Berlin: Update on the International Call for Action and Discussion Days

International Call for Action and Discussion Days in Berlin 30.10.-01.11.2020
United We Fight! Connect Urban Struggles – Defend Autonomous Spaces

As Interkiezionale we keep up our 9 September call to the international action and discussion days of 30.10.-01.11.2020! We would like to inform you briefly about the current status of the preparations.

The spread of the Corona Pandemic, especially in a cold autumn like this one, and the governmental measures and regulations that accompany it, present us with new challenges. Clearly, we must and want to take care of each other and not endanger our health. At the same time, we see it as a necessity and not an arbitrary voluntary decision to continue our struggles in urban areas and, accordingly, to discuss and come together. [Read More]

Berlin: Demo KØPI & Wagenplatz bleibt

Whoever buys Køpi, buys troubles!

Køpi and Wagenplatz have been under threat on numerous occasions and recently the Wagenplatz received some news that has reminded us just how at risk we are. We are also aware that we are not the only place currently endangered.

The list of evicted projects will continue to grow if we don’t continue to fight back. With the very recent eviction of Syndikat, a space not only vital for our community but a beloved neighborhood fixture for 35 years, the threat looms larger. None of us are safe from the ugly profiteering of landlords backed up by cops and officials as vicious enforcers of their well-oiled machine. These bullies have and will use any means necessary to silence us. We have been witnesses to and victims of robocops beating down and pepper-spraying unarmed protesters with increasing violence.

In the last year alone, these are the projects that have either already been evicted or are still fighting against it:
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Berlin: Whoever buys Köpi buys trouble…

Berlin is number one nationwide, when it comes to the rapid increase in real estate value. This is what the latest “Global Residential Cities Index” reveals. Therefore it is no surprise that after a few years of relative peace, the Köpi has once again become desirable to investors for its huge profit potential. This time the owner is “going big” and is offering Köpi and the adjacent trailer park as part of an almost 100 million Euro heavy real estate package. During times of casino capitalism and zero-rate policy, it comes as no surprise that there are already several prospective customers interested in this package… [Read More]

Berlin: 20years old birthday for the Koepi!

Koepi is gonna get 20y. old in a few days!

here is the party-programm, from 24th to 28th februray 2010, in german. It’ll be mostly concerts, and some movies and vegan meals as well:

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Berlin: Victory for Køpi !

10.March 2008 | KØPI Update…

After the auction in March 2007, and the following cancellations of the house contracts, the future of Køpi was unclear. But since then, the situation has changed in some concrete ways – therefore this update.

It came to long and hard negotiatons with the new owner of the house to secure the Køpi as a living and cultural project.

The first priority in the negotiations was the idea to bring the whole of the Køpi complex, for an extended length of time, under self-management (eg. in the form of a contract that is continueously passed on i.e. that is linked to the project and not specific people so that it has no ending). We wanted to keep the Køpi for as long as possible out of the capitalist economy.

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Berlin: One Struggle – One Fight (December 8th 2007)

Police arrested 60 activists at random in a chaotic night for the Berlin police. The demo, 1000 strong, was somewhat delayed by the huge police presence and was at a quick pace before the police surrounded the demo claiming that bottles and paint bombs were thrown at them.

The police then randomly attacked demonstrators with fists, boots, night sticks and pepper spray whilst slowly allowing small groups to leave, in the mean time around ten yuppie cars burnt.

Later in the night there were several squatting actions around the city.

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Berlin: Again an auction of Koepi squat

After the first attempt to auction the Koepi did not succeed in february, because nobody wanted to by it, the Koepi will be again put up for public sale on november 2nd.

In february the Commerzbank made a first attempt to sell the building. The building is owned by Petersen and Partner, who went bankrupt. At the first auction the Commerzbank wanted to sell the building for 5,4 million DM. The eviction costs were already calculated on 100.000 DM. A succesfull auction would probably end in an eviction.

Actions of the Squatters and a big demonstration on 13 february with nearly 2000 people frightened of potential buyers of the house.

The next attempt to sell the house will be on tuesday, november 2nd, in the courthouse at Littenstrasse 12-17, room 152 at 10 AM.

Expropriate the Commerzbank – Defend free spaces!

Lotta continua – Køpi forever
