Berlin (Germany): Call for Action! Whether Erfurt, Hamburg, Vienna, Magdeburg, Münster, Wilhelmshaven, Oldenburg, Prague, Lodz, Berlin or Dresden – it is the same shit, the same repression everywhere…

December 2009! Our Utopias versus your Profits! Action month for autonomous free spaces and against repression! Time has come for an uncontrollable movement…

This is an appeal/invocation to all of you who have been affected by repression and foreclosure(exclusion) or who feel solidarity for those who have, to all small groups and left communities/, artists and activists. It goes out now because the last weeks have been very tumoultously, so many things were happening, not just in Berlin, but also in many other cities and countries. It’s almost the same procedure over and over again: The minute people allow themselves room for a free space to work collectively on new ways of living and fighting together, State is fighting back with Its repression organs. Evictions, arrests and law cases turn up on the pale. No matter if it’s Erfurt, Magdeburg, Berlin, Hamburg, Dresden or Oldenburg: in the capitalist reclamation logic there is no space for free space. We have had enough of it – so now it’s time to fight back together!

The situation in Berlin…
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Berlin: Brunnenstraße 183 evicted this afternoon!



24th November 2009 Show your solidarity, galvanize and engage in DECENTRALIZED ACTIONS all over the city! Express your anger in various and creative ways!

REPOST THIS MESSAGE, spread it over your mailing list, wake up your flat mates and call your friends !

The cops shouldn’t have any rest the next nights and days, keep them on the go! Organize demos / parties / riots!!!

Solidarity IS a weapon! Let hell break loose in Berlin!

Burn down your local german embassy!!!

The ownwer of the house: Dr. Kronawitter,Prinz-Eugen-Straße 3 · 94034 Passau (Germany), phone:+49 851 49 349-0 , fax:49 851 49 349-49 Give him what he needs.

Berlin: House squatted, burning cars and barricades…

Berlin, 18 of June 2009

Claim on the house squatting:

„House squatting in Friedrichshain” – Actionweeks June 2009

During the action days for freespaces in Berlin we squatted since a few hours a house in Berlin – Friedrichshain.
We want to remain in the empty building located in the Voigtstr. corner Dolzigerstr.

Our squatting action is part of a line of actions which are directed towards the keeping of autonomous freespaces and against a restructuring of the city Berlin, oriented exclusively towards the capitalist logic of usability.
Our goal within the action weeks called by the campaign “We stay all!”. From the 6 to the 20 of June is not only the keeping and raise awareness about the already existing freespaces in Berlin, threatened by gentrification, but also to fight for new ones.

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Berlin: Schwarzer Kanal received an eviction date for 31/12/2009

Wagenplatz Schwarzer Kanal is an open community project, run not only by the people who live there, but by a wider community who use it for events, workshops, art, film evenings, bike fixing, concerts, Vöku, cabaret or as base for political actions… and! For that we have a big stage area, a wagen for hosting workshops, an open air cinema, a community kitchen wagen, a bike workshop wagen, a fire and bar area…..

The schwarzer kanal has received an eviction date for 31.12.2009. This has come from the owners of the land Hoch Tief, who say that they need all of the land we occupy to start a huge building project and for the access roads to the site. Hoch Tief claim that they dont want to start the building project so soon, but unless they start the developement in 2010 they will have to pay a large fine to the building regulators (BIMA). Over the last few years, our location in the Media spree development zone in central Berlin has put us in the firing line of an invasion of big companies, and the gentrification of Kreutzberg-Mitte. However this is the first time we have recieved a concrete eviction date. Schwarzer Kanal is mobilising to resist, and maintain our unique status as a queer political and cultural wagenplatz. Schwarzer kanal is incomparable to just another concrete box. Help us to resist this eviction! For information and updates join our email list:

send an email to schwarzerkanal[AAA] with the heading “verteiler”

Further information and updates to follow!

Schwarzer Kanal bleibt!

More info:

Berlin: Brunnen 183 to be evicted June 18th. Get mobilized now!

Brunnen 183 to be evicted June 18th. Get mobilized now!

Housing project Brunnen 183 and Umsonstladen (free shop) in Berlin are to be evicted on June 18th at 07:00 a.m.. The letters from court that announce the eviction arrived today, May 26th. Inhabitants, users and supporters of the house hereby call for support and solidarity of any kind anywhere at any time. Come to Berlin, be there, be loud, start a riot!

>From June 6th to June 21st there will be Action Weeks organized by the wba-campaign (?wir bleiben alle!? – ?we’re all gonna stay!?).

Places to sleep and infrastructure will be at hand. Those who can’t come to Berlin are invited kindly to ?get active? from now on and whereever possible!

Houses belong to those who live in them! Defend 183! Destroy the city! We’re all gonna stay!


Solidarity blog:

Berlin: Rigaer94–The Struggle Continues!

Berlin’s Police Chief and LKA 5 (Landeskriminalamt) give the following prognosis

The theme of gentrification will also be meaningful in the year 2009. Previous actions with a high degree of mobilization highlight, that this theme and the retention and expansion of leftist open spaces (Freiräume) rank very highly in importance within the scene. It is to be taken into account, that major actions by the police against individuals and infrastructure of the leftist scene will be “responded” to by crimes against the infrastructure of both local and federal police or institutions relating to the courts. Furthermore, it is to be taken into account that the manifold actions (for example unregistered and spontaneous demonstrations) that follow such measures can result in violent confrontations.”

Thank you very much for this realistic analysis. We couldn’t have said it any better! Something is afoot in Berlin: People are taking more and more to the streets, refusing to peacefully surrender to the political fairy tale. This was demonstrated recently by the “Wir Bleiben Alle” [We’re all staying] campaign, which organized a mass mobilization for self-organized open spaces on March 14th, 2009 under the motto, “united we stay” [originally in English]. 5000 loud and determined people took to the streets and combatively showed their displeasure with the police. Even better: more and more actions are piling up, and demos are becoming uncontrollable for police! This was also seen in this year’s May 1st.

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Berlin: 06.06. – 21.06. 2009 — Wir bleiben alle!

This year there will be the „We all stay! Action Weeks” again. Since the decentralized DIY concept of protest was so successfull last year we will continue to rely on it this year. An preparation group will provide an infrastructure with sleeping places, info points, website, radio, ticker etc. The rest of the program is in your hands. Think about how to organize your protest against the dominating city planning. Be creative and visible for the general public or organize yourself silently.

We want to give people an opportunity to make their frustration and rejection about announced evictions of autonomous spaces, rising rents, ever growing surveillance, about control of public spaces and of course about profit-oriented and therefore exclusionary politics from the Berlin government. But its not all about Berlin. We want to offer a stage to all emancipatory projects, collectives and campaigns that wish to inform people about themselves, about their struggle, their problems and their success. Here again: DIY! Hold workshops, start direct action!

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Berlin: 5000 people on the streets

15.03.2009 The police estimated that 2500 people attended the demo (on 14th March) but the organisers claimed the the actual number was twice that. The demonstration started in Hermannplatz and moved slowly through Kreuzberg, across the river and into Friedrichshein. Towards the end some people shot fireworks of a roof and did a banner drop. The police tried to enter the building at which point people started fighting the police shaking the nearby police van and throwing rocks. After this many masked up, dug cobblestones from the streets and broke away from the demo, attacking police cars and normal cars and a McDonalds. After the McDonalds was attacked with paintbombs and rocks a police car was overturned on the intersection of Warschauer Straße and Frankfurter Allee. About 10 people were arrested and two people were injured-possibly seriously.

for photos check and links to videos, check out:

Lotek for Indy UK

Berlin: Liebig34 – news about the future of the project


After months of negotiations whith the landlord G.Padovicz the inhabitants of Liebig 34 as well as the XB-collective and the infoshop „Daneben“ decided to accept a leasing contract for the next 10 years. Already in summer the inhabitants of L34 tried to buy the sixth and last part of the house in Liebigstr.34 ( the last part that Padovicz did not yet own), whithout success.Padovicz bought the last part of the house and whith this he finally was the owner of Liebig 34. Over and over again the inhabitants tried to negotiate contracts, but negotiations always failed because of unacceptable conditions or too high prices per square meter. Finally negotiations succeeded, and the inhabitants of L34, the infoshop- and the XB-collective decided to sign a leasing contract for the next 10 years. The contract started on the jan. 1st, 2009. That means that as long as Liebig 34 is accepting the conditions of the contract, the situation of the three collectives will be stable. Still this contract doesnt secure the house for ever, but only for the next years. The decision to accept this contract was not easy for us.

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Berlin: Call for Autonomous Demonstration on 14th March 2009

Call for Autonomous Demonstration 3/14/2009

United we stay- Collective, offensive, subversive.

Berlin beginning 2009: The process of gentrification continues. In the early 90’s there were more than 100 squats and now there remains only a few autonomous spaces. They are living culture projects. As redevelopments, modernisation and refurbishments continue, so does the attack on our remaining free spaces. We are being expelled from the city. There are currently about 10 projects endangered in Berlin. Gentrification is a process which doesn´t just attack, it also chases away parts of the population from their living areas, their social environment.

There are many who cannot and do not want to fit into the beautiful image of Berlin and its rich city centre of Neo liberal capitalism. Not just Berlin, everywhere. We do not want to be chased away without resistance. Our projects are colourful, diverse and also we as individuals are loud and powerful. We want to go to the streets together and demand:

-A political solution for all house projects.

-Detailed solutions for the current endangered house projects and wagon places now. Immediatly!

-We demand an end to the neo liberal city reorganisation.

The city belongs to everybody! Berlin should stay colourful, political, creative, full of solidarity, lively, diverse, but also affordable for everybody. United we stay-collective, offensive, subversive!

To find expression for our rage organise creative actions outside of the demonstration within the city, we welcome solidary actions in the entire country and everywhere. Come to Berlin, organise yourself, stay spontanious.

We need to stay together, full in solidarity for our autonomous spaces, for emancipatory projects and uncommercial culture. Make your own “redevelopments“ and reorganise the city in rebellion against the expulsion of our living projects!!!!!!!

Against expulsion and repression! For more self organisated life in Berlin and worldwide!!!!!

Fr. 3/13 from 6 pm, Rigaerstr. 78: Infos, Worshops, Food Sat. 3/14 3 pm, Hermannplatz/Neukölln: DEMO! Sun. 3/15 from 2 pm, Køpi: Breakfast, 3pm Plenum

Watch out for infopresentations nearby!!!

The demo concept and more, you can find information at: or


Erfurt: Topf & Söhne to be demolished?

In 2001, a group of antifascist activists connected to the anti-German movement occupied the long-abandoned Topf & Söhne factory grounds in Erfurt, Germany, where the crematoriums for the Nazi death camps were manufactured.

From the decaying shambles they forged a dozen apartments, a free kitchen, studio & rehearsal spaces, a performance space, a free store, and a museum documenting the crimes that occurred there. They also succeeded in building a community which has become a locus for organized resistance to resurgent fascism in Germany’s east, which is an ever-present and ever-growing threat.

Local authorities intend to evict the Topf & Söhne squatters. A new owner has acquired the property and plans to demolish the site, erasing both historical evidence of the Nazi atrocities and an important community resource, so that the land can be redeveloped into a commercial complex. Only one structure, the administrative offices, will remain as an official historical site, a concession earned through the continued agitation of the squatters and allied local citizens to preserve the entirety of the site.

The squatters themselves, who have struggled nobly, will be left without a home. They nonetheless intend to stick it out, awaiting the inevitable showdown. Stand up to defend community, historical memory, and grassroots resistance! Please contact your local German consular and ask them to intervene to stop the eviction and demolition of Topf & Söhne.


Source Indy UK

Berlin: Liebig34 stays !

The house project Liebig34 in Friedrichshain, Berlin is one of the last existing autonomous and separatistic women, lesbian and transgender collective in Europe.

The political infoshop Daneben as well as the bar-collective XB-Liebig both uncommercial and self-organized spaces, are also located in the same building.

Squatted in 1991 and later legalized, the house still affirms itself as an autonomous and radical place active in the scene.

The Liebig34 has existed for 17 years. The house is internationally known, being an important meeting point for the emancipatory-feminist scene in Berlin.

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