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Greece: Solidarity with the U.$. prison struggle from Themistokleous 58 Squat

From the wing 58 of this open air prison called Athens we send our warmest greetings to the U.$. prison rebels and all those taking action in solidarity with them around the globe. We understand your fight to end prison slavery as a call to end prison society as a whole. We understand mass imprisonment […]

Greece: Responsibility Claim for decentralized Actions at party local offices as a token of solidarity to the 3 squats in Thessaloniki

On the morning of July 27th, the so-called left government of Syriza orchestrated an efficient operation of evacuation of all squats in Thessaloniki which housed refugees and immigrants. It seems that the assignee Syriza perfectly functioned as the “middleman” who connected the far right conservative tension with that of the neo-liberal, ‘Potami’-like (social-liberal party) capitalists. […]

Greece: reprisals after state crackdown on migrant squats

Last Wednesday (27th July), the Greek state evicted three squats occupied by migrants in the city of Thessaloniki, triggering reprisals by rebels in the city and beyond. This follows the eviction of the camp at Piraeus port, Athens and the expulsion of a new social centre in Lesvos. Anarchists in Thessaloniki responded by invading a […]

Greece: Criminalizing solidarity. Syriza’s war on the movements

The eviction of three occupied refugee shelters in Thessaloniki marks another episode in the Greek government’s war on grassroots solidarity efforts. In the early morning of July 27, refugee families and supporters who were sleeping at Thessaloniki’s three occupied refugee shelters — Nikis, Orfanotrofeio and Hurriya — were woken up by police in riot gear. […]

Thessaloniki: Squats raided and evicted

In a move unprecedented in times of “democracy”, the Greek government raided and evicted today, 27 July in the early morning, three squats in the city of Thessaloniki, which were being used as shelter for refugees. The message the left wing government wants to transmit is that there is no space for solidarity and self-managed […]

Greece: Exarchia Calling

This statement is based on our personal and shared collective experience of the current situation of anarchist struggle in Greece, Athens and Exarchia. We did not neither had the time to consult and agree with the older Greek crowd of anarchists and radicals, and is only our sentiment as mostly international people with little experience […]

Poznan: Conference “The cities for people – not for profit”

6th – 9th November 2015, Poznań, Poland Greater Poland Tenants’ Association together with European Action Coalition for the Right to Housing and to the are inviting you to the conference of tenants’ rights groups. The congress will take place in Poznań between 6th and 9th November 2015. It has been many years since we can […]

Warsaw: Police car set on fire in memory of Remi, killed by cops at Testet, by Queer Meinhof / FAI

From 325: Last night (25/26 November), the first spark of fire that burns today in France, Greece and USA, illuminated the space under a car of the city-police, which was parked outside the police station in Mazowiecka street in Warsaw. We’d chosen the target not by accident.

Bristol: Revenge for Rémi killed by police at the ZAD of Testest, street fires from FAI / ELF

325 receives and transmits: French police have killed Rémi Fraisse while they try to rout a combative forest occupation that prevents the Sivens dam. We have burned a vehicle in the service of the French multinational GDF (who work towards the new nuclear reactor not far away at Hinkley Point on top of other nuclear […]

Barcelona: And on the seventh day fires subside

What happened in Barcelona this past week isn’t over. In the present circumstances it would not be a cliché to say that the fires that were set from the 26th to the 31st of May, and they numbered in the hundreds and several of them were as large as the wide avenues they built to […]

Crete (Greece): Interview with a comrade from Evagelismos Squat

Greece has a long history of anti-authoritarian struggle that has provided inspiration for anarchists across the globe. Recently, I spent time in Greece to learn from comrades there about their experiences in anti-authoritarian organization and in particular establishing squats and self-organized spaces as centers of resistance, or autonomous zones. What follows is an interview with […]

Thessaloniki: Update on the arrestees of Orfanotrofio squat

On Sunday morning, September 29th there was a solidarity gathering at Thessaloniki courts, where the 30 arrestees from the attempted reoccupation of Orfanotrofio squat were brought before prosecutor. They were charged with disturbing the domestic peace, and illegal occupation of public land (the latter accusation is based on a royal decree). All comrades have been […]