Amsterdam: ADM wins court procedure

Another court-case took place on January 24th, ADM asking for an interim measure in the appeal court-case of Chidda versus The Municipality of Amsterdam, about evicting the ADM.

Today February 7th 2018, we did get the interim measure so this means that we can await the verdict in our appeal case that is expected to take place in the summer of 2018. ADM stays!!!! You can read the verdict in the interim measure court-case here: [Read More]

Netherlands: Squatting Office Hour The Hague

Gentrification and the sale of council houses are causing renting to become more and more expensive, while the private housing market remains out of reach for many people. Despite the critical shortage of affordable housing, many houses in The Hague and its surrounding needlessly remain empty for a long period of time. Against this background, anti-squat (property guardian) companies portray themselves as the solution, but by housing people in precarious situations they only further dismantle tenant rights.
Government and private companies won’t solve the housing crisis. As long as there has been housing shortage, there are people who claim their right of residence in vacant spaces. This worldwide phenomenon is called squatting: the act of taking into use abandoned buildings or sites — without permission of the owner. Up until today squatting offers solutions; from providing housing to the creation of spaces for social initiatives.
KSU The Hague is such an initiative. We want to be an information point for people with questions about housing rights in general and the theory and practice of squatting in particular. Please don’t hesitate to drop by or send us an email!

Every Wednesday from 19:00 till 21:00
Spui 277, 2511BR, Den Haag
ksu-denhaag [at] riseup [dot] net

UK: ‘Be the change you wish to see’ – Manchester’s squatters are doing just that

The idea that ownership breeds value is essentially true. However, it is not true in the Thatcherite sense, where ownership is the means to the end of an individualistic anti-society. It is true if you develop an area which’s express purpose is to be the collective property of those who inhabit it or utilise it, then you create a system of value and engagement you cannot achieve through a space engineered to profit from its visitors.

The examples of The Addy and The Wonder How They Got Inn (formerly The Wonder Inn) highlight the increasing need for autonomous community spaces in a city which has suffered greatly from the degradation, defunding and closure of public services. Precisely because of this there is a need for community-owned spaces not under the auspices of local government or private ownership in the main because these institutions are transient. While the state is capable of good governance in providing a range of services for its people, the reality of the situation we find ourselves in currently demands a different, more active attitude. [Read More]

Rebuild Libertatia

On January 21, 2018, a series of fascist attacks on emancipatory structures of the left-wing radical movement took place in the Greek city of Thessaloniki. Tens of thousands of fascists, nationalists, patriots and clericals had gathered to give new impetus to the long dispute over the name of Macedonia and the legacy of Alexander the Great. Nationalists in Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) claim the name Macedonia in equal measure. Both states provoke themselves again and again for years, i.e. by naming historical places or airports after Alexander the Great. Since 2014, there have been no negotiations between the two countries.

Nevertheless, an agreement emerged lately.
At least on the Greek side, however, the nationalist movement wanted to stifle such an agreement, and therefore mobilized since weeks to the first nationalistic mass demonstration since 1992 in Thessaloniki, the capital of the northern Greek region of Macedonia. [Read More]

The Hague: 1st february, support De Vloek 10! Come to the Court of Appeal!

On the 1st of February the appeal of the 10 people who resisted against the eviction of De Vloek. The city of The Hague (Netherlands) tries to impose a fine of 50,000 Euro against the 10, earlier the 10 were convicted to pay 33,000 Euro. The court case will start at 09:30am at the court in The Hague.
On the February the 9th, 2015 the free space De Vloek was evicted. De Vloek was squatted for 13 years and offered people a place to live, a vegan and organic eat café, a space for concerts, several working spaces and the development of extra parliamentary politics. After a one and a half year campaign to save De Vloek the free space was evicted for a sailing center.
During the eviction 10 people were arrested. All arrestees were prosecuted, five of them were imprisoned for 2 weeks. The city of The Hague now also demands 50,000 Euro “damages” from the 10 in a civil court case. The claim for damages by city authorities is a repressive way to punish the 10 people double who resisted against the eviction. This absurd claim must be off the table!

Come to the court case and support De Vloek 10!
Date: 01/02/2018 Time: 9am
Location: Paleis van Justitie, Prins Clauslaan 60 , The hague, Netherlands
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Montreuil/Paris (France): Occupy houses, destroy prisons! Demo next February 16th

Demonstration, Friday February 16th, 2018, at 7pm.
Meeting point at the entrance of the pedestrian street, metro Croix-de-Chavaux, in Montreuil.

Housing problems in Montreuil?

Obviously yeah! Here it’s a pain to find a place to stay when you don’t have the good papers, the good guarantors, the good payslip or problems with the CAF (French social welfare). A pain for those who don’t want to, or can’t, bend themselves to all the conditions asked by the owner, wait for years for social housing, bite the bullet at each financial aid for housing reform. [Read More]

Thessaloniki: Libertatia occupied centre burned by fascists

Members of a mass nationalist rally in Thessaloniki attacked and burned a squatted social centre Libertatia in the city today, though fortunately no injuries have been reported. The building was however completely destroyed in the fire, despite of residents from a neighbouring block of flats and the fire brigade trying to extinguish it.
The two-storey building was squatted in 2008, originally as an immigrant social centre. Later it evolved to a general social centre used by a number or groups. Towards the end of its existence it was used mainly as a housing squat.
“It is a historical building: one of the few that survived the nazis but unfortunately was destroyed by their grandchildren” commented one Greek anarchist, who prefers not to be named.
Initially antifa campaigners had thought they were getting the best of the day, as all fascist propaganda had been removed from walls in the city ahead of the protest, however the “Macedonia for Macedonia” gathering eventually swelled to, by police counts, around 100,000 people including a large number of fascist thugs.
Starting under a statue of Alexander the Great, a violent wing of the rally first headed towards social centre The School, but were repelled by anarchist fighters defending the space. They then moved on to the Libertatia, which was relatively undefended, and set fire to it. The listed building has been totally destroyed. [Read More]

Notre-Dame-des-Landes (France): Letter to the local committees, the supporters of this movement, and to all those who recognize themselves in the movement against the airport and its world

We are witnessing these last weeks a stream of media statements about the zad in Notre-Dame-des-Landes, France, and its future – airport or not, evictions or not, new Larzac or not, blah blah. Suffice to say that we do not necessarily find ourselves in these statements, or not at all, or our ideas are on the contrary. Some feedback lead us to believe that it is not always very clear, for the members of the local committees, the supports and the sympathizers, especially those who are far away, geographically, from the zone. This letter is addressed to you, because we want to explain what we understand about the situation, and also to carry a different voice than those most heard in the media. [Read More]

Calais (France): Another illegal expulsion

Communication received by people in solidarity who live in this city.

A communiqué from people in solidarity with the inhabitants of 63 rue Georges Maquer in Calais

More and more regularly living spaces in Calais are being illegally evicted.
The manipulation and non-respect of the law here in Calais is leading to abuses and regular and intolerable violence. Such violations of the law in a state where law are supposed to be respected are particularly inadmissible when they are carried out by the law enforcement authorities. They are all the more intolerable when they target people already in situations of high vulnerability. [Read More]

France: Common press release from the anti-airport movement following the government’s announcement

Common press release from the anti-airport movement following the government’s announcement

At lunchtime today, the government finally announced that the airport project located in Notre-Dame-des-Landes has been abandoned.

We do note that the “DUP” will not be extended. The project will definitely be null and void by February the 8th.

This is an historical victory against a destructive project. This was made possible thanks to a long mobilisation that has been both diverse and determined.

First of all, we’d like to sincerely thank everyone that mobilised against this airport project over the past 50 years. [Read More]

Manchester: Cornerhouse 2 evicted

At 4am this morning [jan15], police and bailiffs raided and evicted the Town Hall squat, the Corner House 2. At that time, there were 10 people living in the squat, and a further 10 rough sleepers sheltering in their night shelter. All these individuals have now been made homeless again, down the to actions of the police and bailiffs. [Read More]

Trespass Journal Issue 2

Trespass Journal is self-managed, open access, and unfunded. It is multidisciplinary and publishes work in different languages. It is an online journal which also publishes selected works in print.

Trespass collects together reflections on personal experiences, essays, papers, conference proceedings, interviews, discussions, letters and other interventions from individual squatters and collectives who are using squatting to promote social change. We aim to publish submissions of peer-reviewed articles and working papers on research topics connected to squatting struggles worldwide

In issue 2:
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