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Ljubljana: Call for October Revolution Festival in Autonomous Factory Rog

Dear dead revolutionaries, the dream has shattered and we are still being frustrated by the currents of history. It has been one hundred years since the scandalous revolutionary powers of the past rose against their feudal overlords, now known as the October revolution. Countries have been torn apart by war and the lords were struck […]

Hambach Forest (Germany): One Hundred Cops Spend 11 Hours Evicting a Tripod

On September 19th at 8 o’clock in the morning approx 100 cops entered the millenarian Hambacher Forest [previously on S!N], occupied for last six years blocking the expansion of RWE’s open cast lignite mine, to remove the “The Tripod”, a live-in barricade. The official state line was that it was to keep the roads open […]

Barcelona: How solidarity and mutual aid saved Barcelona’s Can Vies Squat for eviction and destruction

The Can Vies social centre in Barcelona made headlines around the world when its eviction led to five consecutive nights of rioting in late May 2014. But the social center has a longer history than this. Can Vies, originally built in 1879 to stock construction materials for the city’s subway, became the headquarters of the […]

Izola (Slovenia): Slaba Bank and Izola police attack activists of Autonomous zone Argo

The events in Izola/Isola culminated today after several days of harassment in the form of unprovoked visits of the police and criminal police officers during which they verbally threatened the community of autonomous space Argo. Today 28th October 2016 two members of the collective went for an innocent walk to bring water and instead were […]


From Ill Will Editions “[B]eneath the surface of that idea – that truism, black lives matter – is an unsettling challenge. What would it mean to create a world, or at least a space, where that actually was true?” [1] A Cop-Free Zone in Carbondale  On Friday night a couple dozen folks converged on the […]

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“London 2016: the terrain of struggle in our city” – Aylesbury Estate and some seeds of resistance

By Some London Foxes. This is a small contribution towards mapping the terrain of social conflict in London today. First, it identifies some big themes in how London is being reshaped, looking at: London’s key role as a “global hub” for international finance capital; how this feeds into patterns of power and development in the […]

London: Against Apolitical Squatting, communique by Squatters and Homeless Autonomy

Coming to Terms In Camden, an eight-month squat is evicted by pigs and three are arrested under Section 144, the 2012 ban on residential squatting. A man in a SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SQUAT t-shirt waits for NELSN to forward a text. Two arrive from a council-estate squat further north. Builders begin to secure the building. […]

London: Mamelon Tower squat evicted by riot cops after 6 hour showdown

Yesterday (Monday 5 October) TSG riot cops alongside bailiffs came in force to evict the Mamelon Tower squat in Kentish Town, North London, which had been occupied by “Squatters and Homeless Autonomy”. The Met’s finest meatheads met impressive barricades and concerted resistance and it took six hours for them to enter the building. Six people […]

Italy: The housing struggle and even beyond

We translated our editorial from almost two months ago, which was written soon after a first, successful “March of the  Peripheries”, a day in which people from working-class and suburban neighbourhoods rose along housing rights militants  and activists to tackle the gruesome Lupi housing plan, preventing people living in housing occupations and squats from  accessing […]

A Squatters Guide to Belfast

“You can’t squat in Belfast. Why? Because you… well you just can’t.” – Les Enfant Sans Souci Draconian laws. Psycho cops. Paramilitaries. Hoods with petrol bombs. Squatting in Northern Ireland presents us with its own unique set of challenges. The very existence of these challenges has been used (and is still used) by generations of […]

Saronno (Varese, Italy): Statement after TeLOS eviction

Why? We want to point it out straight: the eviction of an occupied space, always looking outward rather than inward, always opposing those who would aspire to creating a bedroom/streetlife town, won’t leave us astonished, for sure. Yet we are astonished: at the impressive solidarity we’ve received after just a day. The reason why we’ve […]

Berlin: Updated 3/7: Fight against eviction of squatted refugee school

Note: This page will be continually updated as events unfold. The school is now in its 10th day of resistance! Scroll down to the bottom for latest news. Latest updates on twitter and ticker