Athens (Greece): Staki of self-organized collectives of anarchist immigrants

Today 17 July 19, we, the self-organized collective of anarchist immigrants together with others self-organized collectives and individuals solidaritian occupied a abandoned shop in the corner of Tsamadou/Tositsa streets, Exarchia. [Read More]

Athens: Open Discussion of Bouboulinas squatters with the neighbours

As an open structure and community, aimed at strengthening and developing the co-organization of our daily life and common struggles, we invite all residents of this neighbourhood and beyond to join us in putting our visions into practice. In the end it is everyone’s responsibility to take sides either with the word of community and of free self-organization or with the side of fascism and repression.

We are living in a time of war. Terror, poverty, political and economic violence, those are the consequences. By closing borders, persecuting and massacring at the borders, and mass incarceration and isolation into concentration camps with no prospect of freedom, Europe is waging a war against migrants.

Since February 2019, a mass eviction operation of squats has began, with the migrant squat Arachovis 44 in Exarchia being the first one to be evicted. At 11/4, at 6 in the morning, an army of cops evicts the housing squats Azadi and New Babylon, from where 120 people are detained. Just one week later, another operation takes place against the migrant squat Clandestina, and the anarcho-feminist squat Cyclope.

During the operations, the police violently and forcefully entered people’s homes in the early morning, kicking in doors and entering people’s rooms with weapons. After arresting residents, including crying children trembling in fear, and taking them away to police stations and prisons, the police proceeds to enter their homes once again, humiliating the residents further by throwing their belongings into disarray. [Read More]

Athens: Reoccupation of Bouboulinas 42. Call to solidarity gathering

Solidarity Gathering now in front of the reoccupied building on Bouboulinas 42

Since February ‘19, an operation has begun of mass evacuation of squats, beginning with the migrant housing squat Arachovis 44 in Exarchia. On 11/4 at 6 in the morning an army of cops evacuate the housing squats Azadi and New Babylon, from where 120 people are detained. Only a week later on 18/4 another operation takes place to evacuate the migrant housing squat Clandestina and Cyclope.

We understand this attack on all fronts against the squats and self-organized structures, with Exarchia at its centre, as an attack that serves the media profile of state and government, so as to appear as guarantor of security, law and order, and of the interestes of bosses and ladlords. The operations against the housing squats were accompanied by house raids in places for which the cops had information about drug dealing, so that all this may be presented as an operation against drugs. The result of these operations is that many of the squat residents are now imprisoned in the hellholes of the state, while the rest are left homeless.

This operation is taking place at a time with very specific characteristics. The total isolation and trap that migrants experience in greec -and in exarchia those who don’t have papers- sooner or later will fuel social eruptions. Either in the form of Eidomenis and Diavata, that is of the violent assertion that the borders be abolished, or in the form of self-organized struggles, such as housing squats. At the same time, the intensification of contradictions is reinforced by the big heads of the e.u.: the evictions of families from the homes provided by ngos is imminent, since the big capital considers that its high time these people enter the labour market, ideal flesh for the slave trade of capitalism. [Read More]

Athens: Solidarity action for the evicted squats

In the morning hours of April 19th we attacked with fire the Ministry of Culture in Exarchia. This attack was pitched, because Clandestina, the squat housing migrants, which was evicted in the morning of 18 april, is owned by the Ministry of Culture. That same morning the anarchofeminist squat Cyclopi was evicted as well. A few days ago, squats housing migrants such as Azadi, New Babylon and Arachovis 44 (with single men) were also evicted.

As for Exarchia, the strategy of gentrification has already started and the evictions (or the demolitions) of squats, the ban for anti-authoritarian events at Strefi hill, the AirBnB’s that keep popping up, the upcoming metro station in the area, the green economy that is spreading rapidly, the cops that are permanently guarding the area overall, are parts of the visible part of the “invisible” war that has been declared by state and capital.

In the network of the metropolis the most totalitarian human tendencies are expressed through relationships. Only target: the accumulation of capital from every possible production field, from every “innovative” consummation field. And Exarchia couldn’t get away from this plan. The capitalist invasion is war. And this war, besides the consciously- politicized subjects, aims the people that are not considered productive and exploitable, such as migrants without papers, “illegal” street vendors, expropriators and substance users. We, by practically showing our solidarity, take position in this war, choose to stand by to every oppressed person and to remind the state that no attack and no eviction will stay unanswered. [Read More]

Athens: Protest camp in front of Greek parliament after 4 evictions in 8 days

Yesterday [April 18] Greek police evicted the Clandestina refugee squat [pictured] and the queer feminist Cyclopi squat. One week before cops evicted the Azadi and Babylon refugee squats. Yesterday afternoon refugees have build up a protest camp in front of Greek parliament at Syntagma square to protest against the evictions.

The cops came in the very early morning hours to evict Clandestina refugee squat yesterday. At the same time they evicted Cyclopi. With 4 evictions in just 8 days, more than 300 people are homeless now.

Yesterday afternoon a group of about 70 refugees went to Syntagma square in Athens and started a protest camp in front of Greek parliament. The refugees demand housing, many of them are homeless after the evictions of the past 9 days.
[Read More]

Oulx (Italy): a new self-managed shelter is born

Today (December 9, 2018), the Oulx cantonal house (Casa Cantoniera Occupata) was opened, an empty building that has been unused for decades. From today it will be given new life. Against borders and the system that supports and determines them. Against the Salvini Decree and its policy of repression and war against the poor. For a world where everyone and everyone can choose where and how to live.

The situation at the border continues to worsen: the growing militarization, the winter has arrived. The increasingly strong system of control and management that is imposed on all those who, without the piece of paper considered “right”, continue to want to cross this line called the border. The self-managed Chez Jesus Refuge, the occupied space under the church of Claviere, was evicted almost two months ago. Since then, more and more people are getting lost and risking their lives or limbs in the mountains, without information or suitable clothing to face the journey. Without the space and time to get organized, rest, leave again. And under the constant watchful eye of the various police forces that try to prevent contact between those on the road and those in solidarity. This place also wants to be this. A self-managed refuge for those who are passing through, and need more time to organize themselves than the night hours offered by the Salesians. A place to organize against the borders on these mountains as well as against the borders in the city, and the system related to them. [Read More]

Susa Valley: Chez Jesus in Claviere evicted. Call for solidarity

This morning, October 10, very early, the Italian police evicted the squat located in the parish hall of Claviere, where migrants were temporarily sheltered. Among the people present were three undocumented migrants and several supporters. The people were quickly removed from their home. The police broke everything inside the place and then took out all the belongings.

The fifteen supporters who were present inside were rounded up for several hours in the garden. The three undocumented people were taken elsewhere and are reportedly free. After checking their identities and “files”, they were released but charged with illegal occupation in a meeting.

Since this winter, this self-managed place allowed migrants, harassed by the police, to find a place to rest before crossing the mountain. This place was crucial to fight against the racist policy of the French and Italian governments, as they collected testimonies of police violence and they opposed this policy by helping the migrants who passed through (children and adults). They were preparing them to cross the mountain, where too many people die during this crossing. [Read More]

Calais (France): Another illegal expulsion

Communication received by people in solidarity who live in this city.

A communiqué from people in solidarity with the inhabitants of 63 rue Georges Maquer in Calais

More and more regularly living spaces in Calais are being illegally evicted.
The manipulation and non-respect of the law here in Calais is leading to abuses and regular and intolerable violence. Such violations of the law in a state where law are supposed to be respected are particularly inadmissible when they are carried out by the law enforcement authorities. They are all the more intolerable when they target people already in situations of high vulnerability. [Read More]

Paris (France): squatter sentenced to 1 year in prison for attempted burglary

On Tuesday 24th October 2017, several comrades tried to enter an empty house to make it their home, but the property was equipped with an alarm system. All the comrades managed to flee except one, who was arrested and detained. The cops launched a burglary investigation, even though the house was unoccupied and the owners themselves later acknowledged that nothing had been taken. [Read More]

Rome (Italy): Cops Evict Refugee Squatters From Palazzo Curtatone & Square

On Saturday about 500 riot cops evicted around 800 refugees from the Palazzo Curtatone refugee squat in Rome, Italy. A part of the evicted people were relocated, others became homeless and occupied a square. This morning riot cops also evicted the square.

The Palazzo Curtatone, near the Temini train station in Rome, was squatted in 2013. During Saturday’s eviction, riot cops transported the refugees for identification to a police station in Rome. People tried to block the buses which transported people, but reinforcements dispersed the protesting people. Most of the squatters were people from Eritrea who had been granted asylum. [Read More]

Saint-Denis (France): Social centre l’Attiéké evicted

Today, at 6:30 am on August 17, 2017, l’Attiéké, the self-organized and inhabited social centre in Saint-Denis [in Paris northern suburbs], was evicted with the help of cops of all kinds, bailiffs, president and manager of the Fédération Française de Triathlon (owner of the building). The inhabitants were able to leave without arrest and recover some stuff. The rest of the belongings left for storage in another city in the Paris region and will likely be recovered in the days to come. [Read More]

Thessaloniki: Orfanotrofio evicted. Black & Red Call for transnational solidarity

20160727_Orfanotrofio_squat_evicted_3Since this morning (27/07) the cops have invaded 3 housing squats, which host refugees and immigrants, these are orfanotrofio, the one on Nikis boulvrd. and the recently squatted on C. Dill str. (Hurriya). 83 people were detained and there is information about over 75 arrests with the accusation of “civil peace disturbance”. The procedure of the demolition of Orfanotrofio has already started, while people who were in the building and were in need of medication were not allowed to take it. —- The refugees and immigrants are transferred to detention centers and the solidaries were dragged into police detention buildings and courts. Some time later comrades have clashed with the cops in front of the entrance of syriza’s office in Thessaloniki and occupied it. The far-right bastards of syriza go smoothly hand in hand with ND (nea dimokratia, right-wing party in power before syriza’s election), anthimos (the metropolit, church’s highest officer in Thessaloniki) and all the rest pile of shit, consisting the long arm of repression. With a non-seen before operation of revenge against no border camp, they attack in the crack of dawn on families of refugees in their own homes and on the solidaries. Power reveal its teeth again and they are completely rotten, as the bankrupt world of state and bosses is. None of us is afraid of them. Our comrades through syriza’s office occupation demand the immediate release of all the arrested locals and migrants, the stoppage of the demolition of Orfanotrofio, cops out of our homes and lives. [Read More]