We the Gremlins (currently squatters of Gremlin Alley) will be re-opening our social centre to the community later this week. After a thorough clean up, re-organising our space and lots of hard work, we are pleased to announce that we will be going back to ‘business as usual’. There will additionally be a video communique to be released tomorrow regarding the on going resistance to keep the space.
We also now have a social centre phone – 07967 249310 – for anyone to directly communicate with us. To be included in our phone tree for eviction alert, upcoming events and gremlin news, please text us with ‘Add me up’.
We’d like to thank everyone for their incredible support so far, included but not limited to; anarchists, activists, travellers, artists, neighbours, local businesses, visitors and of course our close friends. The response from those in and around the City Road area has been truly remarkable; as police continue to ignore us and bailiffs plan their future attempt to evict us.
Many more events will follow next week as we make finishing touches to the building, so far we have organised the following:
Friday 12th October 2012 – 4-6pm
‘Addicts’ anonymous support group session – for people addicted to drugs, alcohol, self-harm, if you truly do feel you want to change certain aspects of your life for the better – come and visit Gremlin Alley, we’re aiming to assemble a team of kind-hearted humans to help with these kinds of situations.
Saturday 13th October 2012 – 7pm
Acoustic night with music, spoken word and poetry. Details to be revealed soon.
We have additionally updated our ‘wish list‘, so please see if there is anything you would be able to help with. Drop us a text and we can collect if needed. We appreciate feedback, ideas for community projects, DIY organising of the space and any criticisms or suggestions you have for the social centre.
– The Gremlins
Gremlin Alley Social Centre, Cardiff (Wales): http://welcometogremlinalley.wordpress.com/