Barcelona: CSO El Baco, new social centre and community garden in horta per el Barco

Email: fuspey (nospam)
Telèfon: 662 347 902
Adreça: 26 pere pau, horta, bcn (beside metro stop horta, lisboa exit)
23 feb 2007
CSO EL BARCO (occupied social centre “the boat” )

Opening doors and making gardens in horta

eviction order for 6 days time, time for rethink and re-action of okupa movement…

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Lyon, France: Danish consulate occupied in solidarity with Ungdomshuset

On Tuesday 20th (february 2007), a group of french squatters occupied the danish consulate in Lyon, to protest the threat of eviction against Ungdomshuset, demand the immediate drop of all charges against those detained during the struggle for the youth-house, and warn the danish state that its repressive actions will not go unanswered.

The consul’s office was occupied by some 15 activists, who used the consulate’s fax machine to send a communiqué to the Mayor of Copenhaguen, to the Copenhagen City Council and to the danish prime minister’s office. The office phone was also put to use in order to notify the danish police of the action, who seemed really concerned about the safety of the consul, phoning him on his mobile soon after, and calling the french police themselves.

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Barcelona: Solidarity action for Ungdomshuset at the Danish consulate

Account summary of Ungdomshuset support initiatives in Barcelona: infonight & prisoner solidarity on January 11th, action at the Danish consulate on January 12th, 2007.

On January 12th 2007, a group of autonomous Ungdomshuset supporters came together and briefly occupied the danish consulate. Five people entered the building and got the message forwarded to the embassy in Madrid, leaving a solidarity statement addressed to danish authorities. Pictures of the Danish queen and her husband were gifted new faces, and now boldly bear the Ungdomshuset skull!

Meanwhile, a group of some 30 people manifested outside carrying a banner, chanting slogans (“Dinamarca, escucha, ¡Ungeren se queda!” which translates to “Listen, Denmark, Ungeren stays!”), and distributing flyers to passers-by, linking the Ungdomshuset struggle with the broader squat and autonomous movement in Barcelona and the rest of Europe.

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Copenhagen: Hackers support Ungdomshuset

January 02, 2007

Hackers have been aiding danish struggles for about a month now

This fall a political struggle have gotten a lot of attention in Denmark and worldwide. The reason is the popularity of the squatted and occupied youth center Ungdomshuset in Copenhagen. This place have for 24 years served as a free cultural and social place arranging support gigs, community kitchens, kids parties, theatres, art shows and thousands of punk concerts. In the year 1999 the city council decided to sell the place to right wing fundamentalist cult called Faderhuset wich is leading crusades against abortion, homoseksuals and muslims. They want to tear down the house in order to sell the grounds and make more money.

Theres been a lot of hassle about the legality of the sale and so on in various courts in denmark postponing the eviction of the house untill now. As of the first of january the police can come and evict the house at any time the see fit. The acitivist and the thousands of young pople using the house have said they’ll defend the house by any means nescesarry and they are not alone.

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Everything4Everyone in Response to the Dalston Lane Eviction


The 3 houses adjoining Dalston theatre, occupied since February this year to prevent the planned demolition of the whole site to make way for high rise luxury flats, were evicted at 5am on Wednesday night. Despite having mounted solid barricades throughout the building and kept up regular roof shifts to keep a look-out for the bailiffs, they entered the building via the back of the building, accessing the roof before the occupiers had the chance to effectively resist the eviction.

While the time for the theatre has run out, for us this is not the end of the battle, but only the beginning. Just as the gentrification of Hackney doesn’t end with the demolition of the theatre, so our attempts to work together with women, men, young people, elderly, and all people who are suffering the consequences of plans of “regeneration” that don’t take our future into account, will not end here. We probably all feel doubtful about our chances of winning against the council or government agency that, sooner or later, always manage to get away with their plans. We are just frustrated spectators in our land witnessing everything getting worse, lack of housing and services, lack of health, lack of schools, lack of work, unemployment, criminalization of youth, racism towards ethnic minorities, the destruction of our culture and our history. We can’t accept business as usual. To stand still is to admit defeat. To stand still is to go backward. To stand still is to succumb to the kind of deprivation that we’re witnessing. To stand up is to win, to not give up is to win, to organize, to cooperate with each other is to win.

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Dalston Lane Theatre Evicted, Hackney, London

Today police forces evicted the occupied Dalston Theatre in Dalston Lane, Hackney, London. Police came around 4.30 in the morning, climbing the massive building from several sides with ladders.

By 9.00h everyone was evicted from the theatre, with police surrounding the whole building. Full Story with Pictures and Video on UK Indymedia



Urgent Action Needed – Dalston Lane Theatre Squat Eviction, Hackney London

4 Dalston Lane, Hackney, London, UK

The occupied theatre on Dalston Lane (Hackney, London) is currently facing eviction – the local council has got permission to demolish the buildings from next Wednesday. Dalston Theatre was occupied in February to protest against the gentrification of the area and has ever since been open as the “Everything4Everyone” community centre, hosting a variety of activities and workshops, including a samba band and cafe.

to get involved contact:: everything4everyone [at] riseup [dot] net story with pictures on UK Indymedia


Preston, England: “Viva Six Fingers”, new squatted social centre

14 Oct. 2006

Viva Six Fingers
6 Garstang road, Preston

A few Anarchists in Preston have set up a squat which at the moment we are in the middle of repairing. The squat will be used as a social centre but help is required.

The squat is to be called ‘Viva Six Fingers’ after an old man in the Spanish revolution who defended his family and home from fascist attack, killing several fascists and saveing two of his family befor his cottage was burnt down.
We are still with out electricity and water, although we now have a generator temporarily, and have made a lot of progress secureing the place. We would like any one who is interested to contact us and get involved.

e-mail:: converge23 [at] hotmail [dot] co [dot] uk phone:: 07868836617

Jonathan Cottam


Copenhagen: Riots during a “Reclaim the streets” for Ungdomshuset

Sunday, Sep 24 2006, 11:01pm

I’m an activist from Denmark who participated in a “Reclaim The Streets” party for Ungdomshuset (The Youth House). I have used Ungdomshuset for a few years as a place for great parties and cool athmosphere. I hate the fact that cristian fundamentalists are to take it over and i’ve been to many protests supporting the place. None of them like the one today. None of them escaleting to this degree of violence.

At the beginning of this protest we started from Skt. Hans Torv where the sound van came in and kicked the party alive. We were about 500 protesters but many people joined in when they saw the cool partying. Noone wore masks or did anything provocative at the police present. Then the party started moving in the direction of the inner city. The day before we had a great protest walking all the way through town with a nice athmosphere the whole way and no confrontations of any kind. Because of that noone anticipated any troubles.

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Korea: Houses demolished in Korean resistance to US base expansion

For over four years, the Korean villages of Daechuri and Doduri have defiantly resisted the seizure of their homes and fields for the expansion of an United States Army base. On September 13 at dawn, 22,000 riot police invaded and occupied the villages. Police demolition equipment managed to wipe out 68 empty houses. But the vastly outnumbered villagers and supporters put up a fierce resistance, and managed to stop the cops from destroying many of the houses that the Ministry of Defense had threatened to destroy.

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Copenhagen: Ungdomshuset is threatened by eviction!

Defend our autonomous spaces!

Ungdomshuset (Youth house) in Copenhagen, Denmark, is an autonomous space run according to anti-authoritarian and anti-capitalist principles. Ungdomshuset is used for various activities such as DIY concerts and festivals (including the K-town festival), soup kitchens, radical meetings, bookstore/info shop, screen-printing, rehearsing rooms and studio, city garden, and much more; all arranged and run by the people who use the house.

Ungdomshuset was given to the autonomous/squatter movement in 1982, after a long struggle with government and police, for a self-organized youth center. In 1999 the government put the house on the market. The official reason was: \223The house is only used by 25 subcultural youths\224. This is not the case! The truth is that it is used by several hundreds of different people and has since birth, been a thorn in the side of the government!

The house was bought by a fundamentalist Christian group called Faderhuset (The Father house), whose goal is to start a church and save us all from Satan. Of course we will not accept this! Since 2001 Faderhuset has dragged us through the courtroom circus. The verdict is set for September 18th, but no matter what they decide we are here to stay!

For 24 years the house has been an active part in the fight against normalization and apathy and a place for people to be themselves outside the oppressive norms of society.

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Freiburg (Germany): Massive repression against the anarchist convention “DIY against the State”

From July 26th to July 30th, an intergalactic festival of squatters, anarchists & miscellaneous activists took place in Freiburg im Beisgau, South Germany: “DIY against the state”. It was meant to allow hundreds of participants to meet & share, putting forward the ideas of autonomous living, anticapitalist & anti-authoritatian struggles, through “do it yourself” practice. Tens of workshops, discussions, video-screenings and skill-shares were planned, together with actions & parties, throughout various alternatives venues in the city, like the KTS radical-left social centre, the Schattenparker wagenplatz, or the Susi housing co-op.

While the event started well, with some 300 international participants setting up a self-managed camp on a squatted piece of land, the police was quick to react and sabotage the initiative, in a series of provocations and repressive actions, starting with the arrest of a participant in front of the KTS while a concert was going on, continuing with the eviction of the whole camping site by some 500 riot cops the next day (photos [1|2]), culminating in the total lock-up of the city centre & on Saturday, where the police chased demonstrators trough the streets, made hundreds of identifications, some 60 arrests, injured 7 people, and charged 3 demonstrators with made-up accusations, to prevent a Reclaim The Streets action from happening.

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