Athens: Announcement by Kouvelou squat

Today, August 1st, one hundred Golden Dawn members attacked our squat, the Epavli Kouvelou, with the tolerance of the Greek police.

This was not a random incident, but rather happened during their planned motorized demo which started from their now-closed offices in Neo Irakleio, and headed to their new offices in Maroussi. Thirty comrades were inside the squat during the attack. Although we were outnumbered, we successfully repelled this prolonged–organized attack (the neo-Nazis were waving helves and knives, and carried collapsible batons, makeshift shields, etc.). Numerous police forces (MAT anti-riots squads, and DELTA motorcycle units) let the Golden Dawn members act undisturbed all this time (15 minutes), and were deployed in the area only after the neo-Nazis were gone; it was then that the cops surrounded the squat. The frantic attack (of the Golden Dawn members) caused damages to cars parked in the surroundings of the squat, while some of the comrades who were in the space were slightly injured. Neighbours stood in solidarity, provided us with first aid and remained outside the squat until the cops pushed them away. [Read More]

Ljubljana: Zadruga Urbana, little urban-agrarian platform

Zadruga Urbana (Urban Cooperative in English) embodies the idea of an urban-agrarian platform that aims to connect collectives and individuals in order to improve self-sufficiency through direct action. It is based on shared principles of horizontality, autonomy and self-organization. Our vision is to bring together individuals and collectives regardless of previous experience, in a non-hierarchical way, to promote autonomy in local food production and freer access to public land.

We are not satisfied with the current system of food production and therefore try to raise people’s awareness of options for producing their own food, consuming locally and being autonomous – all through collective gardening. Our venture enables individuals with no land of their own to produce food. It gives them a better overview of some of the possible ways to self-organize, coupled with sensitivity for their local environment. Furthermore we believe it is necessary for a collective movement to take that process into their own hands. [Read More]

Rome: Teatro Valle commons foundation is in danger!

Teatro Valle, a squatted theatre in Rome, is currently under threat of eviction.

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USA: Albany Bulb – A Squat at the End of the World

“It’s fucked up,” says Gio, a resident of the Albany Bulb [previously here]. We’re standing in the middle of what used to be a multi-room home on top of a hill, surrounded by rocks and debris. Not a shelter, not a place where a tent was, but a home. In the last several days, city work crews in the town of Albany, just north of Berkeley, California, have come into the former squatter encampment of several decades and torn down the shelters. The ‘Bulb’ is a former landfill-turned-squatter community, rebel artist enclave, and autonomous zone.

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London: Grow Heathrow eviction notice 8am, Friday 15 Aug

On Friday 15th August at 8am, bailiffs will make their first attempt to evict Grow Heathrow (previously here and here). Four and a half years after the abandoned greenhouses in the middle of Heathrow Airport’s proposed third runway were occupied by local residents together with activists, Heathrow villagers are organising again to resist airport expansion that’s ruled out by climate science.
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Zurich: ABS Under threat

The Autonomer Beauty Salon in Zurich is threatened with eviction. An alarm has been set up for next week…
Click on the image below for more details. [Read More]

Essen: Thyssen Krupp AG Occupied

A group that has named themselves RÄPUBLIK has squatted a Thyssen Krupp building in Essen, Germany. There will be a press conference held by the occupiers at 18:00 (6:00pm).

More info on the occupation here, in German.

Vienna: Pizzeria Anarchia evicted by tank

Pizzeria Anarchia was evicted today [July 28th, 2014] in Vienna. A tank was used to break in. Fotos below.

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Amsterdam: Vechtstraat/Amstelkade eviction account

Tuesday morning the police evicted the 16 squatted apartment on the Vechtstraat and Amstelkade (including the social centre De Strijd). 8 people were arrested and released tonight (july 23rd). This evening, during the noise demo in solidarity with the arrested, 3 people were arrested and are still detained.

– Background
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Venezuela: Riot police begin evicting thousands of squatters from half-finished skyscraper that became the world’s tallest slum

[From mainstream press] CARACAS, Venezuela — The beginning of the end came for the world’s tallest slum Tuesday as officials began evicting thousands of squatters from a haphazard community inside the half-built Caracas skyscraper known as the Tower of David.

Police in riot gear and soldiers with Kalashnikov assault rifles stood on side streets as dozens of residents boarded buses for their new government-provided apartments in the town of Cua, 37 kilometers south of Caracas.
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London: More anti-homeless spikes go up in Southwark

Yesterday, more anti-homeless spikes were installed outside a Southwark building.

Yesterday, a local resident sent us two photos of more spikes being installed outside what looks like another, possibly private residential building on the corner of Druid Street and Abbey Street in Bermondsey.
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Amsterdam: 16 squatted apartments evicted on Vechtstraat

EDIT story here