After the long awaited victory against the airport project, we are trying to lift ourselves out of the brutal spring, a season marked by two phases of evictions in which the government made sure to avenge the affront that the zad had represented for so many years. The massive police operations caused many injuries, the destruction of a part of the living spaces of the zad and a long military presence. But the state was forced to give up going any further and entirely eradicating our presence in this bocage. Resistance on the ground, solidarity elsewhere and the negotiation process resulted in a status quo that maintained of dozens of homes, common spaces and activities on most of the land held by the movement. Nevertheless, what we managed to preserve today could very quickly be attacked again, administratively, politically or militarily. Whilst the zad recovers from its wounds and recomposes itself, the work in the fields and the constructions resumes and we project ourselves towards the struggles of the next months. These however go beyond us and connect with others around the world. They concern the collective and respectful use of the land, the sharing of the commons, the questioning of nation-states and borders, the reappropriation of our habitats, the possibility of producing and exchanging free from the shackles of the market, forms of self-organization on territories in resistance and the right to live there freely …
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Notre-Dame-des-Landes (France): Intergalactic Week returns!
South Africa: AbM win in court!
On Friday (June15), beginning at around 10 am, the notorious Security Management
Unit illegally, brutally and violently evicted more than 40 families in the
Barcelona 2 ‘transit camp’. The eviction was carried out until 1 am in the
morning on Saturday. A number of people were wounded during the attack.
This morning (June18) Abahlali baseMjondolo went to court in defence of our members.
We defeated the eThekwini Municipality in court. The movement has obtained
a spoilation order to reinstate our members who have been illegally evicted
by the Municipality. The court ordered that those who were illegally
evicted in Barcelona 2 must be reinstated, and that the municipality does
not carry out any further evictions in the area.
USA: Occupy ICE PDX Calls on People to Establish Their Own Occupations and Abolish ICE
Beginning on Sunday, June 17th, community members from all walks of life, working together with the Direct Action Alliance, Portland Assembly, and the Portland Democratic Socialists of America, organized a protest in the area around an ICE facility in southwest Portland with legal support provided by the National Lawyers Guild, to protest the Trump administration’s monstrous and inhumane policy of separating children from their families at the border. The protest, located at 4310 SW Macadam, has quickly developed into an occupation, with tents, supplies, facilities, and even a tiny library. On Tuesday night the occupiers committed to staying there until concrete and meaningful action is taken to reunite these families, and since Wednesday the facility has been rendered inoperative. Though there have been confrontations with police and DHS, police repression has remained minimal.
Now a few days into the occupation, what started as dozens of protesters has grown to as many as a few hundred spread across multiple encampments outside the building. We are calling on activists across the country to establish their own occupations to abolish ICE. Wherever ICE agents dare to show their faces, they must be challenged and shamed for carrying out this fascist policy. Since instituting the zero-tolerance policy, over 2,000 children have been separated from their parents, and many may never be reunited with their parents, as there is no system in place to bring them back together. There are over 11,000 immigrant children currently housed in government shelters, many of whom are here because they are fleeing violence in countries destabilized by this country’s own imperial apparatus.
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Amstelveen (NL): We Are Here lose courtcase
The We Are Here group lost in court and can be evicted from their new place in Amstelveen from midday today onwards.
Translation from indymedia
Cologne: Street blockade against possible eviction of Autonomous Center
About 800 people blocked Zülpicher Platz in Cologne, Germany on Friday to protest against eviction threats against the autonomous center (AZ Köln).
The protesters reclaimed the streets and demanded not to evict the autonomous center in Cologne. About 40 initiatives are active in the autonomous center. The city of Cologne is planning to evict and demolish the building. Negotiations with city authorities did not bring a satisfying solution.
People took the streets of Cologne once again on Friday to make clear that if the city takes the autonomous center, people will reclaim the streets. Cops kettled the blockade on Friday night, including by-passers on Zülpicher Platz. The lackeys in uniform again and again attacked people.
At 09:30pm cops released the kettle and people spontaniously marched to the autonomous center AZ Köln.
Portugal: Stop the eviction of C.O.S.A
On the 13th of October in 2000 a group of young people from Setúbal, Portugal, decided to take in their own hands the control of a part of their lives. They squatted an abandoned house replacing emptiness and apathy with desires, dreams and experiences of freedom, autonomy, self organisation, confrontation and atack.
A communitarian place to live free action and expression, without political parties or state control, without authority, without profit and at last puting anarchism in practice. They named the squat C.O.S.A. (casa okupada de Setùbal autogestionada) and from this moment a new confrontation with power starts spreading through the city. Quickly the critique, denounce and intervention became present in the daily life of Setúbal. Cosa became a social center from where people organized against speculation, tourism resorts, oppression from the state, deaths by the hands of police, political parties, alienation… There were discussions, actions, demos, concerts, political paintings all around, all the experiments that were necessary to break up with the system. Many things happened trough these years but COSA always stood firm and strong. 17 Years passed and neither the police or the courts can erase this chapter in the rebel and unsubmissive history of the city.
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London: Kurdistan Place
Kurdish youth and supporters, some linked to Plan C, have occupied a vacant building near Edgware Road.
Kurdistan Place was occupied by friends of Anna Campbell last week in solidarity with the Kurdish Freedom Movement. In a statement, the occupiers said:
We want this space to enable learning about Kurdish culture and Kurdish liberation’s emancipatory politics. We also want this space to enable solidarity and anti-capitalist organising. Anna was involved with a similar project in 2012 called Palestine Place, an occupation of a building in Chancery Lane, which was set up to highlight the need for solidarity, support and knowledge about the occupation of Palestinian territories in the West Bank and the ongoing siege of Gaza by Israel and Egypt. We want to use this space as a means to promote radical social change and revolution.
Notre-Dame-Des-Landes: Until where will we go with this scam of negociations??
I haven’t signed the files project nor do i believe in negociation with a State. I don’t want to discuss with this oppressor, i just simply and only want to destroy it. But still I feel concerned by this process of legalisation that includes almost all lands and sites on ZAD, this area that I see as a whole and not only as my little home, this last one today being destroyed anyways.
We’re calling negociations the injuctions of the prefect, while I really don’t see when have we been negociating. When have we won any advantage of this situation? When have we said anything else than “Yes yes madam, we’re scared, we’re nice people!”? And today again it’s still a topic to go and sign the (agricultural) projects, without even waiting for the ones not accepted yet?! One more time, our famous limit of when will we stop being cheated is pushed further.
Some of the plea that are FOR the legalisation and HURRY let’s legalise appears absurd to me, I stay puzzled between: are this convinced people fooling their ownself or me? I don’t think that we can be smarter than the ennemy when we play his own game.
Here are the plea that are being said :
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Berlin: The Senate speaks of housing policy – we make it
Last whit Sunday, ten empty houses were squatted in Berlin and Potsdam. From a villa over a former kindergarten to a whole house. What was dead speculative mass for years was filled with life. Even though some of the occupations were abandoned very quickly, #besetzen (occupying) was not just a symbolic action. Each empty building was placed in its context and for almost all objects there were concepts that showed a possible use in the sense of a solidary urban policy. It has always been emphasized that not the vacancy is the problem, but the principle of (private) ownership of useable and living space, which makes speculation possible. But speculation is not only about vacancy, but also about inhabited and used areas. This means that it can displace anyone and anything. Whether they are youth centers, day-care centers, a late night kiosk or entire blocks of flats. Therefore, on May 20, it was clear: Spaces must be occupied and defended. On this day, especially the Bornsdorferstraße 37b (Borni) in North Neukölln and the Reichenbergerstraße 114 (Friedel54 in exile) in Kreuzberg were to be defended as self-managed places for the moment and on the long-term to become places to organize the struggle for a city policy from below.
They do not want negotiations, they just want violence.
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A Coruña: A Insumisa social centre evicted
Last Wednesday, the municipal police have evicted the A Insumisa social centre in Galician city A Coruña. The space originally belonged to the Ministry of Defense until, after more than 15 years of abandonment, it was ceded to the city council. In November 2016, it was reclaimed by residents of A Coruña and since then it has been carrying out a range of social and cultural activities organized through open assemblies.
After it was occupied and set up as a social centre, the city council came up with their own proposal to turn the space to a cultural project similar to the one already set up by the citizens: except that it was to be managed by the council. The council’s proposal was rejected by the local residents and participants of A Insumisa, who defended the local self-managed project that already worked well without the intervention of the town hall and without public funding. After this defeat, the city council initiated the eviction process, which was finalised last Wednesday. [Read More]
South Africa: Another Comrade has been shot by the eThekwini Municipality
*Attack on Abahlali by the City continues*
The armed forces working for the eThekweni Municipality continue to relate
to impoverished black people in the city like an army of occupation,
especially when poor people are organised outside of the ruling party.
Today at 11 am the notoriously violent Anti-Land Invasion Unit demolished
Mr Ndumiso Mnguni’s house in our Foreman Road branch. This was a brazenly
illegal and criminal act.
When Mr. Mnguni went into the house to remove his possessions he was
attacked and shot at by the Anti-Land Invasion Unit security. As we release
this statement Mr Mnguni is in theatre in a critical condition. The doctors
are trying to remove the bullet in his stomach. We are praying that the
mighty God saves his life.
The very surprising part is that the only house that was demolished in
Foreman Road is that of Mr. Mnguni which is in the middle of the settlement.
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UK: Should we be worrying about a further assault on squatting rights?
On the 8th May the Evening Standard carried an article titled “Squatters law has wiped out almost all illegal home invasions in London” pointing out that less people were arrested for squatting in residential properties last year than when S144 first came in (what a surprise!).
On the 11th May some Tory MP called Philip Davies wrote to the Secretary of State for Justice [sic] to ask “what assessment he has made of changes in the prevalence of squatting in commercial premises following the introduction of the criminal provisions contained in the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012” (to which the answer was that no data is collected).
Neither of these is unusual, but as the last attack (leading to S144) started with attacks from the “Standard” and some Tory MP, we should be prepared for an upsurge in attacks and for calls for full criminalisation.
But this time round, thanks to the Sofia House squat, other occupations, the Grenfell Tower disaster and other events, squatting, and generally requisitioning empty properties should be more easy to defend/push for. And we seem to have a leader of the opposition who would hopefully be less pliant.