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Athens: Protest camp in front of Greek parliament after 4 evictions in 8 days

Yesterday [April 18] Greek police evicted the Clandestina refugee squat [pictured] and the queer feminist Cyclopi squat. One week before cops evicted the Azadi and Babylon refugee squats. Yesterday afternoon refugees have build up a protest camp in front of Greek parliament at Syntagma square to protest against the evictions. The cops came in the […]

Athens (Greece): Occupied gym evicted and demolished

On Tuesday morning [July 17th, 2018] a bulldozer (with agreement of the owner of course) demolished squat in Exarchia, Athens, which was acting as the only occupied gym in the city. No one was arrested. Workers worked on the building while riot police was on alert and protecting the area.

Athens: March 24, demonstration to defend the squats community of Koukaki & in solidarity with squats & places of struggle

24 of March, Saturday, 12:00 in Paidiki Hara, Koukaki we are calling comrades, friends, from Athens and all over Greece, all of ages, genders, persons who work, studying, or are unemployed, with animals, with their music instruments and their expression means, to walk together. Almost a year ago, a new project bloomed in the neighborhood […]

Athens: Requesting Funds for an Arrestee

For almost 10 years the 6th of December has marked the day a 15 year old boy named Alexis Grigoropoulos was murdered by police in the Exarchia neighborhood of Athens, Greece. His murder was the spark that ignited a wild fire of insurrection across the country in December 2008 that caught the world’s attention and […]

Berlin: Solidarity with Gare Squat and arrested comrades in Athens

On Sunday, the 26th of November, OPKE units and plain cloth officers entered the Gare-Squat in Exarchia. Although there was resistance from the inside, the eviction was completed in the afternoon with four people being arrested, who were in the house at that time. The eviction of Gare is directly connected with the attempt of […]

Athens: Today City Plaza is one and half years old

22 April 2016 – 22 October 2017: One and a half years of City Plaza Today City Plaza is one and half years old. On April 22, 2016, 250 activists and refugees took over the hotel City Plaza in the center of Athens. A hotel which like many other businesses stood closed for 6 years […]

Solidarity statement from Rosa de Foc Squat in Athens, Greece, to anti-airport struggle ZAD in France

As an international housing squat we think solidarity is our weapon, and as we all know weapons have categories, from handguns to nuclear bombs. Revolutionary solidarity doesn’t have boundaries and can only benefit the struggle. We are already starting to try our theories in practice about this. International solidarity means bringing and taking ideas from […]

Athens: Solidarity statement from the squat Rosa de Foc to XM24 squat

As international collective, self-organized and based on anarchist and anti-authoritarian principles we believe that the international solidarity represents the strongest weapon that the movement has. We are all aware that this weapon can be used at different levels, from words to direct actions. As living squat and self-educational center Rosa de Foc of Exarchia, we […]

Athens (Greece): Statement of CityPlaza Squat against the threat of eviction

City Plaza will not bend / Resist the “immigration & passport bureaus”, the frightful flags of states and diplomacy war weapons factories The court order for the evacuation of the Refugee Accommodation Space City Plaza is the latest scene in the repressive management of refugees and the solidarity movement. From the closure of the borders […]

Athens: Rosa de Foc, international squat house in Exarchia

We are an autonomus, self-managed collective based on libertarian and anti-authoritarian principles. We are living on Ashmakh Fwthla 18 in Exarcheia. We come from several countries, including Greece. The governing organ of our community is the General Essembly (GA). All important decisions regarding the house or its inhabitants must be approved by GA. Any decision […]

Athens: Announcement from Gare squat. Call for vigilance against the mafia branch of repression

Yesterday, Wednesday, May 24th, Gare squat was the target of organized thugs. At midday, during clashes with MAT forces around Exarchia Square, there was a confrontation of protesters with a shopkeeper who tried to prevent a barricade-defense being set up against cops. This particular shopkeeper is known in the neighborhood of Exarchia as being connected […]

Athens: Open Letter To Ms. Aliki Papachela, owner of the City Plaza Hotel

OPEN LETTER To Ms. Aliki Papachela, owner of the City Plaza hotel Dear Madam, Sympathizing with your agony for the 81.500 euro bill sent to you by EYDAP (the Greek water company), we feel the need to clarify the following: on the day that we entered the hotel (22 April 2016), EYDAP technicians visited the […]