Rotterdam: a house in the Pompenburg flat has been squatted

There are new squatters in town! A house in the Pompenburg flat has been squatted by the anarchist collective RATS. It’s squatted in solidarity with the inhabitants of the Pompenburg Flat who are fighting against the demolition of the building.

The building which is home to hundreds of residents in 226 social housing homes was announced to be demolished in 2019 (and residents only found out by the newspaper!) for a 250 meter high tower developed by RED Company in collaboration with social housing corporation Havensteder and gemeente Rotterdam. The building, which was originally not in the redevelopment plans for the Pompenburg area, was campaigned to be demolished by the municipality themselves despite over 80% of the residents against demolition. These plans also call for the eviction and destruction of communal gardens in Park Pompenburg and the various community projects based in Schieblock whom are dear friends of ours, for high rise towers of mostly luxury apartments.

We stand in solidarity with the residents organizing and fighting for the last three years against backroom deals to demolish their homes. Sloop ons niet! [Read More]

Hebden Bridge (UK): Final stretch for disinfo squat

Today concluded our month long legal battle with the alleged landlords, Royd’s Ices. We settled with 14 days from today until our eviction, and zero legal fees against us. This was the best result we could’ve possibly hoped for, considering having the case adjourned once before.
We’d like to thank all the people that turned up to support us, as well as district judge Alex Foster, who was incredibly sympathetic in his approach, and even expressed his personal distain for the housing crisis in Hebden Bridge, and praised the ‘honourable’ and ’noble’ project we’ve created!
During this 14 day period, we will try to run as many events as we can, starting with our open mic Tuesday (tomorrow) evening, and continuing until the very end.
Come eviction, we will have been squatting for 110 days, having built a wonderful community following, and having held an uncountable number of events, and considerably less windows 😉.
Landowners be warned, you best lock your doors. Disinfo will be back again x

London: Settling into area 51!

Monday and Tuesday have been spent tentatively awaiting first contact which still hasn’t happened and slowly but surely we’re setting up some basic infrastructure like a kitchen area and a tool area!

Before getting in here we made a compass for this place and sanctuary was one of the main ideas that it started pointing to. It’s hard to move at this slower pace and it often hard to move at this tempo, consciously slowing things down.
[Read More]

Berlin: One year since the eviction of Køpi-Platz

Today [october 15] marks one year since the eviction of Køpi-Platz. Until one year ago we lived in paradise, a community of individuals, without hierarchy and with the freedom for every unique character and personality to be themselves whilst living collectively, sharing this amazingly beautiful and truly special place that to us was home.

Since the eviction, Startezia almost immediately lost their building permit In spite of that in full shady landlord style, Nehls continues to dig pointlessly on the land that he’s not allowed to build or even dig on, as well as placing aggressive security on site, and still using our beautiful fence for their own protection!! Still it stands empty, with no building permit. We lost our home for NOTHING.
[Read More]

Amsterdam: Housing justice now! Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 302 squatted

Sunday 23 october, rolling out a giant banner, squatters’ collective Mokum Kraakt announced that it has squatted four days ago Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 302. House peace is set, preventing the police to immediately evict. Here their public statement:

The city is cracking at the seams. The housing crisis is far from over. On top of that the energy and inflation crises are causing daily life as such to be unaffordable. At the same time, real estate investors, landlords and speculators are being pampered while mass tourism and gentrification are wrecking the liveability of the city.

The people of Amsterdam are succumbing under capital’s dead weight. Mokum is succumbing under the lack of space for young people, working people, poor people, refugees and old people. Mokum is succumbing under the stranglehold of the rich and the proprietors and the slow suffocation of alternative culture.

But Mokum fights back. We no longer accept that our city is for the rich only. That the economic and commercial interests of real estate owners are unassailable. That we can no longer give shape to our own city, its culture, the way that we live. And that living space is wasted on vacancy and neglect when most Amsterdammers may soon not be able to afford their flats, their energy or their food. [Read More]

Paris: Ambassade des Immigrés squat evicted

This morning, Wednesday 19 September, at 4:30 am the Ambassade des Immigrés squat was evicted in violence. There were as many police officers as inhabitants.
Women, men, children, sick and handicapped people were awakened by the doors of their rooms being crushed by the CRS, police and gendarmes. While the people were being evicted, nearly fifteen cop trucks blocked Saulnier Street and the neighborhood. The inhabitants of the squat were not able to recover their belongings or the papers they kept in their rooms…
If we didn’t believe promises, there was no way to anticipate the violence, the repression and the illegality in which the inhabitants of the Ambassade des immigrés were evicted this morning.
The current emergency concerns 6 people who were rounded up when their names were on the list of people to be housed and who are currently being held in administrative detention. They are detained on rue de l’Aubrac at the police station specialized in the arrest of undocumented migrants. These 6 people risk being sent to the CRA (Centre de Rétention Administrative) and deported to Eritrea, Sudan and Mali.

We demand their immediate release without conditions! [Read More]

Amsterdam: Squatted hotel Rembrandt evicted

Squatted hotel Rembrandt was evicted on the 15th of October 2022. The eviction happened after only a few days of occupation. According to the court the building was unsafe to reside in. This decision was made in our absence, we were not given the ability to present evidence in our defense and no inspection had taken place.

Even though the biggest part of the building is safe to live in and the stripped part had been closed off, the court decided to evict without a hearing. We wonder if it has something to do with the extremely expensive lawyers of the owner?

The police came by on the 14th of October to announce that we would have to leave, our lawyer confirmed they made this decision and going into high appeal would not call off the eviction. They gave us 3 hours to pack our stuff.

Autonomous Student Struggle (A.S.S.) called for a demonstration in front of the building, to protest against this ridiculous verdict to protect the landlords of the city from homeless students.The police decided not to show themselves until the next morning when they evicted us with their special forces. Resistance ensued in the form of barricades, the occupants could escape before being captured. The owner hired private security to stand in front of the door for the rest of the day. [Read More]

Utrecht: squatted floors on the Oudegracht 106-108 illegally evicted

Utrecht (Netherlands) – Late Saturday evening the police nevertheless proceeded with an illegal eviction to protect the interests of the owner Caron Realestate & Management BV.

Earlier in the day, squatters had announced that they had been using the upper floors for several days.
In response, the police responded accordingly, and an officer of justice explained to the owner that a procedure will be initiated, that he could file a complain and have his arguments for a possible urgent case reviewed by the investigation judge.
This is a new procedure to get squatters out of a property faster that went into effect on July 1, 2022. [Read More]

Utrecht: neccesity breaks law

Squatted buildings in central Utrecht to celebrate 12 years of squatting ban

Utrecht (Netherlands) – On October 1, 2022, exactly 12 years after the Squatting and Vacancy Act (Wet Kraken en leegstand) came into effect, the office spaces above the Intersport on Oudegracht 106-108 were squatted. The squatters aim to demonstrate that squatting is still a legitimate option in addressing and combating the housing crisis and homelessness. Although the law is supposed to combat vacancy, vacancy rates have only increased since the squatting ban. At the same time, there is an unprecedented housing crisis, which means that people searching for a house are on waiting lists, miss out on houses because investors outbid them and, when they do manage to get a house, have to work their asses off to pay the rent. This while squatting and the squatting movement have been criminalized and persecuted. [Read More]

Hebden Bridge, UK: Squatters win


We appeared infront of a judge in Bradford County Court today, which was more that could be said for Royds Ices, alleged landlords of the building. They recieved our defence, and then refused to stop hiding in their consultation room. Complete no shows.

See you next time Royd’s (if you can be arsed).
For now, Disinfo still stands.

Cheers for your support x

Hebden Bridge, UK: Update from Disinfo social centre

As some of you may already know, we have recently received eviction papers, and will be appearing in Bradford County Court this Thursday morning at 10.30am to defend Disinfo against the landlords who are filing for a possession order.
Our time in the building is limited, and your support is vital in every way possible.
Court support, using the space as much as possible, and any financial contributions are very welcome at this time.
We will always resist, and we remain committed to providing an autonomous community space for as long as we occupy this building.
Our open mic is tomorrow (Tuesday 27th), and could well be our last. It’d be great to see as many of you there as possible.
Feel free to message us for more details on how to help us out at court.
Let’s have it. Hebden is stronger together.
Disinfo x

NL: Call for solidarity from Rotterdam!

We are ANGRY as FUCK

The new squatting laws make it possible to evict within THREE DAYS>>>

a squat where we peacefully lived in for over a year, without causing ANY trouble, FIXING the LEAKS in the house, REMOVING the TOXIC FUNGI, building the Rythms of Resistance drum band community, hosting events with Cultural Workers Unite, the Union of precarious housing and more- even getting funding from the government to grow a cute little fucking facade garden- our RIGHT to housing is being IGNORED.

We are supposed to be able to gather our stuff in THREE DAYS. THEY CAN KICK US OUT IN THREE DAYS. THREE FUCKING DAYS. HELP US by coming to our party on tuesday night or COME TO OUR COURTCASE THIS WEDNESDAY 10 AM at the Rotterdam court (close to wilhelminaplein) to show your support!!!!!

Love BUT MOSTLY RAGE, the inhabitants of WAALHAVEN NZ 1