On Thursday, October 4, Can Piella get a precaution eviction order to be executed in the period of 9 days (Sunday 14th). But Can Piella alive, Can Piella is scheming … For us it’s an opportunity to show that Can Piella is all the people who came, participated, enjoyed, followed, enriched and believes in this project anf his ideas. We are planning of make a open meeting around during 13-15 of October. So if you want to come you will be welcome for sure. In the next days we will concret more.
If you have not the time or don’t want to come we need also a special help of the international people that can be made localy. Unlikely, spanish press looks with very good eyes when local news has an international echo. That’s because we suggest you, as you wish, that the Can Piellas eviction threat exceed the spanish borders.
This are some local actions you could do to help us:
– Spread the eviction threat of Can Piella (bouncing the mail, twiting (@canpiella), etc…)
– writing press releases to your medias, with a photo if possible.
– go to the spanish embassy and make an symbolic action. Make a photo, send it to us and spread it where you want.
– Every autonom action that you see interesting is welcome!!
Can Piella is alive!
What’s Can Piella
Can Piella is an old house of the XVII century in the metropolitan area of Barcelona, which lands and properties were completly abandoned.
Aware of the mutlidimensional crisi society is in (ecological, social, econimical and political), in 2009 we decided to restore and recover the space to generate news and not so news way of life and impact for a global change.
The project has as axes the alimentary and economical autosufiency, throught the landwork, the bread, beer, honey and olive production, the live in community, the recuperation of old knows and the spread of autonomy and popular empowering ideas.
+ info: www.canpiella.cat
Why they want to evict Can Piella?
The house is propiety of a big firma named Grupo Alcaraz. The property had the land completly abandoned, without intention to recover the historical and cultural heritage of the building.
After the first year the property put a complain to the people, who where there, asking for their eviction. The judicial process took almost two years, until know, which resolution has been in benefit of the privat property and the land especulation.
During the judicial process we tried to contact with the property to achieve an use assignement trade, but the interest of Alcaraz is not to give to the space life, but the maximations of his economical benefits.
More info soon!
Can Piella
canpiella [at] gmail [dot] com
Directory of squats in the Iberian Peninsula:
Spanish State: https://radar.squat.net/en/groups/country/ES/squated/squat
Catalonia: https://radar.squat.net/en/groups/country/XC/squated/squat
Basque Country: https://radar.squat.net/en/groups/country/XE/squated/squat
Directory of groups (social centers, collectives, squats) in the Iberian Peninsula:
Spanish State: https://radar.squat.net/en/groups/country/ES
Catalonia: https://radar.squat.net/en/groups/country/XC
Basque Country: https://radar.squat.net/en/groups/country/XE
Events in the Iberian Peninsula:
Spanish State: : https://radar.squat.net/en/events/country/ES
Catalonia: https://radar.squat.net/en/events/country/XC
Basque Country: https://radar.squat.net/en/events/country/XE