Berlin: Our Own Private Germany

After the fall of the Berlin Wall, a group of squatters from East and West set out to build their own unified Germany. And, despite endless parties, questionable hygiene, and neo-Nazi turf wars, they pulled it off.
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Greifswald, Germany: Week of action against eviction

Dear activists, those fighting for housing, Lumpenproletariat,

in Greifswald (Mecklenburg Vorpommern) for an unbelievable 5 weeks a house has been squatted. The fact that this house has been held for so long is due to the far reaching support which we have received from the people and the almost totally positive feedback from the media (Headline “Anarchy for a better future”).
Now the owner wants to evict us even though until now he implied he wanted to avoid and escalation and all the legal steps have not yet been taken. According to the bailiff an eviction is probable in the next
week. After an eviction the owner could immediately tear down the building without permission (as it is a two story building) and dump a new condo complex there instead. Our occupation is the only thing that
stands in the way of a demolition. The house must be defended.
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Berlin: The squatted school by refugees in danger of eviction

Comrades, companer@s y companer@s,

In december 2012 refugees occupied an empty old school in Berlin-Kreuzberg.

Now the green government of Berlin- Kreuzberg want to evict the 50 still remaining refugees.The ultimatum to leave the school voluntarily ends on october 31 friday, 2014.

A violent eviction now is very much possible.

REsist Now
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Hamburg: Nazis threaten to destroy Rote Flora; Antifascists call for mobilization – 15th November

After the Nazis’ show of force last Sunday in Cologne, largely tolerated by the police’s repression of antifascists’ counter-demonstration, the Nazis and their football hooligans are planning “a revolution” on November 9 in Berlin, and attacks against Rote Flora autonomous social center in Hamburg during another demonstration on November 15. They plan similar demo in Wuppertal this weekend. [Read More]

Greifswald (Germany): Community supported squatting

On the 30th of september 2014 a diverse group of people has squatted a historically important builiding near the center of Greifswald, north-east Germany.
A citizens’ initiative is fighting an ongoing struggle against the demolition of the builiding for 1 ½ years. The houses „Brinke 16/17“ became a meeting point for the neighboorhood since there are several initiatives like a „community supported agriculutre“ group, an organic food shop, a café and some empty flats. The complex is 158 years old and art historicans describe it as a good example for the suburbian homes of the 19th century. The idyllic charming two-leveled building adds to the character of the street, which is changing at the moment with newly build concrete ugly high-price architecture. [Read More]

Dortmund, Germany: Summary of the fight for the social center Avanti

Church squatted
In the evening of Friday the 22nd of August 2014, activists occupied the former St. Albertus Magnus church in Dortmund which was unused for over 7 years. Only minutes after the occupation was made public, nearly 40 supporters came to the area and held a gathering in front of the church in solidarity with the project and the squatters. Of course, it didn’t take long before the cops also arrived at the location, but they didn’t attempt to raid the building, and instead controlled the supporters outside. The next day, a priest in charge of matters of the church building spoke to the squatters and stated he will tolerate the occupation for one week. Immediately activists began to form work groups, trying to renovate the building to establish a social center. [Read More]

Essen: Thyssen Krupp AG Occupied

A group that has named themselves RÄPUBLIK has squatted a Thyssen Krupp building in Essen, Germany. There will be a press conference held by the occupiers at 18:00 (6:00pm).

More info on the occupation here, in German.

Berlin: Updated 3/7: Fight against eviction of squatted refugee school

Note: This page will be continually updated as events unfold.

The school is now in its 10th day of resistance! Scroll down to the bottom for latest news.

Latest updates on twitter and ticker

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Berlin: Poster against the eviction and besiege of the refugees in Ohlauer Street



Berlin: Eviction of squatted refugee school updates from spontaneous demo

Page now here

Berlin: Squatting memories

When, for a short time at the beginning of the nineties, the underground was in charge of East Berlin’s centre, activist and photographer Ben de Biel was there: at Kunsthaus Tacheles, at I.M. Eimer, and as the founder of MARIA Club. Today, de Biel has moved on from organizing events and now works as the press relations officer for the Piraten Partei. In this monologue, part of a series of artists and other key cultural figures speaking openly about their artistic experience in the city, de Biel told us about his own Berlin experiment.
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Germany: Reoccupation of the Hambach Forest

Since April 2012, activists in Germany have occupied the Hambach forest to prevent the expansion of Europe’s largest open-cast coal mine. The mine expansion project would mean the clearcutting of the forest and the eviction of thousands of local residents. On March 27, 2014, the forest occupation was evicted by police and today, on April 26, 2014 a new occupation arose. There are platforms and walkways up in the trees and a big demonstration is taking place close by. After a couple of days of strong repressions and the constant attempt by the „authorities“ to criminalize the sruggle the reoccupation is successful. For more information and a current ticker visit our English blog (
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