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Thessaloniki: March 10, No Nation, No Homeland, Fire to the States

About our participation in the mass anti-nationalist demonstration in Salonika on the 10th of March 2018, in the clashes against the repressive forces of the state that followed, and in the attack against the Turkish consulate and the cops that guard it: On the 10th of March 2018, we participated in a mass demonstration in […]

Thessaloniki: Libertatia occupied centre burned by fascists

Members of a mass nationalist rally in Thessaloniki attacked and burned a squatted social centre Libertatia in the city today, though fortunately no injuries have been reported. The building was however completely destroyed in the fire, despite of residents from a neighbouring block of flats and the fire brigade trying to extinguish it. The two-storey […]

Greece: Gathering of Solidarity to the Termita Squat

In the morning of 04/01 in Volos, there was a coordinated operation to evict the Termita Squat. The eviction was made by the University of Thessaly and the police force of Volos and other forces of the region. During the eviction 3 comrades were arrested and released some hours later with the accusation of disturbance […]

Greece: Solidarity with the imprisoned comrades in Italy from 111 Squat in Thessaloniki

On August 3rd 2017, cops raided several houses and occupied spaces in Florence (eviction of Riottosa squat), Rome and Lecce, aiming at the arrest of 8 comrades from Florence. This specific operation concerns 2 attacks. The first concerns the placing of an explosive device at a fascist bookstore that has connections with Casapound, on new […]

Frankfurt (Germany): New Project Shelter squat in Bornheim

On Friday, Project Shelter squatted an empty building next to the Bistro in Berger Straße 307 in Frankfurt-Bornheim (Germany). The Bistro itself was squatted a year ago and turned into an active political and social place – now the owner announced that the agreement on a short-term usage ends. „We achieved a lot in the […]

Solidarity actions across Europe for City Plaza, SquatBo and all other squats

In Athens, Berlin, Brussels, Frankfurt, Lübeck, Wuppertal and many other cities across Europe people protested against eviction threats against squats on Friday; #HandsOffAll Squats! Spontaneous demo in Wuppertal, Germany, June 23rd 2017.

Bochum (Germany): SquatBo sold to investor and under eviction threat

After this week’s eviction of the UnsereVilla squat in Kassel, Germany, the squatted building at Hernerstr 131 in Bochum was sold to an investor and is now under immediate threat of eviction. Three squats in Athens, Greece, are also under immediate threat of eviction.

Greece: Anarchist refugee squats prepare for State onslaught

A new spate of recent evictions and interventions by the Greek State against refugee solidarity occupations run by the anarchist movement in Athens has prompted callouts for a major emergency gathering this Friday. The callout and associated international day of action comes in the wake of a series of crackdowns and repression [1][2] against the […]

Wuppertal (Germany): Call for solidarity with City Plaza and all other refugee squats in Greece

Hands off from City Plaza and all other Refugee Squats! At June 7th, 2017 the news came out that a court ordered the eviction of City Plaza Refugee Accommodation and two other refugee squats in Athens. Projects like City Plaza succeed in where the Greek government and other EU member states fail; a self-determined life, […]

Berlin: Rigaer Street sends aggressive solidarity to GARE & everybody resisting state oppression

When some people learned about the recent trouble to Gare Squat in Exarchia (Athens), they decided on Friday evening 26/05, to hang a banner in Rigaer Street, Friedrichshain (Berlin). After some minutes, Riot Police and Undercover Agents arrived at the scene and stole the banner. Meanwhile more people had gathered in nearby streets and ambushed […]

Thessaloniki: Call for Solidarity

Last summer the Squat Orfanotrofio in Thessaloniki was evicted and demolished by the Greek government. One commerade faces repressions now for the squating alone, standing at court for all of us, on the trial on the 31.05.2017. We call for solidarity. The story begins with the squatting of the Orfanotrofeio in December 2015. Thousands of […]

Wuppertal: For a District Social- and Refugee Welcome Center at Marienstrasse 41

Solidarity with City Plaza in Athens and all other squats on the planet! Friedel 54 in Berlin will stay! Take the streets for an autonomous May Day! Today, the 30th of April we did a small action in front of the building at Marien street 41 to create awareness of the many empty buildings at […]