London: Copshop squatted

Squatters and autonomous activists have occupied the former Clapham Common Police Station to demand the withdrawal of the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill and the end of the femicide recently highlighted by the murder of Sarah Everard by a serving Met police officer.

As the closest cop shop to where Sarah was last seen, the occupation of this building holds particular importance and meaning at this time. Although the bill has been postponed, we have to keep fighting it to ensure it does not pass. And in the meantime, violence against women continues. We must seize this moment where we find ourselves UNITED in rage, unified in our fight against the ongoing global femicide and to remember people like Sarah, Blessing Olusegun and countless others and to build our fight to end violence against women.

We also seek to bring attention to Section 4 of the Bill which criminalises trespass, a racist move by this Tory government which will affect predominantly travellers and van dwellers but also squatters, protest camps and the homeless. We hope that all those who resist the expansion of police powers in the Tories Bill will also join us in resisting any amended versions of that Bill which retain this racist attack which will make a travelling way of life almost impossible.
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Lugano: CS()A Il Molino under eviction threat!

Unnamed comrades, friends who remain
be strong and spread the social truths,
This is the revenge we demand from you.
This is the revenge we demand from you.
(From the song “Addio Lugano bella”, Pietro Gori, 1895)

The social center Il Molino in Lugano (Ticino-Switzerland), is under eviction threat. Following the strong repression of the 8th of march demo in the train station of Lugano, when the police used pepper spray and batons against the demonstrators, politicians (Lega dei Ticinesi, UDC-SVP, PLR-FDP) and local media started a campaign for the eviction of the Molino under the old bourgeois discourse of the “respect of the rules of democracy for all its citizens” and “for social peace and law and order”.

The message is clear: in the tax haven of Lugano, there is no place for a space that does not follow the capitalistic rule of profit. In a city where you have a bank in every street, what would you expect?
We don’t know when it will happen, but it could be soon! So better be prepared! [Read More]

Dijon: Justice orders the eviction of the Engrenage Gardens in 6 months!

Press release from the Engrenage Gardens

Since June 17, 2020, we occupy a wasteland renamed “Les Jardins de l’Engrenage“, avenue de Langres in Dijon, to prevent the real estate development of 307 housing units “Garden State”, which plans the destruction of this precious natural space.
Without ever having visited the land to appreciate its soil qualities and the dynamic life created in the neighborhood, the Mayor of Dijon launched in August 2020 a legal procedure to evict the gardeners and occupants of the house located on the plot. After having pronounced in November 2020 the eviction of the gardens only (still suspended), the Dijon Court of Justice has just rules its judgment this Friday, March 19, 2021 concerning the occupied house: the judge pronounces an eviction order but grants the occupants a 6-month delay to leave the premises.
We take note of this decision: for us, each day, each week, each month gained in this fight against the destruction of nature, is a victory against adversity. Gardeners at the Engrenage, Dijon residents protecting this space, we will take advantage of the next 6 months to root ourselves even more solidly in this land that we take care of, just like the vegetables that will grow there for a new season in the collective vegetable garden and the allotment gardens. [Read More]

Bern: call for solidarity at the new squat on Wasserwerkgasse

On Monday 14 March 2021, we occupied the house at Wasserwerkgasse 17 in Bern. Our existences are highly threatened due to acute housing shortages. Furthermore, in the current crisis, the people who suffer the most are those who are already in difficult circumstances. Under the current circumstances, as well as the general developments in the city’s spatial policy, it is regrettably an impossibility for people with low incomes to get access to urgently needed spaces in the city. Our ideas for the use of the house include living and working spaces as well as integration projects and low-threshold meeting possibilities in the form of non-commercial offers for everybody. People without papers, people with small incomes, people who are fed up with overpriced pop-ups and cool ice scream shops, people who do not orient their lives on capitalism and people who want to shape their lives and their environment together and decide not to live in rented apartments. We want to live, offer space for people who are systematically excluded and be a sustainable and solidary alternative to the individualized and consumer-oriented throwaway society! [Read More]

Berlin: Demo Freedom for all prisoners affected by repression in Barcelona

Monday 22 March 2021, 16:00
Meeting point: Delegació del Govern a Alemanya
Regierung von Katalonien – Vertretung in Deutschland, Friedrichstrasse, 185. 10117 Berlin

On February 27, 2021, 8 anarchist comrades* were arrested during the riots in Barcelona, as a result of the protests that have been going on since the arrest of Pablo Hasél. All of them are currently in pre-trial detention without bail. They are accused of criminal organization, attempted murder, unlawful demonstration, attack on authority, damage and public disorder. All this as a consequence of a fire being set at one of the vans of the riot police of the Guardia Urbana of Barcelona, a police organization that has a long history of torture and violence. The media, as a propaganda tool of the State, are justifying the repression against our comrades and infusing fear to stop self-organization and dismantle the protests.

After the Pandora and Piñata police set-ups, it is obvious that we are once again facing an operation to repress an ideological current contrary to capitalist interests. They are condemned because they are anarchists. In this type of set-up, the accusation of belonging to a criminal organization or terrorism is something that is being used to create an internal enemy and justify repression. This allows them to judicialize our lives through police harassment, raids, violation of our personal and political spaces, visits to penitentiary centers, etc. Through this they intend to wear us down psychologically and economically, and thus disarticulate our struggles. [Read More]

Arlon: the Zablière evicted

Early this monday morning, March 15, the forces of disorder evicted the zadists present in the area. The Arlon police mobilized last night with the support of the federal police on the outskirts of the Zablière to begin an eviction at dawn. This method of intervention without prior notice aims to avoid having to confront the movement as a whole, to prevent solidarity and resistance from organizing.
Motivated by a study of the local police attesting that the zadists were “a serious threat to security” the eviction was able to take place outside the classic legal channels; an eviction must be served by bailiff several days in advance. Nine zadists were arrested. It is essential that we do not let them make us invisible.
Vincent Magnus talks about an end of the saga, let’s show him that he is not at the end of his surprises, let’s be numerous at the beginning of the evening. Let’s bring back to the center of Arlon the resistance movement that he did not want to meet this morning. Let’s remind once again that we are a large and diverse movement, rich in colors and motivation! [Read More]

Lyon: Maria Carré trial. Call for a rally. No eviction in the middle of winter!

In spite of the promises of the Metropolis of “no one kicked out to the street”, Grand Lyon Habitat (the social housing provider of the city) asks for an eviction without delay and without respect of the winter truce for the inhabitants of the Maria Carré squat. Several dozen people, including many families with children, are at risk of being made homeless. Call for support in front of the court of Lyon (67 rue Servient, 69003) on Friday 12 March from 8.30 am for the trial.

Through Grand Lyon Habitat, the Metropolis of Lyon, held by “the left” and “the greens” is preparing to put back on the street one of the most populated squat of Lyon. In the summons to the trial, they demand an eviction without delay and an end to the winter break.

This new attack follows a year of harassment by the public authorities against this place and its inhabitants:
broken doors, intrusion and ID checks… the disgusting methods of Grand Lyon Habitat
– in the middle of winter and illegally, Grand Lyon Habitat drills the wall of a squat!
– the cops ransacking garbage containers in front of a building in the Guillotière district and making racist controls. [Read More]

Bristol: Gloucester Road centre evicted

Today police in Bristol have violently evicted a squatted social centre, making some occupants homeless and subjecting everyone to risk of covid-19, all in the name of building more luxury flats on Gloucester Rd. And the pigs here very much standing on guard for the bailiffs as they try to clear a building that had been empty for years and was serving as homeless accommodation. #ACAB #ABAB

We arrived in the morning watching the gradual police build-up and joining the outstanding resistance to this illegal eviction. Some of us returned in the afternoon to show support and solidarity.16 riot vans, at least 6 area cars,and endless police. Disproportionate response.

Government: ‘There will be no evictions during the pandemic’. Meanwhile on Gloucester Rd in Bristol, dozens of cops, many in riot gear, are evicting a social centre that has been home to many.
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Germany: The Forest Occupation Movement – Tactics, Strategy, and Culture of Resistance

Lignite mining, express highways, gravel mining, parking decks, lime pits, and candy factories all have something in common that might not be obvious at first glance. Capitalists need to cut down forests to make way for them. But all around Germany, people are mobilizing to stop them. Over the past decade, forest occupations and forest defense actions have proliferated to such a point that we can now reflect on the movement as a whole.

Since February 26, 2021, people have been occupying a forest near Ravensburg called Altdorfer Wald. A gravel pit is threatening the forest’s existence and some activists who had earlier built climate camps and tree houses in the inner city of Ravensburg decided to live in the forest to protect it. At the moment this occupation is not facing eviction.

On the day of the occupation near Ravensburg, all the way at the other end of Germany, police began the eviction of an occupied inner-city forest. In Flensburg, in October 2020, people had begun building tree houses and platforms to save the trees, which were slated to be cut down to make way for a hotel and parking deck. A matter of days before the end of the legal cutting season, the investors sent cold-blooded mercenaries with chainsaws to attack the trees despite the risk to activists. The city politics rewarded the investors’ misdeeds by ordering more police to attack and evict the occupation at the very moment that Flensburg was one of the COVID-19 mutation hotspots in Germany.
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Berlin: statement about the 8 arrested anarchists in Barcelona

On February 27th, 2021, 8 anarchist comrades* from Italy, France and Spain were arrested during the riots in Barcelona stemming from the protests that have been taking place since the arrest of Pablo Hasél on February 16th. All are currently in pre-trial detention without bail in Brians I prison (Catalonia). The serving judge of the 17th Court of Barcelona charged them with belonging to a criminal organization, attempted murder, participation in an illegal demonstration, resistance to state authority, damage to property and disturbance of public order.
All this happened as a result of a vehicle being set on fire which belonged to the riot police of the Guardia Urbana of Barcelona, a police force that has a long history of torture and indiscriminate violence against migrants and homeless people (1) and which the mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau (Barcelona en Comú) promised to disband during the 2015 municipal elections (2). However as we can see, they are still there.

All these accusations are accompanied by a propaganda apparatus provided by the media, which, as a tool of the state, justifies the repression against our comrades* and sparks a climate of fear in order to crush the protests. [Read More]

Berlin: Fire protection inspection today at Rigaer94

This morning an inspection of Rigaer94 by the responsible official for building supervision/fire protection of the district office Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg took place. As we had previously announced, this independent expert inspected all the rooms of the building without the protection of the Berlin cops and without feeling threatened.

As suspected by us and now also confirmed, our house is not in a condition that makes an evacuation necessary due to fire protection. The official has also not identified any deficiencies that we cannot remedy ourselves. As has been clearly stated several times: Our own safety is important to us and we do not need cops or self-declared “owners” or “property managers” or any party to “protect” us or our neighbors from us.

The report is not yet in our hands, but it will certainly be in the hands of the Senator of the Interior when he commits political suicide with his invasion on Thursday. [Read More]

Barcelona: Solidarity with the detainees of the 27F demonstration

Communiqué: The press targets… About the 8 people accused of burning a police van.

On 27 February, 8 of our comrades were arrested in the centre of Barcelona during a demonstration. This event is part of a series of mass mobilisations called in the name of freedom of expression but which have ended up increasingly taking on the voice of general dissent against the historical period we are living through. A suffocating reality characterised by unprecedented institutional violence, which leaves the majority of the population without a future and which absolves and defends the usual criminals: the police, politicians and the royal family.

Following their arrests, police searches took place in 2 houses in Maresme, with the intention of linking our comrades with alleged non-existent criminal organisations and with disproportionate accusations based on derisory evidence. There is no presumption of innocence, the written statement of the Mossos has been reproduced in all the media, which repeat it and assume it as their own. In turn, the court does what was already written: very serious charges and pre-trial detention without bail. We see no other sense in all this than to put an end to the wave of protests that has been growing exponentially throughout Catalonia for weeks. [Read More]