On the Eve of Our Repression: Communiqué on The Squatting Struggle in Oakland 2/10/13

In our time squatting we’ve learned unconventional methods of survival. A blurring of means and ends. Not least of these is the ability to adapt, to disappear from one circumstances and hold our ground in others. To understand the difference between defensive and offensive actions.

And once again, the need for action and for offense rises in our hearts. The calls for passivity and obedience ring hollower each day, as building by building our autonomous experiments collapse at the intervention of the Police or the County Pigs. We are forced to look at the escalating repression of squatters and autonomous spaces from within the situation, as new partisans in a social war of evolving terrain.

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London (UK): Fight gentrification! Reclaim regeneration! For self-organised spaces…

The Elephant & Castle area in South London, one of the last remaining central locations that is still inhabited by some less well-off communities, has seen massive changes in the past years. Pioneers of regeneration have “discovered” the area as an “ultra hot-spot” for investment, and the local authorities are eager to serve their needs. This leaves the diverse and organic communities around E&C confronted with soaring rents, demolition of social housing and displacement – in short, gentrification has kicked in.

We, a group of social centre collectives, together with many other local initiatives, refuse to accept rip-off housing and social cleansing! Instead of luxury flats and fancy office towers, we propose a radical and free space for community self-organisation! [Read More]

City of London police: yet another illegal eviction

Last Monday, the resistance mobilised in response to threat of  unlawful eviction.

A group of around 30 homeless young people had occupied an empty building in the city of London. However, after a few days of shelter they received a visit from one of the UK’s most corrupt corporations – the city of London police.  They were told that they would have to leave the building with immediate effect as they were committing ‘aggravated trespass’. Knowing this was not the case, they sought legal advice and a legal observer went to their assistance.

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London: Library Street, court adjourned for at least 21 more days!!!!

Today 6th of Feb at 12pm Colorama buildings went to Court. The judge deemed not worth the time going on with the procedure in a case where not enough evidence was provided by Claimants and didn’t even want to hear the Defendants.

Claim did not show how C1 and C2 are not connected at all and meant to treat it as one. They should be considered in different court cases and above all claimant’s papers have to be properly arranged….which won’t happen in less than 21 days!!!  🙂
There are more juicy details about the case… The section about “The Building” in this blog will bee soon updated.


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Athens: ‘Thirty years of squats: The social and political projectuality of squatting, yesterday, today, tomorrow’

On Thursday evening, February 7th, an event-discussion took place in the occupied social centre VOX in Exarchia with participants in squatting projects of the past and the present in Athens, such as Valtetsiou (1981), Charilaou Trikoupi (1985), Lelas Karagianni 37 (since 1988), Villa Amalias (1990), Fylis and Ferron (1991), Alkamenous (1993), Ano-Kato Patission (since 1996), Patission 61 and Skaramaga (2009) and Epavli Kouvelou (since 2010).

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London : Friern Barnet Library saved by Squatters,Occupy activists and Local Library Campaign groups.2 year lease to be given.

On Tuesday 5th February, at midday, exactly five months since the occupation began, the community will take possession of the Friern Barnet Library. The local community – represented by the trustees of the library – are on the verge of agreeing a two-year lease with Barnet Council (LBB) to run the library with some funding from the council.

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UPDATE on the detained squatters in St Petersburg

All but one of the activists have been released on condition they appear in court to be charged with an administrative offence. This is a less serious offence and normally results in a formal warning or a fine.

The last squatter, whom the St Petersburg Investigative Committee has reported to be a 20-year old college student from Tajikistan, has been remanded for two months in St Petersburg’s notorious Kresty prison, suspected of  violence against a police officer.

Details about fundraising for his defence will be posted shortly.

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Situation in Anna Haava squat, Estonia

Squatting is a relatively new phenomenon in Estonia, as is the movement itself. So far we have had three attempts at creating a squat. The fourth, located in Anna Haava 7A, the most successful squat in Estonia so far and the first one in Tartu, is now facing possible eviction. We strive to keep our house, for that we need the support from both the local and the international community.

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Catalonia: For the extension of the Black February campaign to Barcelona

To all who desire to stand in solidarity in a coordinated or spontaneous fashion when combative squatting and its self-organized methods are in danger; to all who see clearly the parallels of repressive logic between what is happening in Greece and what is happening here in the same historic moment; to all who see the clear escalation and coordination of the current offensive by the eurofascist States against all subversive attitudes that don’t conform to their democratic lines – through immediate, violent intervention against our spaces, our people, our daily routines of activity, and the survival of our own self-organization and struggle.

It has become obvious that although this offensive on the part of different States is perpetual and ongoing, it is clearly coordinated and directed in this precise moment in order to encircle, divide, and destroy all of the physical praxis of squatting, from Barcelona to Greece. This praxis is necessary for our activities and survival, and the actions of many. [Read More]

Violent Squat Eviction in St Petersburg: Three Activists Face 10 Years in Prison

On 4th February, at around 10pm local time, riot police brutally evicted a group of anarchists, community activists and local history enthusiasts who had been occupying a disused railway station, Warsaw station, in St Petersburg, Russia.

Hearing that the site would soon be demolished to make way for a multi-storey housing complex, the activists had turned one of the last warehouses attached to the historic train station into a community centre, hosting concerts, poetry readings and a photo-exhibition of the history of the station.

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Basel (Switzerland): Half of Villa Rosenau squat burned down

In the night to Sunday, February 3rd, half of the last squat in Basel was burnt down. All residents of the building, which is squatted since 2004, were able to escape unhurt. The fire was possibly caused by a technical malfunction. At present it is unclear whether the Villa will ever be inhabitable again. [Read More]

Buenos Aires (Argentina): Solidarity mural for a Black February

In Buenos Aires streets, we painted a mural in solidarity with the squats in Greece and the world, in the context of the call for a Black February.

This action is symbolic; we do not believe that by painting a wall we put the Greek government into checkmate for its attack on squatted spaces that defy Power. However, we do see in it the potential of what it could mean – that is, not to turn a deaf ear to a cry for international solidarity. [Read More]