Girona (CAT): Kan Pons still resist!

[St. Marçal de Quarentelles]

From 2nd of May on the squat Kan Pons still resists against the eviction. There were three times yet when the authorities suspended the eviction-date at the last moment, the last one when we celebrate Agro-Crust (June 29th)…seems they don’ t like the noise so much! But still they’ re going on with their intention to kill the life of the village, the actually forecasted date for the eviction is on October 16th.

It’ s really clearly for us that we won’ t let kick us out so far, we call out to everybody to take part at the WEEK OF RURAL RESISTANCE from OCTOBER 10th to 17th.

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England & Wales: Fuck the fucking fuckers

It looks like the squatban will come in on September1 (here’s pretty incontrovertible evidence).

This is .. surprising since there was a silence for a while.

This is … exciting because now there’s going to be some action.

This is … sad because people are probably going to lose their homes and derelict buildings reclaimed for housing are now going to be returned to emptiness.
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Barcelona: The death of an Argentinian squatter

Juan Pablo Torroija was detained in the city of Girona. A few hours later he ended up in hospital. He was beaten and carried marks of strangulation. The police says he hanged himself in his cell. But evidence raises doubts about this version of the facts.

The following is a translation. The original article can be found here:
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Bristol: Illegal eviction

There has been an illegal eviction tonight by Avon & Somerset police of 66 Queen Square, a former Building Society, in Bristol City Centre – several people are resisting on the roof overnight – support is needed tonight and tomorrow – including food, water, rope and clothing.
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Switzerland: Repression of intersquat festival

A very rough translation of
Suisse: La police pète les plombs… festival intersquat repoussé

On Friday, July 27 at Freiburg, between midnight and 2:30 am, following an ultra aggressive “manhunt”, more than 50 people were arrested by riot cops and GRIF: they were batoning anything that moved, including passers-by and people already on the ground, arresting people in cars and trains, in cafes, shopping. There was intimidation by cowboys who watch too many television series (“stand still or I’ll shoot”), heavy use of pepper spray on people on the ground, then taking DNA (illegal under their own laws), keeping people in custody over 6 hours or more than 11 hours for others, creating a security perimeter with inadmissibility of a month (even for people who live within the perimeter). The wounded are many (according to police, there are only wounded in their ranks).
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Milano: eviction threat for the Villa Vegan Squat

In mid-July, 2012, patrols of the carabinieri appeared at the residences of two inhabitants of the Villa Vegan Squat in Milano, to deliver “closure of the investigation” papers related to the occupation of the Squat. The Villa Vegan is an anarchist vegan space that has existed for the past 14 years, serving as a venue for countless events, benefit concerts, mobilizations and ongoing debates and dialogues over many aspects of antiauthoritarian struggle and resistance. The space and its inhabitants have supported feminist and anticapitalist struggles, animal and earth liberation, prison abolition, opposition to the CIE (detention centers for immigrants), anti-civilization movements, and resistance to all forms of repression. The Villa has also operated as an DIY community resource with a bicycle workshop, rehearsal space and recording room, and served as a locus for other forms of underground and non-market cultural production. [Read More]

Brighton: Mass Squatting Action, October 13th

We will resist the squatting ban by any means necessary.

The Squatter’s Network of Brighton is calling for a Mass Squatting Action on October 13th to resist the new anti-squatting laws. This act is draconian, unworkable, an attack on our way of living and some of the most vulnerable in our society. We will not take it lying down.
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Calais: Olympics cleansing

People needed on the ground over the summer, many evictions are happening constantly… ‘Olympic cleansing’ is driving people out of Calais making it very difficult for ‘migrants’ to exist here.

We have an exciting new space: a large warehouse for workshops, kitchens, library, bikes and much more…
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U$A : FBI agents raid homes

Repost from ‘Green is the New Red’ about raids on three Portland houses during the morning of Weds. July 25th. One house had been vacant for years, one had been a well known activist house, and one may have had anarchist squatters. The crime being investigated is unknown. Apparently grand jury notices have been distributed to a few people in Olympia, Seattle, and Portland.

As I’ve been reporting on Twitter, there have been multiple homes raided and grand jury subpoenas issued in Portland, Olympia, and Seattle.

Three homes were raided in Portland, by approximately 60-80 police including FBI and Joint Terrorism Task Force. Individuals at the homes say police used flash grenades during the raid.
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UK: Report into the policing of protest

A detailed new reportlaunched today by the Network for Police Monitoring (Netpol) highlights how promises made by the police to ‘adapt to protest’ after 2009′s G20 demonstrations in London have been forgotten in a remarkably short space of time and a far more intolerant ‘total policing’ style response to protesters has developed in the UK.
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Runnymede: Ecovillage lives on

In recent days there have been attempts to forcefully remove us from the disused land of Cooper’s Hill in Runnymede, Windsor.

On Wednesday a High Court Enforcement Officer arrived requesting that we leave. After informing him of our intentions he decided to summon six security personnel who proceeded to carry us 40 metres away to neighbouring National Trust land. Once they had gone we returned to the Longhouse and continued with preparations for dinner.
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London: Occupy Nomads – The Inside Story

The Nomadic Occupy group are currently camped in a corner of Haggerston Park, Hackney. Temporary encampments in Limehouse, Mile End, Shadwell, a different area of Haggerston, Hampstead Heath and Ion Square Gardens precede this one. The group has been nomadic since March, shortly after the eviction of OccupyLSX at St Paul’s. This post tells the story of the Occupy Nomads, largely in their own words.
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