Basel: House ok.cupied

This morning (November 30, 2021) early the collective okcupied Amerbachstrasse 63 in Basel. We are striving to help people find love and a home. We all know the feeling of emptiness. Because of Covid-19 the emptiness became even bigger and isolation became a daily reality for people. Especially the marginalized groups of our society are particularly affected because of the unjust structures of capitalism. Okcupied fights against this isolation and works to fill empty spaces with good vibes. Are you motivated? We’ll find the empty space that’s right for you.

You can find us on Telegram and Instagram:

Collective ok.cupied

Yverdon: Waiting for its verdict, the Quartier Libre proves that it exists!

On Tuesday, November 16th, one month after having occupied the wasteland and two vacant houses in the Yverdon district of Clendy-Dessous, we appeared before the “Justice”, that is to say on this occasion the Tribunal d’Arrondissement de la Broye et du Nord Vaudois, presided over by Véronique Pittet.

Or rather we did not appear. Because although we had received a non-nominative summons with almost 3 weeks of delay between the date of the summons and the postmark – administrative slowness is a good thing – the “Justice” informed us the same morning by e-mail that one of us had to be present so that our lawyer could represent us. The Judge then refused to let the designated person appear, because this one was reluctant – for obvious reasons – to give his identity. [Read More]

Lausanne: an update by the Porno Diesel inhabitants

If the commercial gardening project “Espace Blécherette” in the Châtelard area seems to leave a lot of uncertainty as to its realization and painfully reminds us of previous urban planning setbacks in Lausanne, there is still a shadowy area: the displacement of about 20 people.

It’s been almost 7 years that we have been living in the farm of Châtelard 103. It is the house just before the entrance to the Blécherette highway with paintings on the facade. There are trailers and shacks too. Recently, the City of Lausanne, owner of the place, decided not to renew our current contract of loan for use and to put an end to our occupation of the place. It puts forward the will to replace us by an organic agricultural project. We are opposed to the latter, but we will be receptive to projects compatible with our habitats. [Read More]

Lucerne: Free Spaces Now! Demo 17 september

Even after a summer, the now empty house on Murmattweg sits heavy in our stomachs. We continue to be angry and sad about the tough structures in Lucerne that keep getting in the way of the implementation of self-determined projects and ideas. We stand in solidarity with projects in Lucerne that continue to withstand this pressure, forming important free spaces.

But we don’t want to just quietly accept that more projects will be lost and that the conservative and inflexible attitude of the city government will simply go unanswered. We need places where conventions and hierarchies can be broken. That’s why on September 17 we’re taking to the streets together and loudly, demanding space for education, networking and emancipation.

For more free, self-determined and solidary spaces in Lucerne! [Read More]

Bern: Worbstrasse 104 and 108 squatted

We are a creative and mixed collective. We all share the desire for free space, self-organized culture and living space. We have already contacted the municipality of Muri.

The two listed houses have unfortunately been empty for some time since the municipality of Muri stopped offering emergency housing. Now the bourgeois city of Bern is supposed to buy the houses. The city already owns many properties and only the planned small farm store would be accessible to the general public.

The two houses are part of the Schürmattsareal, which is to be developed. In the guideline plan of the development of the Schürmatt, it says: “To promote the quality of the open space” a “central meeting point and event location” should be created in addition to a “play and recreation area”. We would like to contribute many ideas and possibilities to this with our occupation. For this purpose we want to create a space for discussions and new ideas. [Read More]

Gros-de-Vaud: armed offensive of the owners against the resquatted Auberge d’Etagnières

Since Saturday, a collective has been occupying the old hostel and pizzeria in Etagnières in the Gros-de-Vaud region. The owner and his henchmen came, armed, in order to evict us.

“We will kill you”.

This Thursday 8 july at 15:00, the owner accompanied by a dozen acolytes armed with pickaxes, sledgehammers, a giant bolt cutter and a grinder attacked the Auberge d’Etagnières, which we have been occupying since Saturday, with the firm intention of evicting us and doing us harm. “We are going to kill you” they repeated several times. The owner and his men broke some of the windows on the first floor and broke down the front door. Barricaded urgently on the top floor, we repeatedly reminded them of the numerous violations of Swiss law they were committing, encouraged them to file a complaint and to go through legal channels. The police had already noticed our presence on Monday evening and warned the owner of the squatting procedures. Instead of complying with the legal framework by filing a complaint, he decided to take justice into his own hands. In this country, the minority of landlords think they are above the law, since it is of course forbidden for the landlord to take justice into his own hands, although we are protected by the law of the lease. [Read More]

Solothurn: Wagenplatz “Wagabunten”, 7 years are enough! The “Wagabunten” are still around!

For 7 years now we can be found in our trailers in the city of Solothurn and the surrounding area. 7 years in which we have tried to get our request for a fixed location for our caravan site. But unfortunately there is still no solution for our alternative living project.
In these 7 years we have tried different solutions: we have collected signatures, we have actively approached land owners, be they private individuals, the city, the canton or the surrounding communities.
A concept was also worked out and sent to various parties. But even with the consent of a private land owner and a building permit, obstacles were put in the way of our project. Therefore, the occupation of brownfield sites has proved to be the most effective method for us. In this way we have occupied over 25 derelict sites in the last 7 years. For us “Wagabunten” this means moving on average every 3 to 4 months!
We demand a location for our trailer park!
There are some examples of alternative living in Bern, Biel, Lucerne, etc. that show that they’re in demand and that there are possibilities to legalise such projects. [Read More]

Basel: actions days, new squat on Florastrasse 23 evicted


With the rapid deepening of structural inequalities, lack of solutions, and the economic crisis amplified by Corona, a void has entered many of our minds, bodies, future plans, social interactions, relationships, and wallets.
Stay at home and do nothing? We have a different idea of solidarity! Let’s denounce grievances together! Point out where the problems of the crisis are buried! Question the principles of our society! Share experiences! Time for unconventional solutions! Civil disobedience is more than appropriate! Solidarity with hand and foot can be lived! Together against emptiness!

This morning, april 21 2021, Florastrasse 23 was occupied. The house has been empty for a year and should have been used again. The owner, however, was not happy about this news and called in the police without further notice. A constructive conversation or other negotiation between the squatters and the owner was unfortunately not possible. The house was thus evicted by the police after a few hours. There were no arrests. [Read More]

Lugano: CS()A Il Molino under eviction threat!

Unnamed comrades, friends who remain
be strong and spread the social truths,
This is the revenge we demand from you.
This is the revenge we demand from you.
(From the song “Addio Lugano bella”, Pietro Gori, 1895)

The social center Il Molino in Lugano (Ticino-Switzerland), is under eviction threat. Following the strong repression of the 8th of march demo in the train station of Lugano, when the police used pepper spray and batons against the demonstrators, politicians (Lega dei Ticinesi, UDC-SVP, PLR-FDP) and local media started a campaign for the eviction of the Molino under the old bourgeois discourse of the “respect of the rules of democracy for all its citizens” and “for social peace and law and order”.

The message is clear: in the tax haven of Lugano, there is no place for a space that does not follow the capitalistic rule of profit. In a city where you have a bank in every street, what would you expect?
We don’t know when it will happen, but it could be soon! So better be prepared! [Read More]

Bern: call for solidarity at the new squat on Wasserwerkgasse

On Monday 14 March 2021, we occupied the house at Wasserwerkgasse 17 in Bern. Our existences are highly threatened due to acute housing shortages. Furthermore, in the current crisis, the people who suffer the most are those who are already in difficult circumstances. Under the current circumstances, as well as the general developments in the city’s spatial policy, it is regrettably an impossibility for people with low incomes to get access to urgently needed spaces in the city. Our ideas for the use of the house include living and working spaces as well as integration projects and low-threshold meeting possibilities in the form of non-commercial offers for everybody. People without papers, people with small incomes, people who are fed up with overpriced pop-ups and cool ice scream shops, people who do not orient their lives on capitalism and people who want to shape their lives and their environment together and decide not to live in rented apartments. We want to live, offer space for people who are systematically excluded and be a sustainable and solidary alternative to the individualized and consumer-oriented throwaway society! [Read More]

Lucerne: Demo, Eichwäldli restoration now!

Dear supporters of the Eichwäldli, dear friends of a lively city of Lucerne, dear critics of the approach of the city council

Events at the Eichwäldli have been unfolding over the past few days. While the residents are still resisting the imminent demolition and are campaigning for a restoration of the barrack, the city council filed a criminal complaint last Thursday. This despite the fact that many people from the population, including over 200 cultural workers, demanded the preservation of the “Eichwäldli”.

Even the majority of the city council voted for a restoration of the building, yet the merciless councillor ignored the accepted postulate from the city council. Why is it fighting tooth and nail against a restoration that is free of charge for it? [Read More]

Switzerland: Call to support the ZAD de la Colline

In Switzerland, a few kilometers from Lausanne, the multinational cement company LaFargeHolcim seeks to expand the exploitation of the limestone quarry which consumes and attacks the Mormont hill. The quarry’s expansion threatens to engulf the hill’s protected forest, its unique biodiversity, its history and the cultivated lands which it is home to. The company is no stranger to such aggressions. Its involvement in over 120 cases of environmental and human rights violations is currently documented in 34 countries.

The Birette plateau is an area of precious biodiversity. It hosts an atypical flora comprising several protected species, including rare species of orchids. It is also of crucial archeological and historical importance. Furthermore, the extracted limestone participates in the colossal CO2 emissions produced by LaFarge Holcim and the cement sector, which is responsible for 12% of the global CO2 emissions. Holcim Switzerland is the company producing the most CO2 territorial emissions in the country.

Since the legal recourses submitted were unable to guarantee the termination of the project, the occupants of the Zone à Défendre (ZAD) de la Colline decided to block it in order to defend the hill’s biodiversity, local farming, cultural patrimony and, more broadly, the climate against the concrete industry. Through their physical occupation of the site, they oppose corporate land-grabbing, the rampant exploitation of resources whose transformation and usage is detrimental to the environment, health and human rights. Additionally, this ZAD seeks to understand and combat the socially and environmentally destructive system of which the company’s extractive project is a part.
