Berlin: New squats!

Places open as of 14:52 today:

Odenwaldstraße / Ecke Stubenrauchstraße (Steglitz) #OdenEckeStuben
Finowstraße / Ecke Frankfurter Allee (Friedrichshain) #EckeFinow
Bornsdorfer Straße 37b (Neukölln) #Borni
Reichenberger Straße 114 (Kreuzberg) #Friedel54 im Exil
Petersburger Straße 16 (Friedrichshain) #Peter16
Arndtstraße 13 (Kreuzberg) #Arndt13
Regattastr. 277 (Grünau) #Funkwerk
Rummelsburger Landstraße #Bootsschuppen
Karl-Marx-Straße 145 (Neukölln) #KMS145

More infos as it happens at and

ZAD: Live Blog second wave of expulsions

You can see the live ticker over on enoughisenough

09:52am Clashes at the edge of the forest at Bellevue. Images by @ZAD_NDDL

Klaxon radio: If you are north of the Rohan forest, to the Datchacha, there is a a special unit of cop dressed in light blue who ambush people and make surprise arrests. So watch out, do not stay alone!

09:22am Cops attack with gas at the Bellevue camping. Image by @ZAD_NDDL

09:00am Solidarity protests in Rennes scheduled for 18:00 (06:00pm) at Sainte-Anne tonight. As we reported earlier there will also be solidarity protests in Paris: RDV 18:00 (06:00pm) at belleville.

08:54am Cops checking id’s and bags on a field next to the chemin de Suez. Images by @JFrancoisMartin

08:42am A digger arrived at the La Saulce crossing.

08:11am, The cops took the Saulce crossing. Image by @JFrancoisMartin

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South Africa: Police attack in Germiston

Yesterday afternoon all the shacks on the Zikode Extension Land Occupation
were demolished again. Tonight a large number of police officers, from
various units, including a SWAT team, launched an unprovoked, violent and
brutal attack on the nearby Good Hope Settlement in an attempt to prevent
people from moving back to the occupied land. Rubber bullets were fired and
tear gas was used. Individuals were targeted and threatened. There has been
at least one confirmed arrest.

This is an emergency statement. Events are still unfolding, the police are
still occupying the settlement and people are currently scattered and in
hiding. We have not been able to account for everyone or to hold a meeting.
Full details will be available tomorrow morning when people have been able
to regroup.

Today is day six of the occupation. The struggle for land and dignity

Abahlali baseMjondolo Emergency Press Statement

South Africa: New Land Occupation in Germiston

Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Statement May 12 (with update May 13 below)

Last night more than two hundred people occupied unused land in Germiston,
on the East Rand in Gauteng. We laid out our design for the occupation in
the afternoon, built throughout the night and slept on the occupied land.
Around 350 stands have been marked out via a democratic and carefully
planned process. The new occupation has been named the Zikode Extension in
honour of S’bu Zikode.

On the 8th of November last year residents of the Good Hope Settlement in
Germiston attended the Land Summit called by Gauteng MEC of Human
Settlements Paul Mashatile. He told us that we must identity available land
and that his Department would then sit and talk with us with a view to
acquiring that land.
[Read More]

Call for financial support of AntiRep!Net

Supporting and participating in AntiRep!Net is showing your solidarity in maintaining a wide variety of tools and act with other networks in resisting and fighting back different forms of repression and oppression.

The project is maintained by anonymous and autonomous people. Some with no (legal) income or papers or no national attachment. It would be nice to share a bit of solidarity if you like the projects and ideas we put in place. We work with very modest and very limited financial resources, mostly from visitors or other occupants of the zone, and especially with a lot of heart. We put our skills to use in sharing and maintaining tools and resources, in workshops and exchanges for radical (H)Activists and other rebels. Help us resist repression, fight back and attack all forms of oppression from all sides !

Online and international options to support AntiRep!Net financially :
Crowdfunding / PayPal / BitCoin – 12QEmdkZJ4UcxbsfinCUPaVRuWWvwcRxgm
[Read More]

Notre-Dame-des-Landes (France): Mobilizing for the second phase of evictions on the ZAD

The government has announced a second wave of evictions on the zad of Notre-Dame des-Landes. The operation could be launched as soon as May 15th. We have no idea how large or how long it will be. What is certain is that we cannot trust official announcements and that we will mobilise if faced with any new attempt to pick and choose, which living places on the zad they will evict. [Read More]

Galliners (Catalonia): Kan Bici evicted

Hi friends and comrades!

Last Thursday 10th of May at 10.30h in the morning appeared the owner with some thugs without uniform in front of Kan Bici, little bit after arrived 3 cop-cars (Mossos) and a judicial adept from the court of Girona who decided to force the main-door (without exit) but later they forced the back-door of the garden while the neighbor “worked” with a grass-cutting machine… We were only two and not really animated to have a fight with the cops, so they gave us 10 minutes to take all stuff which we couldn’t take out before. The small number of assistants during the called acts of the resistance-week of Kan Bici and the ignorance condemned the squat to eviction. The fear to express the opinion in public is the collaboration with the daily perpetrated crimes. From the comrades very few solidarity, but we know why we’re in this situation and what are their means with which they manipulate and distort reality. Always against evictions, yesterday like today, our only weapon is the solidarity expressed in the streets. The silence kills! From the new squat greetings of complicity with the diverse resistances around the world, specially warm greetings for the comrades of the ZAD (Brittany) and the arrested anarchist comrades in Indonesia. The life continue be a struggle which we choose to make us strong and look for the confrontation with this corrupt and false system which just knows the option between be a slave and/or pay what they ask for or the permanent struggle againsttheir ties and traps. They can evict our squats but our ideas they never will change! As they sow misery there will be rebellion! Not forgotten nor forgiven! Health and Anarchy (from a really nice place)! [Read More]

Zagreb: BEK collective opens new squat-social center

International call for volunteers

On April 15, a new squat-social center in Zagreb was opened! Some members of Food not bombs Zagreb and other activists formed BEK collective which occupied an abandoned school for blind and visually impaired children. Building was closed for three years and not maintained properly for years before so we started working on smaller repairs to turn it slowly into a completely functional and different place. Our collective is organised on anarchist principles and main idea is to have a social and cultural center which is connected with people in real need and vulnerable social groups, in contrast to bourgeois squatting which takes not a small role in the movement, and is focused mainly on parties, drugs and empty theoretical discussions. This means we stand clearly against drug use, laziness, making profit from squatting and want to have a well organised place with hygiene standard. The projects we are starting right now are: public kitchen few times a week, free-shop, library, open artist studios, free music and rehearsals room, free cinema, donation based or free coffee bar, roof and vertical garden and various workshops. Our long term plan is to make place self-sustainable as possible by producing our own food and minimal waste, recycling and using solar energy. We already had few gigs, workshops, exhibition, movie nights and public kitchen a lot of times. [Read More]

Durham (UK): Violence at protest camp eviction

Since the start of March, campaigners living at the Pont Valley Protection Camp, between Dipton and Leadgate in County Durham, have been protesting against opencast coal mining by the Banks Group, which has only until 3 June to extract coal from the mine before its planning permission runs out.

The camp was set up after petitions, open letters to the Secretary of State and the discovery of a protected species of great crested newt all failed to stop the mining from going ahead.

Between 19 and 21 April, the camp was evicted by bailiffs and seven campaigners were arrested. They have complained that during the eviction, bailiffs showed little consideration for individuals’ safety and subjected then to continuous abusive and sexist behaviour, which the police who were in attendance took no action against.

Instead, police officers used ‘section 35’ dispersal powers, intended for tackling anti-social behaviour, to disperse witnesses from the area.
[Read More]

ZAD: Call-out for fortification at La Grée

After three weeks of the police operation of ZAD nddl, our struggle to resist continues even as others negotiate with the state.

The next wave if evictions is said to start on the 14th of May, but they continue to harrass us. We are surrounded almost every day; they come to destroy both permanent and moveable barricades, as well as our cabins. We are rebuilding them bigger and better, making barricades become cabins and walls of permaculture. To do this we need hands, ideas, energy and enthusiasm. We want to use this socalled «peace » to prepare ourselves as best we can for the next wave of eviction. We can provide food and sleeping places for anyone who comes to support us.

Come as many as you can and bring tools. You can find the list of tools needed here.

Translator note : IF you do not speak any french, it is still possible to be involved. Just approach someonne with a radio as you arrive and let them know what language you speak, and we will connect you with people who can translate.


Galliners (Catalonia): Kan Bici resists! Week of Resistance against the eviction, 4 till 11 may

Hi comrades and friends! The eviction of Kan Bici is probably taking place on May 10th 2018 and it is assumed that the “forces of order” will do their dirty work in a matter or otherwise. We want to invite you to participate in the activities that we have been able to prepare for the week of resistance (still missing things to confirm). We ask for the maximum diffusion of the posters added to this mail. Apart from the prepared activities is the call for decentralized actions for the day of eviction that leaves “free hand” to all of you to act as a result of their anarchist/revolutionary ideas against the system of domination and his defenders.
Between all we can prevent the eviction of Kan Bici!
Long live the Anarchy!
Kan Bici resists!

Program of the week of the Week of Resistance, from 4 till 11 may : [Read More]

Setúbal (Portugal): À da Maxada, days of collective work*, 7-14 May

We invite everyone for a week of (de)construction a la Maxada! To improve the space we need to take care of the fence, sewage, roofs, oven and the garden. We are also open to proposals for building new stuff – will it be solar oven, tree house, a filter for wastewater or something else?

We always need cement, bricks, beams, screws, wallplugs, hinges, locks, paint, rolls, brushes, tarpaulins, isolation materials, barbed wire, nets etc. From our side you can count on a place to sleep, vegan food and juices ))

Come over and bring your ideas and friends! [Read More]