Call for financial support of AntiRep!Net

Supporting and participating in AntiRep!Net is showing your solidarity in maintaining a wide variety of tools and act with other networks in resisting and fighting back different forms of repression and oppression.

The project is maintained by anonymous and autonomous people. Some with no (legal) income or papers or no national attachment. It would be nice to share a bit of solidarity if you like the projects and ideas we put in place. We work with very modest and very limited financial resources, mostly from visitors or other occupants of the zone, and especially with a lot of heart. We put our skills to use in sharing and maintaining tools and resources, in workshops and exchanges for radical (H)Activists and other rebels. Help us resist repression, fight back and attack all forms of oppression from all sides !

Online and international options to support AntiRep!Net financially :
Crowdfunding / PayPal / BitCoin – 12QEmdkZJ4UcxbsfinCUPaVRuWWvwcRxgm
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