Hamburg, Germany: Demonstration in solidarity with struggles in Greece and everywhere

Demonstration on 27.4.2013, starting at 15.00 from Achidi-John-Platz, Rote Flora, in Hamburg

For the social uprising! Solidarity with self-organized struggles in Greece and worldwide! For the destruction of Power!

March against the economic crisis of the system, the rise of neo-fascism, the increased state repression, the eviction of squats and the crackdowns on migrants… but also in solidarity with self-organized struggles and attacks against the State, in solidarity with comrades who continue to fight by all means to destroy the civilization of Power.

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Cologne (DE): 30.04.2013 Warm up for resistance – Demonstration – Prelude of the campaign “Kein Tag Ohne”

Demo: Tuesday, 30. April, 2013, 20h (punctual!)

Meeting point: is going to be announced shortly beforehand
Last infos:

The Autonomous Centre Köln (AZ Köln) has been founded three years ago with a squatting action of an empty building in Köln-Kalk. Since then it has been shaped by a huge variety of people into a self-organized and self-determined space for emancipatory politics, for non-commercial art and culture. In the meantime a use contract has been eked out in confrontations with the cities authorities. This contract has now been cancelled and is going to end on the 30th of June 2013. According to the plans of the local ruling parties, here especially on pressure of the social democrats (SPD), the building shall be evicted by police and a park ( or better a green stripe ) shall be established on top of its debris. This has to be resisted and averted.

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Liebig14, Berlin: Reflections on an Eviction – For the Joyful Militants

On the second anniversary of the eviction of Liebig 14

“An event can be turned around, repressed, co-opted, betrayed, but there is still something in it that cannot be outdated. Only renegades would say: it’s outdated. But even if the event is ancient, it can never be outdated: it is an opening onto the possible. It passes as much into the interior of individuals as into the depths of society” -Gilles Deleuze

Struggle and Repression

The second of February 2011: a Berlin house project is evicted by several thousand cops. This event paradoxically marks a moment that is both a recent high-point of struggle in Berlin, as well as a highpoint of repression. Thousands take to the streets to demonstrate a collective refusal: we do not accept this eviction, nor the eviction of any other emancipatory space, nor the eviction of any individual or family from their home as a result of a city politics that is so clearly rotten, twisted in its pursuit of financial gain. We refuse the power of this city politics, and its neo-liberal yea-sayers, have over urban space. We will continue to fight for this space – the city we live in – to be a collective creation and not an object of financial speculation.

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Cologne, Germany : You wanna kick us out? We kick you out now!

First reactions on the termination of the use contract of Autonomous Centre Cologne (AZ Kalk).

The savings bank Sparkasse KölnBonn has cancelled the use contract with the AZ at the 13th of March 2013, as demanded by the politrix of the city of Cologne. Reactions of concerned and solidary structures were quick to come. Activists made a visit to the town hall and the head office of Sparkasse at Rudolfplatz on the following day. Later in the evening around 200 people made a spontaneous demonstration through the city centre.

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Darmstadt, Germany: Solidarity demo for anarchists and squatters in Greece

For many people in Greece the living conditions are dramatic, with high unemployment rate, massive austerity measures, cuts in pensions, forced evictions, along with the privatization of important infrastructure. The social and healthcare system has collapsed, while many people can no longer afford to buy food, let alone essential medicines.

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Siegburg (Germany): Worldwide action days for liberated spaces, 2–12 February

libertaerejugendsuThe Siegburg Libertarian Youth (in North Rhine-Westphalia) addresses a call-out in the context of the Black February direct action days, and draws particular attention to few regional issues and developments, so that solidarians can also express their support to various local initiatives and projects.

First, they send all their strength and love to the Autonomous Space Cologne (AZ Köln), which is once again threatened with eviction. Next, they look forward to another 20 years and an eternity of the Self-organized Youth Centre (SJZ) in Siegburg, declaring: ‘We are here and we will fight! SJZ in Siegburg stays!’ Also, they are excited about the growing efforts of people to establish libertarian centres in the city of Bonn and wish them all the best. [Read More]

Berlin (Germany): Spontaneous demonstration in solidarity with squats in Athens

Soli_Banner_BerlinWe forward a communiqué related to a spontaneous demonstration in the streets of Kreuzberg, Berlin, and send comradely regards:

On the January 17th a spontaneous demonstration in solidarity with the squats in Athens took place in the streets of Berlin-Kreuzberg.

At 8 pm around 50 people gathered to show their solidarity with Villa  Amalias, Skaramanga and  Lelas Karagianis, walking through the main  street of Kreuzberg.

The demonstration was not registered and most of the comrades were masked. Slogans were spray-painted, an ATM got destroyed, fireworks went off and some stuff was pulled on the street. The demonstrators were shouting “From Berlin to Greece: Fight the police!” and “Cops, Pigs, Murderers” (in Greek). A civil car of the police showed up and got chased off with stones. [Read More]

Cologne (Germany) : ++AZ Rave Demonstration++

The Autonomous Centre in Köln-Kalk is existing since almost 3 years as a space for uncommercial art, culture and autonomous politics.

The city now aims to cancel the usage contract for the building and treatens with violent eviction – in order to construct a park.

WTF?! That we won’t let happen. Expect resistance.
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Hamburg (Germany): Statement of the squatters of the former ministry of finance in Altona

At the 23rd of april in 2011, 200 people squatted the former ministry of finance in altona, a district in hamburg and declared the Autonomous Center of Altona (AZ Altona). The action was dedicated to the rise of selforganised spaces, against the ongoing housing misery in hamburg and the parallel existance of massive vacancy of office buildings in the city. After seven hours, the police evicted the building and later started penalty against the 40 squatters. Some weeks ago, the first penalty-letters were sent by prosecutors to demand more than 20000 euro in total!

Surprisingly, the building, which was empty for years, was given a few months after the squatting to be used from artist and economic initiatives again. We see this as our sucess that tenants got the building. Eventhough there is no new selforganised, uncommercial center, at least the building is used again at all. But nontheless it is strange and not acceptable that the people who rised the topic of this misery with this vacancy should now be punished by the states repression! [Read More]

Hambach Forest: Day 3 of Eviction

Today is the third day of the eviction at the Hambach Forest, which is occupied against the biggest climate killer in Europe, the Rhenish brown coal-mining district (Rheinisches Braunkohlerevier). After three days of eviction one activist is left, who’s inside a tunnel system under the ground. As this is the first tunnel blockade action Police don’t have a clue how to handle this. They ordered different technical teams, wich also didn’t have an idea.
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Hambach Forest: Anti-Eviction Guide

The Hambach Forest is occupied since half an year now. The forest will get cutted for the coal-open-cast-mine “Hambacher Tagebau”. This is together with two morge open-cast-mines in the region and the power plants that burns the coal, europes biggest producer of CO2. They have already started to cut the forest, and the eviction of the camp can happen every day. So read this anti-eviction-guide and see what you can do!

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Berlin: Retirees Occupy Community Centre

Repost from mainstream news: The building was once used by the Stasi, East Germany’s dreaded secret police. But, more recently, it has served as a popular activity center for seniors in a high-rent neighborhood. When local authorities decided to shut it down and sell it, retirees adopted a classic Berlin tactic: squatting. And they’re determined to win.
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