Bailiffs, in almost identical uniform as cops, illegally smashed into Parker Street squat and evicted us yesterday. We had previously managed to defended our selves from security thugs who were trying to force entry and deny access to the building. We had held our own and reclaimed access after a scuffle. Cops were called (not by us) and eventually one bailiff was arrested after assaulting a comrade. However, the cops were more than happy to allow the security thugs to hide their identification even though this is against the law and the legislation was spelled out clearly for them. We thought cops were good at following orders!? During this commotion the wanna be cops bailiffs smashed down doors around the back of the building and illegally stole the building from us. Parker Street building has been restored to an empty building, aka a dust collector. To add insult to injury the bailiffs stole some of our possessions. Our Neal Street, Covent Garden squat was also evicted, earlier in the morning, and the cops arrested one of our SHA comrades, on false charges, resulting in another empty dust collecting building. An addition two SHA comrades were arrested that night, again on false charges, and have now been released as has the former arrestee. [Read More]
Nijmegen (NL): Critical Cafe opens
On the morning of April 30 the New University Nijmegen opened the critical café Terecht! at Radboud University. This space will be a place where students, teachers and support staff can come together and discuss the role of the university. The New University Nijmegen is a movement proposing for an open, critical university for everyone. It is part of a broader national and international movement of students and teachers. With the opening of Terecht! we hope to make a contribution to the recent debate about the place of the university in society.
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Amsterdam: Students occupy building then leave
Today [April30], on the day before International Workers’ Day, we occupied the Service and Information Centre of the University of Amsterdam to demand attention for the exploitation and precarity of workers within the university, and outside of it.
In a phone call with the temporary head of the board Dymph van den Boom, we confronted her with questions concerning the insecurity and pressure under which workers are forced to produce and transfer knowledge in the neoliberal university.
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USA: Anti-gentrfication direct action in Philadelphia and Oregon
Sabotage of OCF Gentrification in South Philly – April 28th
We wrecked the locks and windows of two empty OCF Realty properties near 20th and Reed in South Philadelphia. We did this because we are tired of living in a system that constructs houses for the rich, while poor and working class people get nothing but more police, more jails, more budget-cuts, more misery. Following the lead of the rebels of Ferguson and Baltimore, this is our small way of fighting back: causing economic damage to the property and capital of the rich. These tactics are not only possible, they are practical. We hope others join us in carrying out more actions over time.
The Radical Action Network [Read More]
Amsterdam: ADM, Property speculators want to run off with public money
The ADM is the last big cultural freehaven in Amsterdam, Netherlands and perhaps Europe. An organically grown village in the Western Harbor where 130 creative people have been living and working for over 18 years. They have now been summoned by the owners to leave the premises. The owners presented vague plans, which may cause a vast financial loss for the municipality.
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Liverpool (UK): Occupiers of Bank of England building turned homeless shelter make demands
We make this document a Statement of Intent regarding the old Bank of England building on Castle Street, Liverpool. The intentions are as follows to feed, cloth and help all those who seek it and for the local community to help resource this project.
We intend to use this building for the community, to inspire a feeling of community, which is lacking.
We do this in direct response to a local council and government who are lacking in their efforts to help those in need and in fact, the local Council and government seem intent on making matters worse for the people by putting more and more austerity measures in place.
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Forest of Dean (UK): Yorkley Fort Action Camp 1st – 10th May
The Land Is Yours.. What’s it worth to you?
For those currently occupying Yorkley Court Community Farm in the Forest of Dean, it is their life blood, it is their home, it is where they get their water, where they get their fuel for cooking and warmth, it’s where they grow food and forage from natures bounty, it is where they meet each other and do tasks together, it’s where they learn from one another and it’s where they celebrate and laugh together.
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Warsaw/World: Antifrontex days 19-22 may, 2015
On May, 21st, 2015 the crème de la crème of European racism will gather in Warsaw, Poland, to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the creation of one of the most influential meta-organisations that guards assets of the Fortress Europe. The organization, not widely known, until recently standing in the shadows, is a hybrid of border police and intelligence service, as well as aggressive promoter of anti-migrant policy. Frontex (from french Frontieres exterieurs), being discussed here, is the executive body of EU (anti)migration policy – enjoys autonomy in decision-making (for EU foreign policy), and has a yearly growing budget, which is not accounted. Budget, used to finance futuristic projects, straight from distopia, like an automatic system of land drones, known as TALOS project, carried out in cooperation that included Warsaw University of Technology, Israeli Aerospace Industries and a lot of other military corporations.The trust also allows them to conduct their own foreign policy on migration – dealing with the neighboring dictatorships (Belarus, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria), sponsoring and organizing repression against refugees in a secure buffer zone, which blurs responsibility. As a result, the border of Europe moves farther away from the ‘old continent’, helping to hide the effects of this policy in the eyes of Europeans. Sponsored camps in the countries of the global south and ruthless anti-human migration policy of the EU countries result in real victims – tens of thousands of people drown, starve, are left at sea or desert, or are directly shot – every year more than at the Berlin wall in the entire time of its existence.
Meuse, France: Anti-nuclear camp in Bure this summer – August 1st-10th
We have 10 days to bury ANDRA!
The management of nuclear waste hasn’t and never will have a solution. It will always be there, whether 500 metres underground here at Bure, like elsewhere. The urgency is not about their management, but to stop their production. If the atomic industry and the state wish to bury the problem as fast as possible, it’s surely to continue to produce it. We are opposed to the destruction of our living places, in the Meuse as elsewhere, as well as the continuation of the nuclear industry at any time.
We propose for you to meet with us in Bure, between the 1st and 10th August, 2015, to take the time together to amplify the concrete opposition to CIGEO and its world. [Read More]
Katowice (Poland): European Economical Congress means full hotels and empty houses
Last night in early morning hours [April 20th, 2015], police raided a house squatted by activists in Mariacka street, Katowice. The police used rubber bullets, smoke, and stunning granades. 21 people were beaten up and arrested (at least 3 people were taken to hospital). The poeple immediately started a hunger strike against their detention. According to the police, the people are accused of breaching domestic peace (in an empty building!). Solidarity picket took place at 13:00 in front of the cop station at Lompy 19, Katowice. In Poznan at 14:00 there was a solidarity picket in front of the Regional Police station, Kochanowskiego 2a. [Read More]
London: Mass Action against property developers
Tenant evictions at record levels in England and Wales – London worst hit Worst shortage of affordable housing in history – Rough sleeping in London more than doubled over six years
The Property Awards are to be held on the 21st April at the Grosvenor Hotel in London. This is a callout to everyone who believes that property developers should not be congratulating each other for the profits they have made on the back of mass gentrification in London.
“The Awards will celebrate and reward excellence in 19 categories to the individuals and companies who have significantly impacted the property market in the past. The Property Awards are the UK’s leading and most prestigious annual Awards dedicated to the property industry.”
London is en route to becoming a playground for the rich elite – a process expedited by property developers. Assessing every possible opportunity for expensive, luxury flats to be built, property developers are buying up social and private housing and commercial spaces at all costs, to ensure considerable profit can be made. The social cost of this process is that poor, disadvantaged and vulnerable people/groups are being evicted, made homeless and/or are relocated, and important community spaces are disappearing. [Read More]
Leeds (UK): Call out for antieviction support for Leeds Community Project (LCP)
The Leeds Community Project has occupied experimental gardens owned by Leeds University and due to be sold for private investment and housing