Paris: A JCDecaux van up in smoke in solidarity with Operation Piñata prisoners, Mónica and Francisco

In the early morning of May 27th, it smelt of burning by Télégraphe [metro station]. A JCDecaux van went up in smoke. They enrich themselves with the gentrification of cities and exploitation of convicts.

Solidarity with comrades imprisoned during the Operation Piñata in Spain. Solidarity with Mónica and Francisco.

[Translated by Squat!net from Nantes Indymedia]

Paris-suburbs: Eviction of le Transfo

Le Transfo has been opened in November 2012 as a big squatted social centre, with four buildings (one for inhabitation and three for activities). It was an autonomous and anarchist space. More info, here, in French.

This morning, Thursday October 23rd, 2014, at 6am, the eviction of le Transfo has begun.

– 6:00am : The cops enter the squat destroying a barricaded window on the ground floor with an excavator !
– 6:10 : The inhabitants get controlled by the police.
– 6:20 : Hundreds of policemen control the neighbourhood, blocking the street on both sides. Lots of police vans are parked in the street.
– 7:00 : Inside the squat, the cops want to arrest the people who have no identity documents to present. The inhabitants refuse that situation and say “or you arrest all of us, or you don’t arrest anyone”. [Read More]

October 19th: European Day of Action for Housing

Housing for people, not for profit!

We are confronted with a brutal European austerity regime which continues to transform our livelihoods into financial assets for global speculation, which violates the universal right to housing every day, which destroys democracy at all levels and has no socially acceptable solution for the crisis of capitalism. Not only since the crisis it is the poor and excluded who get hit by this system especially hard: un- and underemployed, homeless, precarious workers, immigrants, Roma, students, single mums, and everybody who is not willing to fit into a capitalist mode of reproduction. This group is now becoming the majority of society.

How the capitalist systems plays out in the diverse housing markets in Europe might be different, but the underlying logic of neoliberal politics, privatization and financialization of our homes is the same.
This is why we aim to stand up, to unite our struggles and to broaden our movements. We will not let us be divided by neoliberal politics.

Join our struggle on October 19th!

Montreuil-Bagnolet-Paris: Demonstration against evictions of squats and rented houses on April 27th

Demonstration against evictions of squats and rented houses on Saturday April 27th, at 2pm, rendez-vous at pedestrian street, Montreuil/Paris, métro Croix-de-Chavaux (line 9)…

… we’ll go on until private property, state and capitalism disappear.

More information, in French.
See also
Contact: transfo[ât]
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International day of action against eviction and displacement – Protest actions in UK, France, Germany and Spain

Today (March 18, 2013 – s!n) at lunchtime, a small but determined protest action took place in front of the Spanish embassy in London to show solidarity with the Mortgage Holders Platform (PAH). People handed out leaflets (attached) to passers-by and embassy staff. Other protest events took place in Edinburgh, Berlin, Paris, Barcelona and lots of other Spanish cities. The action in London was supported by local private tenants groups and Unite Community. The protest in Paris was organized by the “Association of the Right to Housing” (“Association Droit au Logement”, DAL), in Berlin the alliance “Prevent evictions” (“Zwangsraeumungen verhindern”) and “Kotti&Co”, amongst others, followed the call for action.
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Paris (France): Solidarity action with the squats attacked by the Greek State

parisfondationhellenique28janvier2013On Monday, January 28th, 2013 around 50 people went to the Hellenic Foundation (Jourdain Boulevard, in the 14th arrondissement of Paris) to give a talk at the beginning of an evening dedicated to ‘the destiny of modern Greece.’ They unfurled a banner before the public which read: ‘In Greece like elsewhere, solidarity with squats, down with private property!’ and distributed the text below to everyone.


Committed to wielding power, money and property, using ever more high-profile and violent means to protect it through the police, army and other control and surveillance apparatuses, the various States play their own unique role all over the world, targeting subversive and revolutionary struggles and resistance where they’re most on the offensive. [Read More]

Paris: Occupation of Standard & Poor’s against the G8


Occupation of Standard & Poor’s against the G8

Thursday, May 26, the activists occupy Standard & Poor’s

While the financial crisis hits a nearly bancrupt Europe, things have yet to change. The problem remains the same: Faced with private financial crisis, the only proposed solution is a policy of public austerity. It ensures that the cost of economic irresponsibility is assumed by the majority of the population, including the most vulnerable. Globalizing austerity for the people, expanding the playground of multinationals, thus the project of the G8 and G20 could be summarized. In response to this logic, at the time when the powerful gather at the G8 meeting in Deauville, we decided to occupy the Standard & Poor’s rating agency. [Read More]

Paris: Week of solidarity and struggles against repression (20-27 february 2011)

[February 2011 – Translation from]

To control population movements is one of the States priorities. It is, in particular, to select with care the labour force needed for the economy, and this in a general context of deterioration in the standard of living. This selection requires the reinforcement of imprisonment of people called “undesirable”, border controls and raids, dropping visas and an intensification of the struggle against the ones who in one way or another go against keeping under control population movements. For few years, people who fight against detention centres, raids and generally speaking against the deportation machine are more and more filed by the police. Interior ministers of the European Union increase measures to intensify the struggle against what would be according to them a same threat : “illegal immigration and terrorism” [Read More]

Paris: Squat in Odéon

26 March 2010

From their leaflet :

People pass by, but there’s nobody. At the windows, cameras substituted underwears. It’s impossible to chat in the streets. One gets drunk to forget the bosse’s scurvy tie and the terror of the organiszed reality. And then, on Saturday night, one even goes out to the club. Some people disappear, no one hears about them anymore.

Let’s organize ourselves against the grey sky!
It will be grey as long as we don‘t recreate it…

„One“ opened this big empty flat since years: you could have done it! „One“ occupies this place since December, „one“ doesn‘t own it.

The door will stay opened each Tuesday and Friday, between 4 and 8pm, to read or drink a coffee.

But don‘t come if you denounce your colleague to get ahead or if you applaud when a sans-papiers is arrested by the RATP security [metro pigs] !

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Montreuil/Paris: French police shoots with flashball guns demonstrators in the head – one of them loose an eye

Wednesday, July 8th 2009, the police and local Swat team evicted a squat in Montreuil (very East of Paris), the “Clinique”, an empty building in front of an open-air market occupied since january. The inhabitants were making many collective activities, workshops opened to the local population : a cine-club, a street radio, a free canteen, concerts, duties to organize collectively facing welfare institutions, owners and housing problems.

During the evening, a street canteen and a gathering were organized to protest against this eviction, in a pedestrian area close to the squat. At 10 p.m demonstrators headed on to the Clinique, lit fireworks, started to talk to the three guardsmen of the newly walled up squat. In ambush, cops charged at demonstrators without warning and shot them with flashball guns – – aiming at their heads. Five people got hit from torso to head. One of them got hit in the eye. Brought in emergency at the hospital, he had a surgery, but his eye couldn’t be saved.

Three demonstrators are still under arrest after 24 hours.

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Paris: European Communist Parties vs. Squats, European Social Forum Actions

Here is an english translation of the Indymedia Paris article about communist parties evicting squats, which was originally published in French here.

European Communist Parties vs. Squats : European Social Forum Actions

When the various European Communist Parties evict squats: action in support of the Ernst Kirchweger House, the only large squatted social center in Vienna, and the “La Charade” squat in St.-Martin d’Hères, during the ESF.
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Demonstrations against police brutality and against evictions, in Paris and Grenoble (France)

In Paris, it’s gonna be on saturday march 15th, at 12 (noon), place de la République, you can read more in french there :

In Grenoble (south-east of france), it’s gonna be on saturady march 29th, at 3pm, place Félix Poulat, during the Fraka festival (festival of resistance and alternatives, against capitalism). After the demo, there’s gonna be a big meal at the 400 couverts squat. If you want to know more, contact zanzara [at] squat [dot] net

Zanzara athée