Hebden Bridge, UK: Squatters win


We appeared infront of a judge in Bradford County Court today, which was more that could be said for Royds Ices, alleged landlords of the building. They recieved our defence, and then refused to stop hiding in their consultation room. Complete no shows.

See you next time Royd’s (if you can be arsed).
For now, Disinfo still stands.

Cheers for your support x

Hebden Bridge, UK: Update from Disinfo social centre

As some of you may already know, we have recently received eviction papers, and will be appearing in Bradford County Court this Thursday morning at 10.30am to defend Disinfo against the landlords who are filing for a possession order.
Our time in the building is limited, and your support is vital in every way possible.
Court support, using the space as much as possible, and any financial contributions are very welcome at this time.
We will always resist, and we remain committed to providing an autonomous community space for as long as we occupy this building.
Our open mic is tomorrow (Tuesday 27th), and could well be our last. It’d be great to see as many of you there as possible.
Feel free to message us for more details on how to help us out at court.
Let’s have it. Hebden is stronger together.
Disinfo x

NL: Call for solidarity from Rotterdam!

We are ANGRY as FUCK

The new squatting laws make it possible to evict within THREE DAYS>>>

a squat where we peacefully lived in for over a year, without causing ANY trouble, FIXING the LEAKS in the house, REMOVING the TOXIC FUNGI, building the Rythms of Resistance drum band community, hosting events with Cultural Workers Unite, the Union of precarious housing and more- even getting funding from the government to grow a cute little fucking facade garden- our RIGHT to housing is being IGNORED.

We are supposed to be able to gather our stuff in THREE DAYS. THEY CAN KICK US OUT IN THREE DAYS. THREE FUCKING DAYS. HELP US by coming to our party on tuesday night or COME TO OUR COURTCASE THIS WEDNESDAY 10 AM at the Rotterdam court (close to wilhelminaplein) to show your support!!!!!

Love BUT MOSTLY RAGE, the inhabitants of WAALHAVEN NZ 1

UK: Stop HS2 news – Jellytot imprisoned

We are appalled that today our JellyTot has been sentenced to 268 days in prison for breach of a HS2 injunction.

The alleged breach was the 47 day occupation of a tunnel under Bluebell Woods Protection camp in Staffordshire – an occupation that was to protect the forest from needless destruction by HS2.

Many of you will know JellyTot, who has been campaigning tirelessly against HS2 since 2019.

Whilst we applaud JellyTot for his selfless acts and for standing up against the ecodical, corporate machine that is HS2, the Judiciary has once again acted to protect and defend the interests of private companies, as they continue to destroy life on earth.

With this news, we ask anyone who can to donate to this fundraiser that is providing vital support to those imprisoned by HS2.

These funds have been vital in preparing JellyTot for prison, and making sure he was well supported in court. Further funds will go directly towards supporting JellyTot inside – including paying for commissary, phone calls and emails.

We will continue to support and stand in solidarity with JellyTot and will let you know how you can get in touch with him soon.

Activists Against HS2 Prisoner Support Fund– This fund has been set up to support Anti-HS2 Activists who HS2 are trying to send to prison.

Ljubljana: statement from the Anarchist Initiative in support of the new autonomous center PLAC

It gives us great joy to welcome the establishment of a new autonomous space PLAC in Ljubljana that started today with the communal-political occupation of the empty, derelict, and publicly-owned building on Linhart Street!

We see this occupation as a protest against the existing social order and as a concrete answer to the daily worsening of social circumstances and problems such an order creates.
Occupation is a political act of emancipation and direct action that addresses important social issues, pertaining to all of us and our collective futures. The housing crisis, high rent, and lack of non-commercial spaces for creativity and action are but a few of these issues. Indirectly, it also addresses rampant corruption, social inequality, and the distribution of the Commonwealth. The newly occupied publicly-owned building, that is managed by the DUTB (‘bad bank’ organization) quite literally represents the money we all paid for the great bank bailout of 2012. Back then, the name of the game was a shameless transfer of wealth from the have-nots to the haves. With this occupation, we are returning a small part of that stolen money to the people for communal use. [Read More]

Ljubljana: PLAC, new autonomous zone squatted

Last Saturday, a new autonomous zone was established in Ljubljana, called the Participatory Ljubljana Autonomous Zone (PLAC). The squat is located at 43 Linhartova Street, behind Bežigrad.

Around 13:00 on Saturday 3rd september, around 100 people entered the abandoned building of the former canteen of the Ljubljana Road Company at 43 Linhartova Street and declared the occupied building an autonomous zone. They wrote that they had created “a space for all those who have been sidelined by the socio-political order and deprived of the infrastructure for their cultural and political participation and the realization of their aspirations”. In the hours following the occupation of the empty building, the premises and the surrounding area were cleaned up. [Read More]

Amsterdam: Wijde Heisteeg 7 call out

On the 9th January 2016 a squatting action took place in the center of Amsterdam. WH7 Wijde Heisteeg 7, a 6 story building in a pretty bad shape. This action was done for two reasons, the presentation of the squatting manual and as a living/social space.
The building was chosen for being a famous example of emptiness for speculation. It is owned by P. W. Hagedoorn, A well know speculator from the city who was also involved with the Spinhuis eviction.
The house was previously squatted in 2007 till 2011. Then was evicted to remain empty for five more years till it was squatted again.
The project hosted numerous people as well a social space with a free shop and different activities. It also worked together with the neighbours and Vereniging Vrienden van de Amsterdamse Binnenstad to fight against the owner and his new project. He wanted to make a renovation that was met with opposition of both groups for different reasons. [Read More]

Poznan: Eviction of Rozbrat is approaching. Demonstration on september 10th.

After years of fighting for preservation of Rozbrat, the most critical moment in almost thirty years of history of this place is coming. A court hearing will be held on September 15th, at which a final judgment is to be issued, giving a green light to the eviction of Rozbrat.

Practically, this means throwing out over twenty inhabitants, as well as a number of socio-political, cultural and environmental initiatives gathering hundreds of people. It is also a real threat to a part of the West Greenery Wedge, which is effectively protected against construction development by Rozbrat.

Although a threat has been hanging over us for many years, the culmination of which is expected in September, Rozbrat tirelessly continues its activities. We do not stop to oppose the neoliberal and anti-social policy of the Poznań authorities, which represent interests of business at the expense of needs of the majority of the city’s residents. [Read More]

Rotterdam: No Border Camp 2022 has started

Week of actions and workshops against repressive border and migration policies

Rotterdam, 8 August 2022 – At 10 am this morning the No Border Camp 2022 has started at the Giessenweg 25 in Rotterdam. Over the coming week, hundreds of international activists will gather for actions, meetings, workshops, discussion and culture in the context of the struggle for a world without borders and freedom of movement for all. The international ‘Abolish Frontex’ campaign is an important spearhead of the camp.

The camp, including its actions and workshops, will call attention to the repressive and militarised Dutch and EU border and migration policies, at a time they reach new heights with walls, racism, violence and pushbacks at and beyond the borders. ‘The No Border Camp will bring people together to build a movement to resist the appalling, racist European border policies and take action against its profiteers, such as arms companies ‘, according to Noah of the organisation of the camp. [Read More]

Amsterdam: Mokum Kraakt starts fundraising for comrades arrested during Hotel Mokum eviction!

We are Mokum Krrraakt, a squatting collective regrouping Hotel Mokum, Kinderen van Mokum, and other squatters.

We are currently located at Nicole (Kinkerstraat 304). We house people and organize nonprofit, open and free cultural and political events to fight against the growing monoculture of the city. We squat as a protest against violently incompetent urban housing and planning policy, against gentrification, and against the unaffordability of the city.

On the 26th of November 2021, Hotel Mokum on Marnixstraat was evicted. During the eviction, several people were arrested for peacefully demonstrating, some of them violently. For their solidarity with Hotel Mokum and the squatting movement, they were violently arrested and threatened with fines and court cases.

We want to support these people by covering their juridical costs. But we can’t do this alone. The little income we generate goes to cleaning and rebuilding Nicole, where we organize free events. That’s why we’re organizing this fundraiser, and we need your help! [Read More]

Groningen: Kraaienest lives!

Groningen (Netherlands) – Kraaienest squat in Groningen lost the appeal and had to be out within three days. A quick end to a six-month period that was more than worth it. But we’ve only started.
Kraaienest at the Spilsluizen in Groningen has been evicted. On Tuesday morning, 5 July 2022, the verdict of the Arnhem-Leeuwarden Court in the appeal proceedings was announced. We had to leave within three days with the threat of a fine of 10,000 euros for every day we stayed (plus 4500 euros in legal costs). The reason was that Stichting Valquest had sold the property to the real estate company LMJD B.V. before we came to live there, even though the real estate company had not yet explicitly announced its concrete plans. He wanted to start renovating immediately, so that “there would be no more actual vacancy”. When we won the preliminary relief proceedings in January, the court in preliminary relief proceedings found that there was no urgent interest to evict, and that our living interests temporarily outweighed ours. Now a ruling has been given against this decision. What interests are we talking about? The only interest for the real estate speculators like Joshua Camera and all those other capitalists who would have a vested interest in this is to make money that they already have enough. That is not an interest, that is profiting on the backs of others. Our interests are our lives and the struggle for justice. This capitalist logic of property has almost put us on the street. We already knew that the courts protect private property, so we are not surprised. It does not make us any less angry. [Read More]

Amsterdam: demonstration against gentrification

Call out by the Radikale Anti Anti Kraak (R.A.A.K.) for a demonstration against gentrification on saturday 9 July 2022, 16:00, at Marie Heinekenplein in Amsterdam.

Gentrification does not just happen. It is a direct result of state policies and the system we live in: large corporations see potential to make money off a neighbourhood, and the state creates space for them to do this. Social housing gets sold and becomes private housing, more expensive stores are opened, and soon the original residents realize that they cannot afford to live in their neighbourhood anymore. More and more people with low income, especially people of colour and migrants, are forced to move to the outskirts of the city, and wealthier people take their place. Public spaces are no longer public but only affordable for people with high income. Gentrification does not solve poverty, but creates it, while moving it out of sight from wealthier people and tourists.

On the 13th of June, we squatted an abandoned building owned by the municipality in the Pijp, one of the most gentrified neighbourhoods in Amsterdam. Besides housing people, we are creating a much needed space that does not revolve around money. We are providing a place for people to relax, drink coffee and tea, or enjoy free food, as well as a free shop for people to bring and collect clothes, and a place to do laundry for those who cannot afford to wash it somewhere else. We are taking direct action against gentrification, rather than waiting for the municipality to solve the problems that their own policies helped to create. [Read More]