Athens: Call for participation in the defense of the Squatted Community of Prosfygika

Hello comrades,

We address this call to collectives and individuals from all around the world to join the combative defense of Prosfygika against the imminent repression. The attempted evacuation of our neighborhood must be turned into a central event of resistance and a victory against political power and the gentrification of our neighborhoods in the metropolis.


The building complex of Prosfygika was built in 1933 for the refugees coming from Asia minor.

In the conditions of the time, a vibrant working class neighbourhood with communal characteristics emerged. Today,it is one of the biggest building complexes in the center of Athens, which is still not gentrified and exploited by big investors or the state. It is a place of strategic significance, since it is located between the two ‘pillars’ of authority – the Supreme Court on one hand and the Police Headquarters on the other.

Within this socio-spatial frame, some militants, who were already living in the neighborhood as squatters, decided to organize. In 2010 they initiated the Community of Squatted Prosfygika, having as its central decision-making political organ the Assembly of Squatted Prosfygika (SY.KA.PRO.). A communal body for everyday life and political struggle. [Read More]

Brussels: call out, imminent eviction KBC occupation

Solidarity rally, Monday 13 December, 14:00
Press release of the Collective Zone Neutre, KBC Occupation

Since last July, thousands of refugees are blocked in Belarus at the gates of Poland. Pushed on one side by the Belarusian forces and on the other by the Polish authorities, without any European intervention to put an end to this tragedy. Hundreds of migrants find themselves in the streets of Brussels, without any help or resources from the competent authorities.
In recent years, several organizations have had to file a series of lawsuits against illegal instructions or practices of the Belgian state in terms of reception. While undocumented citizens and activists take care of finding housing solutions for hundreds of migrants, through actions of occupation of empty houses. While political administrators wash their hands of it. [Read More]

Pertuis: The ZAP once again under attack, we will not surrender

Pertuis (France) – This morning Roger Pellenc carried out his threats at the ZAP (Zone à patates), where we are occupying several houses to fight against a project to extend a commercial zone and the capitalist world that engenders it. A shovel escorted by six municipal policemen came to destroy the gate of the common house as well as the fence and the hedge along the street and seriously damaged the reception hut that we had built in the last few days. All this under the hilarious look of the municipal police.

Some people from the ZAP witnessed these actions, a comrade tried to get between the shovel and the gate. The driver of the machine threatened him and continued his work while putting him in danger. Then the police tried to arrest him. In the morning, prolonging the pressure of the municipal police, a helicopter of the gendarmerie turned a lot around the houses. [Read More]

Wuppertal: The Osterholz forest and occupation is under threat of eviction and uprooting

Tension is rising in the beautiful Osterholz forest on the city limits of Wuppertal and Haan. The Administrative Court of Düsseldorf has rejected the complaint of local residents against the immediate enforcement of the planning approval process. This means that we have to expect an eviction of the occupation and uprooting of the forest even more.

According to the administrative court, the local residents “are only entitled to file a complaint with regard to their own rights; they cannot successfully assert concerns of the general public, such as the general importance of the forest for the environment,” and it continues: “The avoidance of negative effects on the climate is one of the concerns to be taken into account, but not all other interests must necessarily be subordinated to it.” [Read More]

Pertuis: No shovels at the ZAP!

Pertuis (France) – This Wednesday 8 December, one of the houses next to the ZAP (Zone à patates) was destroyed. The company commissioned for the work was accompanied by the municipal police and the gendarmerie. This same company tried to demolish the gate of the common house. They threatened several times to come back and announced in particular that “all the other houses would be destroyed in the week”.

We wish to inform Mr. Pellenc, who does not seem to be aware of this, that the four houses still standing are occupied by four different groups of inhabitants for whom this is the only habitat, and that these occupations have already been reported. They are not evictable in their current state, and any attempt to force their eviction or demolition would therefore be perfectly illegal. [Read More]

Basel: House ok.cupied

This morning (November 30, 2021) early the collective okcupied Amerbachstrasse 63 in Basel. We are striving to help people find love and a home. We all know the feeling of emptiness. Because of Covid-19 the emptiness became even bigger and isolation became a daily reality for people. Especially the marginalized groups of our society are particularly affected because of the unjust structures of capitalism. Okcupied fights against this isolation and works to fill empty spaces with good vibes. Are you motivated? We’ll find the empty space that’s right for you.

You can find us on Telegram and Instagram:

Collective ok.cupied

Amsterdam: Municipality wants to evict LVV residents, court grants this in brutal verdict

Tuesday 30 November, were the first judgments in a series of summary proceedings brought by the municipality of Amsterdam. The lawsuits were aimed at legitimizing the eviction of the residents of the National Provision for Foreign Nationals (Landelijke Vreemdelingen Voorziening, LVV). Judgments have now been rendered in two cases; in both judgments the court has granted the eviction claim. This means that the municipality can proceed with eviction as of this weekend, leaving the LVV residents in question on the street. This while the party responsible for the LVV, Groenlinks, again states in its party program 2022 that no one sleeps on the streets in Amsterdam. [Read More]

Amsterdam: Hotel Mokum is dead, long live Hotel Mokum

Dear Friends,

Let’s start with thank you. The support and solidarity we have received over the past six weeks, but especially this weekend, has been overwhelming. On Saturday, we were harshly evicted, with police brutality and a demonstration of power. More on this later, but for now: so much love for everyone who stood there with us. And especially so much love for the people who voluntarily exposed themselves to state violence, prosecution and very literal physical violence by the police. Many thanks to Extinction Rebellion and Comrade Twingo without whom the eviction would have been a lot easier for the police. Thanks to everyone who helped us ensure that Hotel Mokum could not be quietly swept away. But also thank you to everyone who supported us in any other way, this weekend and for the past six weeks. You are all so amazing and so fucking brave and we couldn’t have done this without you. [Read More]

Pertuis (France): Opening of the ZAP

[Quick translation with the help of DeepL from]: The extension of the commercial activity zone of Pertuis (84) threatens the neighbouring agricultural land, as well as the local inhabitants who risk expropriation. In order to prevent this harmful project, we decided to live in one of the houses destined to be destroyed, thus launching the Pertuis ZAP (Zone à patates).
[Read More]

Wageningen: Students squat demolition building

Wageningen (Netherlands) – A group of students announced today that they have squatted a building in the city center. During the housing crisis, they not only want to live there, but also create a cultural place where people can meet.

The building belongs to Zideris, a health organization that has had it empty for 5 years. In times of growing housing shortage and rising house prices, the students find it incomprehensible that usable living space remains unused for so long. Especially in Wageningen, where the university continues to expand and attract companies, insufficient solutions are offered for all those seeking housing. “Squatting can really be a solution to the housing crisis,” says one of the students. “It’s weird that a lot of buildings sit empty for years while a lot of people can’t find a house.” [Read More]

Yverdon: Waiting for its verdict, the Quartier Libre proves that it exists!

On Tuesday, November 16th, one month after having occupied the wasteland and two vacant houses in the Yverdon district of Clendy-Dessous, we appeared before the “Justice”, that is to say on this occasion the Tribunal d’Arrondissement de la Broye et du Nord Vaudois, presided over by Véronique Pittet.

Or rather we did not appear. Because although we had received a non-nominative summons with almost 3 weeks of delay between the date of the summons and the postmark – administrative slowness is a good thing – the “Justice” informed us the same morning by e-mail that one of us had to be present so that our lawyer could represent us. The Judge then refused to let the designated person appear, because this one was reluctant – for obvious reasons – to give his identity. [Read More]

Utrecht: Squat on Croeselaan revealed during the Woonprotest demo

On Friday 19 November, an empty house on the Croeselaan was squatted. The squatters announced this during the Utrecht Housing Protest on Sunday 21 November. The squatting of the house is part of the national housing protest that speaks out against the current housing crisis. The squatters demand immediate action and do not want to wait for the empty promises of political parties and housing corporations.

During the demonstration, the squatters invited the demonstrators on the Jaarbeursplein to come and have coffee and tea at the new squat. The property on the Croeselaan had been vacant for a long time, while the blocks of social housing next to it are scheduled for demolition.

The squatters find it appalling that local political parties advocate the demolition of social housing, while further down the street, properties are unnecessarily empty. At the same time, there is an unprecedented housing crisis, which means that people in need of a house are on waiting lists, miss out on a house because investors outbid them and, if they do manage to get a house, have to work their asses off to pay the rent. [Read More]