Pandora’s box and the hotchpotch of Spanish anti-terrorism – about the recent raids

Text written a week ago about Pandora’s police operation in Spain against anarchists

The morning of Tuesday the 16th of December has surprised us with a wave of house raids and arrests. Surprised us? We are not going to lie. Let’s start again. The morning of the 16th of December has NOT surprised us. The autonomous Catalan police, the Mossos d’Esquadra, and the Guardia Civil and judiciary powers of the Audiencia Nacional stormed more than ten houses and a few anarchist spaces in Barcelona, Sabadell, Manresa and Madrid, with house raids, arrests, confiscation of propaganda material and information, to also use the occasion to enter and plunder, with the entire riot police team of the Mossos d’Esquadra, Kasa de la Muntanya, a squatted place that has existed for 25 years. [Read More]

Charing Cross, London: Free food and clothes distribution outside evicted Love HQ

Updates from 3:20pm:

1 hr ago: We have now officially set up outside love HQ, 2a charing Cross Road. Everyone please come on down and invite any homeless people you see for free food and clothes

2 hrs ago: Due to a lack of cooking facilities we will be incapable of serving warm food despite having a lot of raw ingredients. [Read More]

London: Love Activists Press Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: The Thin Scrooge Line — How police, bailiffs, the high court and a mysterious shell company conspired to steal Christmas Dinner from the homeless.

--- PRESS RELEASE on behalf of autonomous solidarity for Love Activists, London. BEGINS ---

‘Twas the night before Christmas, in the High Court of the land,
Where Justice was guided by the invisible hand…
While some with full bellies were nestled in bed;
The homeless and hungry had hopes to be fed….

[Read More]

Charing Cross, London: Love Activists Christmas project evicted by bailiffs with injunction

Updates from Love Activists facebook page (from 12:30pm), see video from Occupy London:

5o mins: Police are threatening to seize residents’ belongings if they do not leave the premises
1 hr: Police Are intimidating residents and dragging them out,
1 hr : Come make as much noise as possible, police have taped off the street as bailiffs illegally evict love activists from 2a charring cross road
1 hr: HELP!! We are being illegally evicted!
2 hrs: Baliffs have forced entry and are illegally evicted the squat as we speak. They can not produce any paperwork or identification. Please help if you can! 1a charing cross road, london [Read More]

Bedford: The Phoenix pub evicted with new ASBO order after weekend rave

Police have evicted a group of squatters from a derelict pub in Bedford after they held a rave there earlier this month.

Bedfordshire Police were granted a three month closure order on the empty building, formerly the Phoenix pub in St Johns Street, Bedford.

This follows a rave event on Saturday, December 13 which was closed down by police under the New Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2014. This had been organised by squatters who had recently taken over the empty building. [Read More]

Prague: Autonomous centre Klinika calls for support!

klinika_Jeseniova_60_praha_3As we already informed you in previous article, the squatted autonomous centre Klinika (situated in former clinic owned by state, now in decay and without any real plans how to revive it) in Prague was evicted on 9th of December, despite having support from neighbourhood, people from wider cultural scene and even from council of local municipality, Žižkov. The struggle continues and Klinika needs any kind of support more than before.

While there still were (and still are) some kind of negotiations going on between delegates from Klinika and various state and city organizations, a solidarity happening took place in Prague on Saturday 13th of December. Up to thousand people joined and walked through the neighbourhood in a possitive mood. After the march was finished in front of Klinika, a group of attendees occupied the house for a few minutes, but after they were persuaded by so-called “Anti-conflict team” of the police, they left without any force being used on them. However, the police used this issue as an excuse to displace people from public spaces around the house in quite a brutal way – the organizer of demo was beaten down for no obvious reason, people were pushed to fall down the hill, two ended up in hospital… [Read More]

Istanbul: Caferağa Mahalle Evi squatted community centre in Kadıköy evicted

On the 1st of December 2014 we were notified that Caferağa Solidarity’s Mahalle Evi – where we’ve been living since January 2014 – would be evicted on Friday the 5th of December, at 10am, due to an inquiry of the General Directorate of National Property (Real Estate/Milli Emlak), with the assignment of the district governorship and by execution of the police forces.

As soon as we heard this news, we tried our best to reach you through all means of communication. We used social media, email, phone calls as well as posters, banners, videos and texts. We called for a solidarity gathering with the squatted community centre on the 5th of December, at 9am. [Read More]

Spain: Cops arrest 11, raid anarchist Social Centres. 16+ solidarity demos already

 [Barcelona-Madrid] Operation of the High Court against the Catalan and Spanish libertarian movement  (in Catalan below) pre riot strolling#OperacionPandora to criminalise anarchist social movements.

b49amiliiaax_3t.jpg-large_0    [Barcelona-Madrid] #OperacionPandora by the neo fascist PP controlled High Court against the Catalan and Spanish libertarian movement

[Read More]

Rio de Janeiro (Brazil): International call for actions in solidarity with the World Cup prisioners. The trials begin on the 16th December.

On July 12, the day before the World Cup final match, the Police of Rio de Janeiro arrested 19 activists, aiming at disintegrating the big protest scheduled for the final’s day, on the grounds that they would have taken part in “violent” acts in riots last year and they would be planning other actions in the final manifestation of the World Cup. In total 23 search warrants and arrest and temporary detention were met against people accused of participating in social movements, the mandates were 5 days of probation, four people managed to escape the police kidnapping.

[Read More]

London: Grow Heathrow shows solidarity with Hambacher Forest in Germany

201412_London_Grow_Heathrow_shows_solidarity_with_Hambacher_Forest_in_GermanyResponding to a recent call out, Grow Heathrow sent wishes of solidarity to Hambacher Forest on Thursday.

Hambacher Forest is a camp comprising four occupations in the Rhineland of Germany, which is protesting against the expansion of one of the largest opencast brown coal mines. The mine is a disaster, not only in terms of the impact on the climate from this dirty fossil fuel, but also for the local residents of the nearby villages that would be destroyed to make way for the mine’s expansion. In addition the natural ecosystem would be totally devastated.

In recent weeks activists in Hambacher Forest have been carrying out a number of actions against the felling of this ancient forest. There have been a number of arrests and one of the tree-occupations was evicted at the beginning of December. [Read More]

Zürich: Reclaim The Streets!

Tonight (12.12.2014) this city should live again. We took the streets with music and good vibrations to put down a marker against the ongoing gentrification. This upgrading of our city provokes, that liveliness, sociability, clearances and unconventional cultural projects are being lost in entire districts.

Desolate concrete-jungles like Google-Quarter, Europaallee, Zurich west or PJZ reveal the utterly significance of money and wealth whereas own ways of composing our lives, alternative projects as Binz and Labitzke-Areal are being destroyed and banned.

Tonights action should motivate you to get active. We don’t want to leave our city to freeholders, to money, to capitalists or public-private-partnership-nations or any other oppressing authorities!
Origin and permit of residence, wealth and obedience mustn’t matter to whom can live in this or any other place in the world! [Read More]

Prague: Klinika, another city is possible!

20141212_Prague_Klinika_demoIf you have ever visited Prague, you may have spent time in the district of Žižkov. It is well known for being one of the foremost centers for alternative culture in the country. So you would think that a neighborhood with such an important role would be a place thriving with unrestricted art movements and an anything-goes cultural norm. Unfortunately, that is not the current situation in modern day Žižkov. This can be seen no better than in the current situation of the Autonomous Social Centre KLIniKA.

Klinika was established in the beginning of December when a group of activists occupied an old clinical center and decided to change it into something what we still miss in Praha. With a very nicely formulated project they wanted to build an independent social – cultural center based on autonomous principals. The autonomous centre could have the power to create from a devestated clinic a successful, publically beneficial project. Unfortunately, as usual, state authorities with fear and prejudices, dealt with it through no dialogue but with repression. After 10 days Klinika was evicted by the riot police. Moreover, the facts which now we learn lead to the conclusion, that the police have got much more influence than we first expected. [Read More]