Social anger and protests lead to Copenhagen riots

The night between the 7th 8th November 1999 a lot of people got fed up with the racism of the Danish state.

At approximately 22.00 at the between the 7th and the 8th a group of second generation immigrants, punks and other people joined together at the old working-class neighbourhood of Nørrebro. As a reaction to the extradition of citizen of Turkish origin, whom have lived in Denmark all his life. The get-to-gether resulted in a riot which resulted in smashing windows of Banks, and other capitalist and multi- national corporations. After one and a half hour the police arrive at the scene, which put a lit on tempers for a while. After two hours, things exploded in virtual war in the streets of Nørrebro.

Finally the police reacted with heavy teargassing which resulted in people were forced to spread out over the neighbourhood.

The police arrested one man. They are holding him back for 11 days in isolation.

Protesters damage storefronts on Copenhagen street

Riots in Kopenhagen, from AP-Newsticker

Several dozen protesters smashed store windows on a downtown Copenhagen street, set two vehicles afire and threw rocks at police late Sunday night.

The incident took place in an immigrant neighborhood and reportedly was set off by the recent decision to expel a Turkish-born nationalized Dane who was convicted of a crime.

About 100 storefronts were smashed by rocks, iron bars and baseball bats.

At around 1 a.m. Monday, police were reestablishing control by their presence on Noerebrogade and nearby streets, but were not directly confronting the protesters, who generally ran away when authorities arrived on the scene.

Copenhagen: Ungdomshuset will be sold to the highest bidder

0riginal Danish text at:

English summary:

This weekend the Ungdomshuset was celebrating their 17 years existence. Just before the council decided not to sell the Ungdomshuset to a green fund who wants to keep the Ungdomshus like it is. It is decided that the building will be sold to the highest bidder. [Read More]

Anti-Betuweline Campaign Update

News from Groenfront.

Betuweline campaign Update

The Betuwelijn is a Transport European Network project connecting Rotterdam, Netherlands, with the Ruhr-area with a cargo-dedicated trainline. Cost is some 10 billion euro’s for the Dutch government (but we will make it more…). Construction will ruin some nature, bother people in the area and is useless. Calculations have shown that it will hardly decrease roadcargotransport and just increase total transport, obviously hazardous. At the moment GroenFront!, Dutch EarthFirst!, has squatted some eight farms and houses on route in the last year. These will have to be evicted before any demolishing can be done and thus will delay the project considerably. To increase the delay, we are constructing treehouses, tunnels, barricades etc. [Read More]

London: Hunting down the riot women…

After months of intelligence gathering and analysis, police say that at least one woman was among the ringleaders of the violence which injured 28 police officers and 14 members of the public, and caused £2 million worth of damage in the City of London riot this year. Today detectives released new pictures of the people they most want to question, including three women who they say were actively involved in some of the most serious assaults on police officers – often in hand-to-hand attacks. [Read More]


Amsterdam: The Story of the Squatted OLVG + Eviction Activities

The Anna and Maria Paviljoens, the only remaining buildings from Amsterdams? old main city hospital, the Onze Lieve Vrouwe Gasthuis, have been occupied since June 7th 1998. When they were originally squatted the idea was to provide ateliers for young artists needing working space as well as creating homes for people to live in a community environment. Presently there are about 50 people living in the buildings, including several families with children, and at least 30 using it for workshop space. [Read More]

Amsterdam: Possible eviction of the biggest squat of the Netherlands, the OLVG

The squatted part of the Onze Lieve Vrouwengasthuis, The Anna and Maria paviljoen, will get evicted the 19th. The building lost a case against eviction via the penal law. The council still wants to use this against the squatters even if it is more than a year ago the huge buildings got squatted. [Read More]

Amsterdam: OLVG Actionday in the Netherlands


OLVG Eviction-day actions on

OLVG is a big squatted hospital in the east part of Amsterdam

tuesday 19 OCTOBER 1999

The residents of OLVG invite you to join us in a non violent protest against the eviction and distruction of our house. [Read More]

Squat in Oslo evicted, squatters don’t give up

The text below is a summary of the Dutch translation of the Norwegian text. Both the Dutch and the Norwegian text can be found on

In the English newslist you can find previous information on the latest squats in Oslo. For the people who are interested in more (Norwegian) information have a look on (Gateavisa, alternative magazine) or at (Boligaksjonen, Housing actiongroup).

More information from ‘Aftenposten’ (newspaper) you’ll find at

Squatters of Saxegaardsgate 11 don’t give up

Tuesday two weeks ago Saxegaardsgate 11 was evicted. The police didn’t use violence on the ten people sitting inside the building. [Read More]

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Berlin: Again an auction of Koepi squat

After the first attempt to auction the Koepi did not succeed in february, because nobody wanted to by it, the Koepi will be again put up for public sale on november 2nd.

In february the Commerzbank made a first attempt to sell the building. The building is owned by Petersen and Partner, who went bankrupt. At the first auction the Commerzbank wanted to sell the building for 5,4 million DM. The eviction costs were already calculated on 100.000 DM. A succesfull auction would probably end in an eviction.

Actions of the Squatters and a big demonstration on 13 february with nearly 2000 people frightened of potential buyers of the house.

The next attempt to sell the house will be on tuesday, november 2nd, in the courthouse at Littenstrasse 12-17, room 152 at 10 AM.

Expropriate the Commerzbank – Defend free spaces!

Lotta continua – Køpi forever


Amsterdam: Entrepotdok lost important courtcase

On september 28th The court in Amsterdam decided in the courtcase wich was startet to get permission for demolition of parts of the building. The courtcase was started by Aquartis bv. who wants to turn the building into so-called loft appartments.

Although the building is a protected monument the company got permission to tear one third of the building down. The judge did not listen to the several complaints made by the squatters. The city has to give Aquartis bv. within 2 weeks a building permission. The Entepotdok, a squat where 20 people live and work is now under direct threat of an eviction. [Read More]

Nottingham: Estate agency for squatters opens for business

Big Issue, August 1999 nr. 346.

*Housing By Max Daly


An estate agency for squatters has been launched as part of a summer action across the coountry to highlight the near 1 million empty homes left to rot without tenants. The squatters’ Estate Agency, which opened its doors to prospective clients last week, expects to have around 30 empty flats and buildings on its list within a month. [Read More]