A city that made its fortune by exploiting those who could not defend their rights back in the 18th century, a city where homeless people sleep on the streets, surrounded by costly restored monuments and facades – one of this kind, Bordeaux is renowned for its delicious wine, chic boutiques, elegant esplanades and bourgeois lifestyle.
An estimated number of 3500 homeless, a whole district where less wealthy people had to leave their homes after refurbishments that resulted in a boost of residential rents, plans for further gentrification of the city center, investments in façade cleanings and the construction of a touristy boardwalk instead of in the amelioration of social services, for instance in lacking nurseries – this is Bordeaux, too. Here, in December 2009 a homeless froze to death.
Under these conditions squatting an abandoned building in the north of Bordeaux is defined as a political act by the tenants of “La B.A.S.E.”. It was in summer 2010 when a group of young people entered a residential house that was left to decay for more than ten years. They decided to turn it into a place where those who seek a roof over their head can have it for free, since lodging is a human necessity, to create a place for free information and cultural events, open discussions and people’s kitchen. [Read More]
Bordeaux: La B.A.S.E., opportunities beyond the establishment
Paris: Week of solidarity and struggles against repression (20-27 february 2011)
[February 2011 – Translation from fr.squat.net.]
To control population movements is one of the States priorities. It is, in particular, to select with care the labour force needed for the economy, and this in a general context of deterioration in the standard of living. This selection requires the reinforcement of imprisonment of people called “undesirable”, border controls and raids, dropping visas and an intensification of the struggle against the ones who in one way or another go against keeping under control population movements. For few years, people who fight against detention centres, raids and generally speaking against the deportation machine are more and more filed by the police. Interior ministers of the European Union increase measures to intensify the struggle against what would be according to them a same threat : “illegal immigration and terrorism” [Read More]
Grenoble (France): The 56’s trial has been put off
Translated from french:
On wednesday december 15th, 2010, the 56’s squat, in Grenoble (56 rue Docteur Hermite), was supposed to go to the tribunal for an eviction trial:
The “socialist” Grenoble’s city-council, owner of the building, doesn’t like the idea of people self-organizing oustide from its control, leaving them doing debates, free shop, free launderette, karate and self-defence lessons, public meetings, infoshop, etc.
The city-council wants the police to evict the squat as soon as possible…
Because of the lawyers strike, all the trials of december 15th were put off to the end of the month or even later.
Le 56’s trial has been put off to next january 19th !
France targets Rom’ people
September 14th, 2010
In recent weeks, the government of Nicolas Sarkozy has evicted more than 1,000 Roma residents from their encampments in France and deported them to Bulgaria and Romania. Now, the European Union has called France’s recent crackdown on Gypsy communities “a disgrace”, The Guardian reports:
Grenoble (France): Spring walk against evictions
4. April 2010
Grenoble, March 27th: SQUAT ATTACK! http://grenoble.squat.net
An offensive walk against evictions, but not only… Newspaper office, schools, police cars and white walls are covered with slogans.
[Read More]
Dijon (France): Land occupation
Dijon, March 28th 2010: Fast occupation of abandoned land
A meeting was given on Wilson square, calling to bring gardening tools, but no more details were known. From here, people walked to the occupation place: abandoned land on the side of a main road and some empty houses. City-dweller with their spades, budding gardeners or local truckers in struggle joigned that action.
Ten years ago, a couple of truckers have been evicted from these parcels due to town-planning pressure. Now they are occupied. In several hours, the area has been cleared of brushwood, and ready to be planted.
Grenoble (France): Intersquat festival, march 20th-28th, 2010
Frontal attack / Head-lamp attack
March 20th-28th in Grenoble
It’s the end of the winter. Eviction time is back.
Because for squatters, the poorly-housed, Rroms, illegal immigrants, people who find it hard to pay the rent, the return of warmer days also means the end of the winter break for evictions.
To show that forms of collective solidarity exist against these dark aberrations and to highlight the wrongdoings of private property, from March 20th to 28th a «?Frontal attack?» will take place : an intersquat festival against evictions and private property, to reclaim the city. During the festival, numerous activities will be organized by/in different squats in and around Grenoble : a week of live shows, movie screenings, walks, vegan meals, discussions and more, to confront the political managers who are ru/i/n/ning our city and lives.
Grenoble (France): Action in solidarity with squatters from Netherlands and all around the world
Fast translation from a communiqué written in french:
Banner and fire, in solidarity with the squats
During the night of november 1st to november 2nd, party of the dead, we did awake !
We’ve put a banner on the wall of an ex-squat, on Phalanstère street, in Grenoble city-center. This building is empty for years, its owner is Actis, who is “managing” business with “social housing” and so on (owning a lot of empty spaces). This building has been squatted in 2005-2006 (Parad is Yack) and in 2007 (La Poulie / Parad is Back).
Everytime, it has been evicted by the Justice & Police crew… The second floor has been burnt a few weeks after the last eviction, to impeach the squatters to come back. The building is still empty.
[Read More]
Brussels: Gathering against repression in Calais, sept. 25th 2009
25/09: Assembly against repression in Calais
Solidarity with the migrants in Calais and Belgium. Gathering against the repression of migrants in Calais, this Friday September 25th 5 pm at French embassy in Brussels. Address : boulevard du Régent 42, 1000 Brussels.
The “dismantlement” of “the jungle” has started this tuesday (September 22nd). Police and military have evacuated several hundred persons and destroyed the homes of hundreds of migrants (not withstanding the resistance of many activists). [Read More]
Montreuil/Paris: French police shoots with flashball guns demonstrators in the head – one of them loose an eye
Wednesday, July 8th 2009, the police and local Swat team evicted a squat in Montreuil (very East of Paris), the “Clinique”, an empty building in front of an open-air market occupied since january. The inhabitants were making many collective activities, workshops opened to the local population : a cine-club, a street radio, a free canteen, concerts, duties to organize collectively facing welfare institutions, owners and housing problems.
During the evening, a street canteen and a gathering were organized to protest against this eviction, in a pedestrian area close to the squat. At 10 p.m demonstrators headed on to the Clinique, lit fireworks, started to talk to the three guardsmen of the newly walled up squat. In ambush, cops charged at demonstrators without warning and shot them with flashball guns – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash-ball – aiming at their heads. Five people got hit from torso to head. One of them got hit in the eye. Brought in emergency at the hospital, he had a surgery, but his eye couldn’t be saved.
Three demonstrators are still under arrest after 24 hours.
Grenoble (France): Graffiti in solidarity with squatters across the world
In the 400 couverts street, there were different squats between 2001 and 2005 (see http://grenoble.squat.net/#maint). In Grenoble like in most of the other big cities in Europe, gentrification is growing.
During the 7th to 8th of july 2009′ night, two graffiti have been written on the 400 couverts street’ walls:
“Non à la gentrification. Squat toujours!” and “Grenoble, Prague, Berlin, Milan, etc. Non aux expulsions [No evictions], squat forever”
In Grenoble, several squats are “evictable” this summer. [Read More]
Lyon (France): The “Boulon” squat has been evicted by police special forces (GIPN)
August 2008 is the month the State has chosen to evict all the squats in Lyon. The “Rictus” squat has been evicted on august 11th and “DK-dance” squat might be evicted soon too and “Captain Kraak” squat is gonna be “evictable” very soon.
On august 12th, at 6am, dozens of cops came to evict the “Boulon” squat: classical CRS and special forces of GIPN !
The squat was barricaded and some of the squatters went on the roof to make the eviction longer and more difficult to the special forces cops of the GIPN. After lots of noise and tries, the cops succeeded to arrest all the squatters (they were nine – the cops were several dozens) and closed the squat. It took a bit more than one hour…