster was put under pressure to take the site offline. The officer mentioned he had a court order to take the site down as it was calling out to disturb the peace. No such order was ever shown.

Bikefest is an event focused on durability, bicycles and ‘Do It Yourself’ bikerepair and maintenance. The fourth edition of this event was planned to be held in Utrecht for the first time. Previous editions in Scheveningen and Amsterdam have never led to any troubles, nor did they disturb the peace.

On friday the municipality of Utrecht sent a letter to the location where Bikefest was to be held. Herein it orders the eviction of the building, based on firesafety regulations. It seems unlikely this is the true reason, as the building is a stable construction of steel and concrete, has many escape routes and has several extinguishers placed throughout the building. [Read More]