London: Esther and Her Family Rehoused!

We’re really happy to hear that Esther and her family are being rehoused by Metropolitan housing association in their local area. Esther, ourselves, and Lambeth Housing Activists confronted Metropolitan last week about making the family homeless and demanded that they fulfil their duties as a so-called ‘social landlord’ and rehouse the family locally. By their deadline of Friday, Metropolitan had been in contact with Esther to offer her a choice two flats in the local area. Collective action works! A massive thanks to everyone who supported Esther. Let’s keep on organising together for quality, secure, truly affordable homes for everyone!
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London: Anti-gentrification movies beamed onto luxury development

Last night, a special Reel News night at the Grosvenor in Stockwell saw a series of anti-gentrification films screened onto the luxury development that is being built directly opposite the pub.

Several videos showing the fight against gentrification from around the world were projected onto the large white sheet currently covering the front of the Redmayne Apartments development in Sidney Road, Stockwell, SW9.
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Brighton: 3 days stand-off at a squatted church


Just over a week ago, an interim possession order was served on a squatted church in Brighton. Deciding to resist the IPO, the squatters barricaded the building, and took to the roof in protest and a large group of people gathered outside.

A Banner was hung from the roof stating “The meek shall squat the earth” in reference to some religious nonsense found within the church, and a black flag was flown whilst the squatters maintained a presence on the roof for 3 consecutive days.

Out of the numerous police patrols that passed, one cocky sergeant decided to parade around the church and threatened that the police would return at 5am in the morning to evict the squatters. [Read More]

London: Peoples Kitchen returns to Hackney & Open Day at 52B Well Street this Saturday

Peoples kitchen returns to Hackney after a festive break, continuing every Thursday from 7pm with free/donation based food and film screening after.

So come check out our new home for the social centre at 52B Well Street, E9 7PX, and let us know what you think (or how YOU can make it better!)

A public open day will also be taking place on Saturday 11th January for our ‘official’ opening. [Read More]

Hackney, London: New social centre coming soon & statement from 195 Mare Street collective

We are delighted to announce that there is a new home for the social centre.  The new location is conveniently close to the previous building, and will be revealed when we are ready to launch.

There is scope to continue many of the activities that occurred at Mare St, such as free shop, social/info evenings, language classes, reading groups, meetings, art classes, people’s kitchen, queer events, screenings and much more.   Confirmed opening times and the timetabling of activities will follow shortly. [Read More]

London: 195 Mare Street evicted (again)

Today (Monday 16th December, 2013), high court bailiffs evicted 195 Mare St in a morning raid. The eviction was relatively brief. Most of our useful equipment has been moved to a nearby location and will be used for projects in the near future. Watch this space for developments.

DIY Space for London

With many great temporary social centres having come and gone over the years, there is a distinct need for a self-sustaining, accessible space in London for DIY culture and radical activity: somewhere suitable for gigs, events, community organising and much more. London doesn’t currently have this, so DIY Space for London was initiated to make this a reality.
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London: Squatter from 195 Mare Street Detained

A friend, comrade, and squatmate, Ira Putiloss has been detained today by UKBA (United Kingdom Border Agency) officials. Ira is an LQBTQ person from Russia who is currently claiming asylum in the U.K for her own safety. In Russia she was harrassed, followed, and attacked, by state officials, the police and Neo Nazis because of her political activism and LGBTQ status; if she is returned to Russia she is likely to face torture, detention, and potentially death. Today (06/12/13) she was taken by UKBA officials to Yarls Wood Immigration Removal Centre and may face imminent deportation. We have recently lost contact with Ira, but are hoping to speak to her later tonight when she arrives at Yarls Wood. In the mean time, we ask everyone reading this to spread the word about Ira and her situation, and to contact groups or people who might be able to help- keep your eyes and ears open. All and any actions of support/solidarity are greatly appreciated by Ira and her Friends.

North Finchley, London: The Bohemia pub evicted

The squatters who took over the former pub The Bohemia pub in Finchley have been evicted after police and bailiffs smashed through barricades in dramatic scenes this afternoon.

At just after 5pm around 20 High Court bailiffs joined by police, including canine units, forced their way through the rear entrance of the pub in North Finchley High Road before the occupiers, who entered the building in September, agreed to leave quietly.

The squatters had turned the abandoned building into a community hub following its sudden closure in August. [Read More]

Brighton: Fuck s144! Some quick analysis

Our three friends who were accused of the “offence” of occupying an unused allegedly residential building have all now been cleared of any “crime.” The three were arrested in Brighton last year, just two days after the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act (LASPO 2012) had become law. When they came to trial, two had charges dropped, the other one was convicted purely on the word of a copper. On appeal, this conviction was quashed on October 31, over a year later. So finally we can celebrate!

Now at last we can talk about the case and what it means for squatting. Basically, the news is good. Very good in fact. This new law is unenforceable, just as groups such as Squatters Action for Secure Housing (SQUASH) and the Squatters Network of Brighton and Hove always maintained.
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Mold (Wales): Another squatting case collapses on appeal at Crown Court

Resistance to s.144 of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act (LASPO) 2012 that outlaws squatting in residential buildings is growing. Ultimately, the law may prove unworkable and unenforceable.

Ten days ago, squatters occupied a residential council property in Southwark in protest at the sell-off of council houses and the criminalisation of squatting under s.144. Last week, a Brighton squatter was acquitted on appeal as the prosecution failed to prove he was living at the property. His two co-defendants had previously been acquitted on the same charge.

Yesterday, another case collapsed when the Crown Prosecution Service presented no evidence at Mold Crown Court against Tristan Dixon who was appealing his conviction under s.144.
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Southwark, London: Interview with occupiers of the residential building on Park Street

Nestled in a quiet street between the river and Borough Market, surrounded by expensive butchers, wine bars and offices for start-up PR companies and various institutional offshoots of the Globe Theatre sits 21-23 Park Street. The nearly 200 year old building originally housed managers at the nearby Anchor Brewery, but was sold to Southwark Council who used it as part of their housing stock.

The building made headlines last week as news that the council was auctioning off the property with a reserve of  £2.25 million earned it the title of “the most expensive council house in Britain”. On Monday, just as news that the property had been sold for  £2.96 million began circulating, it also became clear that the building had been occupied by local residents, some of whom are part of a new mutual support group called Housing Action Southwark & Lambeth, in an attempt to prevent the sale of yet more public housing. Having attempted to identify a number of possible offences, it became clear that police had no legal recourse to arrest the occupants, and they left. [Read More]