Netherlands: January 24th, new court case for the ADM

Another court-case is coming up: ADM asking for an interim measure in the appeal court-case of Chidda versus The Municipality of Amsterdam, about evicting the ADM.

In this upcoming court-case we ask the Raad van State, an administrative court of law, that we can await the verdict of the appeal court-case that we started, together with the Municipality, against the verdict in the court-case that was started by Chidda Vastgoed BV & Amstelimmo BV (The heirs of Bertus Lüske), which orders that the Municipality has to start enforcing the ‘bestemmingsplan’ (=> the zoning of the area, “It’s not allowed to live in this part of the harbor”). The initial verdict, given in July 2017, in fact orders the Municipality to evict us, and they started the process by handing us all a letter on August 5th. 2017 stating that we have 6 months to stop violating the zoning of the area. So in fact, for now, the Municipality has to start the eviction of the ADM any day from February 5th. 2018 onward… (!)

This interim measure court-case will be held at the Raad van State (‘The Council of the State’) in The Hague on January 24th 2018 at 11.45 (Address: Kneuterdijk 22, 2514 EN, Den Haag)

More info and background about this and other court-cases; click here [Read More]

Greece: Gathering of Solidarity to the Termita Squat

In the morning of 04/01 in Volos, there was a coordinated operation to evict the Termita Squat. The eviction was made by the University of Thessaly and the police force of Volos and other forces of the region. During the eviction 3 comrades were arrested and released some hours later with the accusation of disturbance of domestic peace and the 6 buildings were demolished right after the operation.

We put here the text of Termita Squat that explains why it was targeted by the state and the university of Thessaly:

Squats are our liberated grounds, liberated from state control, in order to house our needs and desires; they are the structures which connect the struggle to society, which embody the vision of freedom and solidarity. They are meeting points for all those who question state and capitalism, who choose to collectivize outside the institutional framework. They are the ground on which communities of struggle are built, on terms of participation and equality. All this means that squats are not spaces of an alternative lifestyle, but a refuge in the midst of a war, for all those who are besieged by the world of authority. Especially for migrants, outside of self organized communities, the state maintains a special regime of repression: persecution, incarceration and deportation. [Read More]

Berlin: Rigaer 94. A call to resistance

The police state unleashes its full range of possibilities: early this Monday, presumably 100 faces of people, who took part in the events of Hamburg, got published. The state campaign yielded completely its disguise of prosecution and started a smear, that should break any kind of resistance. Let’s not be silent towards these incidents, this general attack on the last social and resistant elements remaining. To burn this society of snitches and murderers and fascism at the stake is a still unaccomplished duty.

It is clear to every reasonable human being, that the episode of Hamburg was absolutely necessary. The lies and fake debates of the repression authorities and the system conformant and right wing media did not achieve to rewrite the successful resistance against the G20. In one of the most self-confident democratic regimes of the whole world with a differentiated apparatus of power and the image of invincibility, ten thousands of people dared to upraise, taking great risks and partly serious consequences for their own lives. A composition of protests, resistant and offensive actions transformed the summit of the ruling powers into a disaster. A disaster for the brand of Hamburg, Germany and the most powerful themselves, whose most important meeting now has an unpredictable future. [Read More]

Athens: Requesting Funds for an Arrestee

For almost 10 years the 6th of December has marked the day a 15 year old boy named Alexis Grigoropoulos was murdered by police in the Exarchia neighborhood of Athens, Greece. His murder was the spark that ignited a wild fire of insurrection across the country in December 2008 that
caught the world’s attention and inspired general revolt for years to come; both in Greece and beyond its’ borders. Every year the memory of Alexis lives on through the resistance of courageous individuals coming together to fight the state and its bastard police in the streets of Exarchia (where Alexis was killed, and where police are not welcome).
For more information on the 6th of December and its history please look here.

[Read More]

Hambach Forest (Germany): 400 people in December 10th Demonstration

Today’s walk in the Forest has attracted over 400 people reflecting a wave of popular support sweeping not just the region but all of Germany and from around the world. This is happening at the time when the rulling parties are no longer able or willing to hold an argument on exiting from coal and its effects on the climate but instead have become an extension of RWE special interests and are trying to redirect attention and justify large police actions to destroy the last of Hambi by talk of extremism and violence.

All as an attempt to criminalize the whole climate justice movement employing such pesky tactics as road blockades and locking on to planet and climate destroying equiment. Many supporters realized that this is one of the last chances to see the world unique bionome of Hambacher Forest in its present shape if at all. They have expressed their gratitude by sharing home-baked cakes, lots of other food, warm clothing and other supplies with the unarmed “extremists” most of whom do not have firearms training both of which can not be said for the hundreds of armed cops that will arrive in Hambach to help RWE destroy it bringing a reality of climate unstability that in a logic so typical of disaster-capitalism is in turned used to justify progressive militarization of police forces. [Read More]

Paris (France): squatter sentenced to 1 year in prison for attempted burglary

On Tuesday 24th October 2017, several comrades tried to enter an empty house to make it their home, but the property was equipped with an alarm system. All the comrades managed to flee except one, who was arrested and detained. The cops launched a burglary investigation, even though the house was unoccupied and the owners themselves later acknowledged that nothing had been taken. [Read More]

Berlin: Solidarity with Gare Squat and arrested comrades in Athens

On Sunday, the 26th of November, OPKE units and plain cloth officers entered the Gare-Squat in Exarchia. Although there was resistance from the inside, the eviction was completed in the afternoon with four people being arrested, who were in the house at that time.

The eviction of Gare is directly connected with the attempt of the state to raise the pressure on the resistance before December 6th and to occupy strategic points. The 6th of December is the anniversary of the murder of Alexis Grigoropoulos, who was shot by a cop nine years ago in Exarchia. Since then, every year on that day it comes to riots and fights with the cops, where they try to take over the neighbourhood confronting a massive resistance, terrorizing it with chemicals and detentions.

As active friends and comrades of Rigaer Straße in Berlin, we are in solidarity with the fight for Exarchia, as a self-organized and ungovernable district. Our aspirations, our concerns and straits, but especially our hopes connect us in the fight for a life without authorities. The Gare-Squat, as an active part in this fight, plays an important role for the local structures with an international orientation and their history is our history. Because of this reason, the eviction and the permanent siege of the house, as well as the daily police-terror, is an attack on us. [Read More]

Brazil: Operation Erebo – The hunt against anarchists in Porto Alegre continues

Today, November 30, 2017, Operation Erebo attacked anarchists once again. They invaded some houses, stealing things and destroying everything in their path. At this stage we don’t know whether any other homes were invaded. Communication is precarious since we don’t know the levels of police intervention. And this time nothing was broadcast in the media.
Even when the storm seemed to have calmed without any arrests or information about the operation, we are sure they are looking for us. Unlike other incursions, Operation Erebo appears to move slowly but surely.
We remain strong, determined and still during these persecutions, certain that the love of freedom cries stronger.
The shows of support and solidarity are not lacking and the different positions of anarchism have remained firm in their rejection of authority and with their arms extended to their comrades. It strengthens us.
Spread the news
Arms extended to our comrades, clenched fists for our enemies!
Let us live anarchy! [Read More]

Biel (Switzerland): Reclaim The Streets against gentrification! Bahnhöfli stays!

The last squatted house in Biel, Wahnhof, is in danger of eviction! The property-management-department wants to kick out the squatters before the end of the year, to break down the house without any upcoming construction-projects. so it will be an empty place for many years again…
In the meanwhile we got a visit by the Director of public trade inspectorate. He told us that “Bahnhöfli” can stay for now. How long he couldn’t or didn’t want to say. We are supposed to get it written down.
This doesn’t change much so far. Gentrification is still going on in Biel and everywhere.
Therefore we RECLAIM THE STREETS against gentrification and the destruction of autonomous spaces.
Come all and support the struggle for more alternative spaces.

Saturday 25 november 2017
15:30 at Guisanplatz in Biel/Bienne

Bring banners, instruments, trailers, bikes, skateboards. Be creative!
Defend autonomous spaces!
For more squats and trailer parks! [Read More]

Manchester: Lessons of Cornerhouse

The Cornerhouse is a former theatre in Manchester squatted from January to August 2017 by self-organised homeless people linked to the Manchester Activist Network. This is their story.

As the final pieces of our belongings, donations and clothes were brought out of the infamous Cornerhouse it was time for Manchester Activist Network to reflect back on six months of occupation. From the Loose Space festival and surviving three eviction attempts, to the rough sleepers we housed and three other squats opened over that time, this had been a busy, and at times stressful but productive period that none of us will ever forget.

The biggest thing that came out of the Cornerhouse was a reaffirmation of the need for solidarity when we are faced with big issues. In order to fully tackle rough sleeping and stop the rise in homelessness we all need to be prepared to give a little of ourselves. Not money, but from inside of us. We need constructive dialogues, we need to drop the egos, forget about the “company line,” reflect on what we put our energies into and how we can change as individuals. Only then can we better the systemic problem that is homelessness. [Read More]

Amsterdam: Defend free spaces – last chance for Bajesdorp

Upcoming Wednesday (22.11) is our last chance to address the city of Amsterdam: Our message is clear: We want a social city and we won´t move for hotels, speculation and tax advantages.

Come and support us at the Stopera @ 19:00!!!!! Bring a banner, yourself and else….:)
Amsterdam without Free Spaces = Almere

Very short notice: We in Bajesdorp heard today (Monday) that we are on the council agenda upcoming Wednesday. The city council will finalize the ¨bestemmingsplan¨ of the area Bajesdorp is part of) of our area.
Quick update on our situation: The Bijlmer Bajes (the prison) got sold last September to a project developer to realize city expansion. After lobbying within the council, the city granted extra points to developers (there was a competition) who would take us into consideration.
AM won the competition. AM project development made us a ¨part¨ of their plan, even advertising with Bajesdorp festival in 2021. They promised us space within their plans and alternatively, another location for us to be, work and live.
However, in the last meeting we had with them, we were told that the majority of Bajesdorp will be sold off to a third party and that half of Bajesdorp will demolished in Februari 2018 due to tax advantages. That third party will eventually build a hotel on site in 2021, but apparently needs to demolish half of Bajesdorp including our social centre three years prior development.

Upcoming Wednesday (22.11) is our last chance to address the city of Amsterdam: Our message is clear: We want a social city and we won´t move for hotels, speculation, anti-kraak and tax advantages. [Read More]

Montreuil/Paris (France): Solidarity with the 3 Anarchist Women Prisoners Awaiting Trial for ‘Attempted Burglary’ of an Unoccupied House

Three women were arrested, detained and imprisoned at Fleury-Mérogis Prison, accused of ‘meeting for the purposes of attempted burglary’ after they were seen near an unoccupied house. A rally has been called for them at 18:00hrs in Montreuil.

On the night of Tuesday 14 to Wednesday, November 15, three women were arrested on a street in Montreuil and taken to the police station. A ‘vigilant neighbour’ saw them near an unoccupied house and called the cops. They were then placed in custody for ‘meeting for the purposes of attempted burglary’. They did not say anything during their interrogation and refused to give their fingerprints and photos, which is why they are also accused of ‘refusal of identification’. [Read More]